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forge world index - chaos is back, and better than before

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I saw the contents and straight away I'm going "I'll get that one and that one, oh! And that one." This is probably one of the best things about 8th for me. I'm trying to keep a theme with my Iron warriors of them still staying how they were as a legion force but with some chaos slipping through. Having the option to take heresy era vehicles is going to make that a lot easier to stay true to. 

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Holy :cuss, finally, questoris Knights for chaos! MASTODONS!


I've never preordered from FW before. Do they ship things so they arrive around release date, or do they ship things on the release date?




So glad I didn't impulsively buy the hard copy:


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Heh I'll probably need another two Derederoes for my force luckily using forgefiend weapons work wonders to help chaosify them :D

Pretty cool daemons get pox riders and plague toads as well as all the Heresy daemons :D god imagine what the greater blight Drone is like

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Falchion, porphyrian, venator, Deredeo, leviathan and other Fw knights. This is the book I was waiting for. New rules for blood slaughterers, plague hulk, zuphor. Leaks for this book can't come soon enough.
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The Ferrum Infernus Dread and its Sonic Dread variant are gone. Guess that means those minis aren't coming back.

The Hell Blade and the Plague Hulk on the other hand are still in the book, so they might return.

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From the chaos index and FW book it does seem that the chaos knights are gone. Maybe when we gets legion specific books their will be additions and marks back to them.
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