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OK went to the local shop for pre order and had a 1000 point game so 

i thought I'd add what I learn't I'm guessing several people will have done the same


1st off on SIA Combi-weapons don't get SIA, all combi weapons steer well clear of the word bolt completely. Its pretty understandable as well extra range & -1 default is a key stat as is 2 shots at 15", Vengeance rounds as well are  going to be brutal.

So Transports a Rhino has 10 hull points & a 3+ save @ T7 making it reasonably survivable but cover isn't what it was and your vengeance rounds wound it on a 5 with -2.

A quick look in the books showed a lot of T6 & T7 so for normal marines plasma is going to be a pretty common theme.


Using your bolt pistol in combat may seem cool but chances are your going to either kill what you charge or it will fall back and if you don't pile in in the right way your characters are exposed.


I tried out a chaplain and glad I did for any unit within 6" with chapter = unit you get Litanies of Hate (Re-roll to hit) every round of combat & -1 leadership to the enemy while giving his leadership to units within 6".

I didn't take a Librarian but null zone is going to be absolutely brutal and I can see why now they've priced drop pods so high if you drop down with 2/3 pods full of stuff your Watch guy for re-rolls your librarian casting null zone and a chaplain for the counter attack even without the template range your kicking out a bucket full of fire power.


As a final initial thought

Standard Bolter with no minus to AP is poo

Get Re-Rolls if at all possible

Xenopurge with -1 & 2 damage looks good but we can see the 9" come into play though this will wreck medium / light vehicles at short range as well as do a number on the new Primaris Marines & Dreads as well for that matter.

Command points are really really useful like re-rolling that 6 that turned up when your Rhino was destroyed with my Chaplain in it.

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Are you sure about combi-weapons? From what I've seen of the index books combi-weapons quite clearly allow you to choose a boltgun profile to fire along with or instead of the other ones, and the SIA doesn't replace the profile anymore, just modifies it.


Not a massive deal if this isn't the case, but it would have been a nice boost to those units.

I honestly think that combi-weapons do contain special ammo. Why? Because combi-weapons do not have a single profile with two firing modes, but two weapons profiles (the Boltgun and the Specialized Weapon). If they do not get SIA, then the combi-weapon's profile would look similar to the Hurricane Bolter of the Land Raider Crusader, where in 7th it was written as six boltguns. 

  On 6/4/2017 at 10:21 AM, SnakeChisler said:

OK went to the local shop for pre order and had a 1000 point game so 

i thought I'd add what I learn't I'm guessing several people will have done the same


1st off on SIA Combi-weapons don't get SIA, all combi weapons steer well clear of the word bolt completely. Its pretty understandable as well extra range & -1 default is a key stat as is 2 shots at 15", Vengeance rounds as well are  going to be brutal.

So Transports a Rhino has 10 hull points & a 3+ save @ T7 making it reasonably survivable but cover isn't what it was and your vengeance rounds wound it on a 5 with -2.

A quick look in the books showed a lot of T6 & T7 so for normal marines plasma is going to be a pretty common theme.


Using your bolt pistol in combat may seem cool but chances are your going to either kill what you charge or it will fall back and if you don't pile in in the right way your characters are exposed.


I tried out a chaplain and glad I did for any unit within 6" with chapter = unit you get Litanies of Hate (Re-roll to hit) every round of combat & -1 leadership to the enemy while giving his leadership to units within 6".

I didn't take a Librarian but null zone is going to be absolutely brutal and I can see why now they've priced drop pods so high if you drop down with 2/3 pods full of stuff your Watch guy for re-rolls your librarian casting null zone and a chaplain for the counter attack even without the template range your kicking out a bucket full of fire power.


As a final initial thought

Standard Bolter with no minus to AP is poo

Get Re-Rolls if at all possible

Xenopurge with -1 & 2 damage looks good but we can see the 9" come into play though this will wreck medium / light vehicles at short range as well as do a number on the new Primaris Marines & Dreads as well for that matter.

Command points are really really useful like re-rolling that 6 that turned up when your Rhino was destroyed with my Chaplain in it.


Combis entirely say boltgun in the profile. So I most certainly think they get SIA. While I agree there is some clarification needed I feel like this is a no-brainer. It would be like saying that a Combi-Boltgun is not a Boltgun.

Ya, wait for a FAQ if you're unsure about combi's... but it's definitely been defined already (core book) as a boltgun AND a special weapon. Boltguns get SIA in DW.


  On 6/4/2017 at 10:21 AM, SnakeChisler said:



Using your bolt pistol in combat may seem cool but chances are your going to either kill what you charge or it will fall back and if you don't pile in in the right way your characters are exposed.


Can you elaborate? Because I was totally trying to kit out Blackshields and Captains with double pistols. Regretting the grav pistol thing now...


Maybe Sergeants with Xenophase blades and pistols would still play out ok?

Edited by Mobius0288

You can only shoot the pistol during your shooting phase when locked in melee. So if you charged, you'd have to go through your first and your opponent's first fight phases before you can fire the pistol in close combat. There's a chance one side will be dead by then.


Pistol is "better" on the defensive if you don't fall back as you only go through your opponent's fight phase, but a melee focused unit would generally try to avoid getting charged. With dual pistols you would probably want to avoid melee if possible as well.

So few more points From a practice game we've just done


From what I can tell Las cannons are gonna be pivital d6 damage is huge especially if your spamming them & using a command point to re-roll damage if you get say a 1 it's a pretty safe bet you'll not roll another 1 and with 10+ wounds on a lot of models a 5 /6 roll really scores big time


A cheap troop option to use as a meat shield, 9" away from any unit means you can bubble wrap stuff from drop units & Melta


Charging from DS 1St up its 8" away (just need to get within an inch) 2nd use a command point to re- roll one die if you get 1 high one low 3Rd you choose casualties from overwatch take them off the back


The new smite power is easy to cast and doesn't care about toughness

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