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I was just wondering if anyone knew if the AoS miniatures for Khorne models was the same scale as the 40k khorne berzerkers.


Anyone know?


I'm thinking of starting up a melee focused khorne army and was contemplating using some of the AoS models to give variety to my Berserker models in 40k.

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The blood warriors are about the same scale, maybe only slightly bigger.  I used the starter box ones for my berzerker conversions, here they are on 32mm bases:




Some people object to the leather boots, but I don't have a problem with them, any more than I did with the leather gloves on the official models.  If you want to fix the boots, the conversion gets more effortful.  If not, I find it's enough to slap on some spare backpacks (I used chosen packs just cause I like them the best, even if it did end up with some of them carrying non-cannon spare bolters), trim the spiked shield down to just a gauntlet, and glue on some spare pistols.

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Looks good! You think people at tourniments will freak out about using them? Also, have you looked info possible chain axe sources for them? I plan on giving all my berzerkers a sword+axe. Also I will most like mash the chaos warriors and the AoS stuff together. 


But man.. that looks good!


Super excited about this! I'll be making my first purchase some time in August so I'll be sure to post back here about it and how it mixes together. Sooner if I get a bonus from work.


Next question


Anyone use these?



How do they scale with the newer models? Are they too small? Just right?

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I like the more archaic looking axes that the models come with, but any source of chain axes would swap in easily enough.


The shoulder pads, I will say, kind of fold over almost meeting in the back?  As such, fitting backpacks can be a bit of a pain.  I trimmed shoulder pads in several places, and the champion's pack in particular sticks out further from his back than it really should, though it's not super noticeable in practice.


I have the unit on hold for the moment, The axe & chainsword gear set looks tempting, and I might eventually remove some bolt pistols to equip some of the squad that way, but I'm not going to convert the unit to embrace it until it's confirmed in a codex.  I don't want to put effort into an equipment set that might be continued going forward.


Honestly, I'd gladly give up the axe/sword combo that only just became a thing if I could get back my power weapon/combi weapon champions for various squads, including my fist/melta zerker champ.  It's extremely frustrating that they made that combo illegal, given that that was explicitly how the 'aspiring champion' model is armed, but that's getting off topic....

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I like the more archaic looking axes that the models come with, but any source of chain axes would swap in easily enough.


The shoulder pads, I will say, kind of fold over almost meeting in the back?  As such, fitting backpacks can be a bit of a pain.  I trimmed shoulder pads in several places, and the champion's pack in particular sticks out further from his back than it really should, though it's not super noticeable in practice.


I have the unit on hold for the moment, The axe & chainsword gear set looks tempting, and I might eventually remove some bolt pistols to equip some of the squad that way, but I'm not going to convert the unit to embrace it until it's confirmed in a codex.  I don't want to put effort into an equipment set that might be continued going forward.


Honestly, I'd gladly give up the axe/sword combo that only just became a thing if I could get back my power weapon/combi weapon champions for various squads, including my fist/melta zerker champ.  It's extremely frustrating that they made that combo illegal, given that that was explicitly how the 'aspiring champion' model is armed, but that's getting off topic....




I hear ya. I was thinking about getting into Deathwatch awhile back. They also have a Blackshield equipped with the Heavy Thunder Hammer. Which was and possibly still is an illegal setup. Quite frustrating.


Good to know about the pointers. So it will take some modifying. But the models themselves look brilliant enough to make it worth the care and time. 


You make a very valid point about the chain sword & chain axe combo. Maybe I'll just magnetize the sword arm so I can swap it out with a bolt pistol or special weapon later if need be.


Food for thought at least.

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