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forge world index - chaos is back, and better than before

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I wouldn't be too worried. The dreadclaw is gone too. No way that won't be back.


dreadclaw is in the new book

The hell blade is in the new book too. Really, I have no idea where people are getting the idea it isn't. It's right there in the table of contents. As to the dreadclaw being there, that's weird; when I looked earlier I couldn't find it.

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I'm going to have to wait until 17th June until I can order this.  But I'm really happy & looking forward adding more new units, been wanting to add a Leviathan Dreadnought to my Iron Warriors for the past two years & same with the Deredeo Dreadnought since it release.


Really interested to see how the Dreadclaw turn out.

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Hey guys ! Quick question there, hope you can help !


I get confused because of the faction and the keywords when it comes to the Named Legions and the change of battlefield roles, when making a battleforged army...


So, for all currently released detachments, all units must be from the same faction AND we know that any keyword works in the datasheet to select a faction.


Let's forget common sense and army building for the moment, for the example below.


Technically, if I pick Tzeentch as a faction, I can select :

- Abaddon as HQ

- Thousand Sons Rubric Marines x 3 as Troops

- Flamers of Tzeench


Not that it necessarily makes sense from a fluff/army synergy standpoint, as Abbadon's rerolls won't apply :P


Alternatively, I can have Black Legion Rubric Marines, but as elites.


Did I get it correctly? 

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Technically, if I pick Tzeentch as a faction, I can select :

- Abaddon as HQ

- Thousand Sons Rubric Marines x 3 as Troops

- Flamers of Tzeench

Abaddon benefits all Heretic Astartes units with Mark of Chaos Ascendant.


Lord of the Black Legion only affects <Black Legion>


So Rubric marines with <Thousand Sons> would be troops with have the bonus from Abaddon. Rubric marines <Black Legion> would elites but benefit from both bonuses.


So for now, i believe you can mix and match <Legion> but I haven't seen anything that explicitly prevents that but don't count on it when the actual codex is published.

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We don't have a timeline for release. Realistically, it seems likely that both Primaris/Space Marines and Death Guard will be first off the rank, within a few months of 8th going live. I'm hoping we get DG first, but I expect us to have a to wait a few months more. As for a main CSM book...no idea.

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I might finally be able to run my GBS, and aside from loosing a stomp equivalent, it looks like it's been buffed (especially in the shooting phase).


I little bit disappointed that the Mhara Gal dreadnought didn't get ported over to 40k as well, but I can still run it as a 'normal' contemptor or even a Decimator.

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I wouldn't be too worried. The dreadclaw is gone too. No way that won't be back.

dreadclaw is in the new book

The hell blade is in the new book too. Really, I have no idea where people are getting the idea it isn't. It's right there in the table of contents. As to the dreadclaw being there, that's weird; when I looked earlier I couldn't find it.



Hellblade isn't on FW site anymore. That's what i'm talking about 

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I might finally be able to run my GBS, and aside from loosing a stomp equivalent, it looks like it's been buffed (especially in the shooting phase).


I little bit disappointed that the Mhara Gal dreadnought didn't get ported over to 40k as well, but I can still run it as a 'normal' contemptor or even a Decimator.


Definitely seems a good decimator, unless the hellfroged contemptor can be possessed/given a mark ... which it probably can :D 

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