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Brimstone Bubble Wrap

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Well, let's hear it- Brimstone Bubble Wrap 4 Cheap to protect our characters from teleport/ambush chargers yea or nay?


Since I will be running Fateweaver as well as Ahriman, it's a no brainer to include them.. Might try to take them as part of the Outriders Detachment.. If not, Patrol it is. 


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Based on the information in the leak, Brimstones should die slightly faster than pinks for 1/5th the cost due to successful smites you do. I do believe they are going to be a great bubblewrap.  I plan on testing this tonight and will update!

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depends on the list. 


I am thinking of using my fellblade (waiting for leaks from forgeworld). I can see myself using keyword "tzeentch", sticking 3 units of brims around it to prevent turn 1 strikes, and 1/2 units of tsons for ranged close support. I need to wait for the list to drop first, but at this point thats the idea. already playing with lists for doing similar with magnus but until a new book comes out for tsons i imagine the fellblade to be stronger and more reliable 

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