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Plans for 8th Megathread

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I just hope that, whenever we do see new noise marine models, the designers have the vision and the courage to return them to their rocker roots with sonic weapons in the form of actual instruments - electric guitars for infantry, elaborate pipe organs for vehicles, characters screaming into microphones and so on, instead of the abject cowardice that led to the current, unrelentingly boring sonic weapon designs, completely indistinguishable from any other generic sci-fi guns.


As i have the idea of a Slaanesh CSM Force for 8th myself i plan to convert my Noise Marines by myself.

And 3th party bits seller can help you:





Personly im going to use this as a base for a more Kakophony look:



Already got the Spellcrow guitars together with some metal looking heads and the noise marine pauldrons. It looks awesome but I'm very sure that GW could make a much much better job with their technological capabilities.....and the old CSM kit really doesn't help either (even tho I love the CSM backpacks compared to loyalist ones :P ).

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Changing the topic, what do you think about the new Lucius? I'm little bit disappointed with him in this edition as well. He's got the point reduction but the elimination of rock'n rolling doom siren (which accounted for most of his dealing in the 7th) hit him hard IMO. Most importantly, he has neither jump pack nor termi armor, making him inferior to a generic HQ who can now deepstriking charge.


I really like him but cannot find his superiority to other HQs...any ideas?

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I actually like his new rules. The Doom Siren nerf is more than sad but nothing we can do about it.

However I always liked Fabius Bile better....too bad he isn't even Slaanesh so I won't be able to use him in a Slaanesh army (once there are actual benefits to it) but would have to make it a generic Chaos or Heretic Astartes army. dry.png

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I actually like his new rules. The Doom Siren nerf is more than sad but nothing we can do about it.

However I always liked Fabius Bile better....too bad he isn't even Slaanesh so I won't be able to use him in a Slaanesh army (once there are actual benefits to it) but would have to make it a generic Chaos or Heretic Astartes army. dry.png

Dr. Bile has always been an interesting character msn-wink.gif

Is his 'biopsychicchemicalsomething doping' rule applied to only one unit in this ed?

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I actually like his new rules. The Doom Siren nerf is more than sad but nothing we can do about it.

However I always liked Fabius Bile better....too bad he isn't even Slaanesh so I won't be able to use him in a Slaanesh army (once there are actual benefits to it) but would have to make it a generic Chaos or Heretic Astartes army. dry.png

Dr. Bile has always been an interesting character msn-wink.gif

Is his 'biopsychicchemicalsomething doping' rule applied to only one unit in this ed?


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Nope. It's just that instead of paying extra and doing so many units before hand, he instead modifies them one per movement phase, in the game. Which is a little weird if you think about it.


"We're taking fire!"


"Oh just hold your carapaces, I've almost put him back together and then you can go play with everybody else."

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I really like him but cannot find his superiority to other HQs...any ideas?



Best think on this new 40k is, imo, the "patchnote & FAQ" based on gamers opinions. So if we say the Doom Siren isn't worth the point maybee GW will look at it and change that. Meanwhile we can have fun putting blastmaster on Berzerkers ***holes in close combat. 


I'm not sure a deepstriking lord is the way to go. HQ choose seems to rely more on their Aura than on pure stat. So you want your lord to be with all they fellow Heretic Astartes (and for your Termi squad, maybee a sorcerer in TDA).


A Chaos lord with power sword is 78points ; Lucius is 115. 

For 37 points you get a Doom siren (meeh), 1 more attack (3 more against a Character), the Lash of Tourment (slightly better than a bolt pistol).


For me it's not worth the point. Lucius need a 4+ Invu save (only Chaos lord with only 5+) and a little spice in Combat (like -1 to hit for enemy units in Fight phase) or get down at 100 point.


Hoping Chaos Codex will put some power back in this model. 


I might try him in a rhino full of Power sword Chosen, but i doubt it will be worth it over a regular Slaanesh lord. 

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Lucius does have a master-crafted sword though, which doubles his damage output and allows him to 1-hit terminators and such. Seeing as regular Lords can't access that, that's at least worth something. Also, you missed his Armor of Shrieking Souls ability which allows him to cause mortal wounds in close combat (a pretty rare thing.)

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Yeah he looks pretty decent to kill other characters now.

He causes about 1.5 wounds after saves on loyalists (without any fancy 3+ invul). So either 2 or 4 damage go through. And then his Armour of Shrieking Souls having a 1/6 chance to inflict a mortal wound as well.

His Lash is basically a better Bolt Pistol as well.


It's no mindblowing character but decent.

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