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OMG's 1st game of 8th Edition


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Hail Blood Angel Forum!  It has been too long since I've had the occasion to post here!  FYI: I just posted some pics of my first game of 8th edition (with some mixed reviews).  I would have posted it here, in honor of the forum, but I thought it was worth a more general discussion with the broader forum.


So here it is, plus some other in-game pics:










And yes, (count's as) Eldrad did get his head split in half when my (counts as) Lemartes jumped off that shipping container.


...along with the B&C objective marker made so many years back.






I wish I could have won it for the forum but it was not to be...


Happy to elaborate, answer questions or whatever but - in short - I still prefer Horus Heresy (30K/AoD) gaming to new 40K - but that's just for me as a gamer.  8th edition is a quantum leap forward in many ways.


And my thanks to Mort for encouraging me to post.


Cheers!  -OMG

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wow your army looks amazing, and welcome back. as you said you don't mind answering a few questions what was your opinion of your imperial knight and how was Eldar in this game was it all fairly balanced? hope you get the opportunity to post more batreps in the future.

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Hail OMG, nice to see your models hitting the table again :)


I inmagine 8th will be tweaked a little here and there. I think I heard from an AoS player that the rules are constantly beeing tweaked; and units to powerfull get nerfs while underpowered units get buffs. It seems like they are heading towards some sort of 'live' rulebook which is constantly beeing updated by community feedback.


If thats the case im all game for it. I will play 8th abit with some friends as well to get the hang of it and see how it plays but some things like the flamer hitting a flier seems kinda fishy...

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How did you feel about the double tap of the lascannon? Do you think the las/plas was still the superior option?


How well did your devastator squad do? Do you feel it is still advantageous to take extra bodies for wound soaks?


Did the Assault squad and Death Company handle combat effectively?


Do you feel the Ancient is a necessity now, and the game is definitely moving to being more combination heavy, or do you feel you can survive by the less is more ideology?

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@jolemi - thanks for the welcome - it's great to be back(ish anyway.) :)



@Mort - *salutes back* - and am still pleased to say that the BA forum is far better under your leadership that I was able to lend!



@Silverson - I think, points wise, the Wraith Knight was higher by 100+.  I've been meaning to do the matched play comparison but haven't done so yet.  I think the Wraith is still superior but their points reflect that.  I might have pasted him if I had better anticipated that deft use of CP's but sometimes you learn the hard way.



@Dem - Hello Dem! Always good to see you online.  Yes, I couldn't agree more and I even hope that in the spirit of "advanced rules" things like shooting limitations, terrain vs. movement & armor facings may come back as "optional" or even live tweaks.  Really, given a few changes like that it would tip the scales for me.  So really I have two avenues of potential good news: FW's revised 7th edition AND an evolving hope for 8th.  Sounds good to me.


AND, I hope everyone in the forum realizes that FW will be publishing AoD/HH Book 8, Angelus later on this year - including our patron Patriarch and some of the classic, archetypal Angels vs. Daemons stuff that makes the 9th Legion the greatest in the history of the Imperium.  Not to mention seeing the Sanguinius model which I'm sure will be among the best in the series.


@Don't-Be-Haten - Here's my take:


In retrospect, the twin las is superior especially since the Razor is so much more durable and 2 Las hits can pack a lot of punch.  I needed more punch in this game and that would have sufficed.  Given the shift int he wound calculation, S9 matters.


As per my devs - there were all killed in the first round of shooting - just enough to kill 5 models - so yes, more would have been better - especially since you can always choose your own casualties w/o worrying about unit cohesion.  Easier to do when using points vs. power - which is why I only took 5 models.


Yes - the DC is rock hard in assaults but assaulting is very different and really not a good option.  I figured with the Blood Crozius, 6, S6 hits on the charge would have done more but only stripped a few wounds.  You can see what so many vehicles went way up in points given these changes.  Makes me wonder how well DC will fare vs. big bugs, daemons, etc.  I'm guessing not very well.


Per your combo vs. "less is more" question, it's hard to say.  I would need a lot more table time to try different things.  That said, I expect the new round of fresh army rules will generate their inevitable push & pull so it may not be a consistent answer as new rules roll out.


Thanks again all - cheers to the forum.

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Hummmm... that's a very good question and I'm not sure. There are some local players that are looking for games so I may accommodate them. If so there's a few things that I'd like to try:

  • Army list based on pts. not power.
  • Lots more shooting - more twin-las Razors and maybe upgrade to predators
  • Landraider Redeemer to improve my anti-air. biggrin.png
  • Use Chap/DC differently, i.e. setup assaults w/o LoS since it's not required & protects them from overwatch fire.

Stuff like that.

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Someone can correct me if I missed it but...


In the rules for shooting, it states specifically that LoS is required on a model-to-model basis.  As in, only shooters that can see their targets can shoot.  Overwatch specifies that it also follows the "normal" shooting rules so therefore, it must also.  (Wounds don't follow this, as in you can wound models you can't see so this really only impacts eligible shooting models.)


When declaring charges, it never mentions that the attacking unit (model-to-model or otherwise) must have LoS to their target.  Nor does it say that charges must be made in straight lines.  It just says the first charging model must end it's movement within 1" of its target without coming within 1" of another unit.


Overwatch fire is resolved at the point when the charge is declared, "Each time a charge is declared against a unit, the target unit can immediately fire Overwatch at the would-be attacker."  If the shooting unit doesn't have LoS at that time then no shots are resolved.  The attacker runs around the corner and starts dealing out attacks.


You obviously need to roll well enough to pull this off but seems like this opens up the door to some interesting model placement opportunities, especially after deploying via deep strike, etc.


Anyone see where I missed something along the way?

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Hmm, good point. This tactic could be supported by predators charging forward and then pivoting 90° to block LoS to the unit following behind them. Doing so doesn't hurt the predator anymore either since armor facing is gone and shooting LoS is drawn from the tank itself and not it's sponsons.


I think Rhino risk is making a comeback!

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  • Landraider Redeemer to improve my anti-air. biggrin.png


I get the 'you hit automaticly' part of flamers and template weapons. I really do. But them hitting air units as well seems like a huge oversight to me... at the very least. Until that time... Flaming Baal predator is best AA defense! wub.gif

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It's super awesome seeing you playing BA again OMG. Are you enjoying 8th edition so far? I just had my first game on Friday and over all I do like the changes.


Hi Corbs: Great to see you!  So far, for my tastes, the tactical dynamics of Age of Darkness (though still needlessly cumbersome) makes for a better game to me.  I love lots of changes in 8th but I still find 7th.AoD puts more in-game decisions making in the hands of the players.  Given a couple changes I could get tipped in the 8th edition direction but they'd need to be pretty sweeping.


Also, I'm hearing more from local players that there are some balance issues that's not just based on pts.  8th edition might still suffer from some "first turn wins" for certain armies.


I'd love to hear more specifics about your impressions.  Cheers!

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Omg, is it just me or would sniper rifles be hands down the best anti tank weapons? Mortal wounds are insane (if they disallow any kind of save like ive heard...) and ontop of that you get another chance to put a wound on an enemy as well. Not in the least because sniper rifles are cheap (well currently, dont know how expensive they are in 8th?) and tend to be plentifull options for them in alot of armies...

Scout snipers for example have always been a favorite of mine but they just sound so hugely OP atm ermm.gif

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Things that do mortal wounds are more threatening to models that have a lower wound count that rely on better armor (+ INV) saves.  Things with lots of wounds get stripped down eventually but you need weapons that do a lot of damage all at once to give them concerns.


And I've always liked snipers too. :)

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