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Well, this is a couple of firsts... my first time trying to build something with plastic card, my first time building something that has no rules for it, and my first time starting a thread in the WIP subforum. :)


Basically, I bought this toy at a garage sale for cheap, and want to convert it into a walking imperial guard tank.





And here it is sitting ontop of (most of) the stuff I plan to use to convert it with.



WIsh me luck!  Advice is most welcome! :)


Inquisitor Psychologis Ruminahui

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I have done a drawing of what I want to achieve, but its in pencil so didn't scan worth a darn.


What I intend to add:


- build two turrets (like the ones in the Leman Russ sponsons) on the flat parts on both sides. That's what the big black pipe is for.  I may wrap it in plasticard - I'll have to see how well things stick to it otherwise. I will make gun barrels out of plastic card, trying to make them look like the battle cannon on a Russ.


- build a plasticard hull around the turrets, with the roof at the level of the flat area in the back.  I'll build some sort of armoured cockpit off of the sticky-up bits int he back.  Likely some hatches with crew and/or heavy stubbers will go on top.


- put "hydrolic" cylinders on the legs.


- put Russ heavy bolter sponsons on the sides.


- build smoke stacks such on the back (like the back of a land raider).  I might buy another imperial bastion to use the chapel piece (picture below) on the back, I see if I can aquire the piece by other means.




So, those are my thoughts.  I'll have to see if my abilities can match. :)


Inquisitor Psychologis Ruminahui

Not much work this week, but a fair bit of learning.


First, I worked on the hydrolics for the legs, and found that I couldn't cut straight on a tube to save my life.  I now have a miter's box, and have learned that if I cut very carefully and make sure to press the saw against the edge of the grove, I can get streight cuts.  Huzzah!


I then cut the pipes for the internal sponson turrets.  Below is a picture with an IG/AM trooper for scale.  Again, I found that my cuts were far from straight, so I just made sure that at their tallest they were shorter than the back of the walker.




I then cut out card to wrap around the pipes and glued it in place... that way I could ensure they were the proper height.  I learned that while it begins to set right away (unlike crazy glue, which gives you a few seconds to wiggle the parts to make sure the fit is right), it takes a long time for the bond to be strong enough to hold.


I then stopped there, as I have a question for you guys.  Should I:


A.  Put the turrets as far forwards as possible?  This will result in a front to the walker that is almost perpendicular to the ground.






b.  Put the turrets as far back as possible?  This will result in a bit more of a slope on the forward hull.




Note:  I am using cardboard in the pictures, so hopefully it won't sag like that when I use card.  I'm definitely a "measure once, cut twice" kind of guy, so I figure I can use the cardboard to get the right shape and dimensions, then replicate that on the plasticard.


Anyway, please let me know your thoughts.


Inquisitor Psychologis Ruminahui

Edited by Dr_Ruminahui

Dang it! I thought this was the log where that flame-throwing, Thomas the train engine walker came from.


Aside from that I am not disappointed. This looks like a fun little project. Also, did you copy the right pics in your last post?*nevermind*

Edited by hushrong

Idea: Use two turrets, one from a Leman Russ, the other from a Land Raider or Razorback.


The Leman Russ turret will be to the rear, and elevated, so it may traverse 360 degrees. The Land Raider or Razorback's twin-linked heavy bolter turret will be forwards, and low, so its gun barrels won't obstruct the Leman Russ turret when the latter traverses.


The resulting walker will look asymmetrical, like the Skitarii Onager. But it should be equipped to deal with anything it encounters on the battlefield.

Well, it will have two turrets, but they traverse like the side guns on the British WWI M1V tank.




However, instead of the side, these turrets are the cylinders on the front deck of the toy.


Don`t think I`ll put any turrets on the top... we``ll see.


I may also put side sponsons with heavy bolters on the sides... I`ll have to see if that makes it look too busy or otherwise awkward.


Inquisitor Psychologis Ruminahui

Battlecannons - I`ll be scratch building them from plastic tubing.


Plus heavy flamers on the front, and maybe heavy bolter sponsons on the sides, and a heavy stubber or two on the top.


Inquisitor Psychologis Ruminahui

Edited by Dr_Ruminahui

I vote option B! I think the slope to the front of the walker will make it look a little less blocky, and those pesky anti-tank rounds will bounce off the sloping armor better :wink:


Youre a braver man than I to attempt all this plasticard work, but Im enjoying following along! Its an awesome concept and fun project, and I look forward to seeing more progress on it! 


Thinking about running it as anything in-game? Rule-of-cool it as a Baneblade perhaps? Have you thought of a name for your walker?

Thanks for the feedback - option B is the one my wife likes, so I'm currently leaning towards it. :)


I'm glad you enjoy following along - I'm not yet convinced I haven't bitten off something that exceeds my abilities.  Still, if I screw up, I haven't ruined an actual model and I'm sure I could at least turn it into a funky looking piece of terrain. :)


I may run it in game, but this is really more about being creative and trying things out.  If I do play it, it will likely be against my ork-playing friend who is currently building a 3 ft tall wauuug tower on giant treads... so it would be entirely appropriate if I forego official rules and make some of my own. :)


As for a name, that is something else I would appreciate help with.  Maybe the Tarrasque?


Inquisitor Psychologis Ruminahui

Thank you very much for the name suggestions.  Is there really no elephant yet?  I would have thought there would be, what with the multiple forgeworld vehicles all having names.  Well, if it isn't, that's currently my first choice, as it kind of fits the size and quadrupedal nature of the model.


Anyway, on to my progress. :)


First I built the hull at the base of the turrets:



Then I built the sides and extended the cockpit at the front.  I also did some structural work between the turrets to keep the hull from rising up (with CSM for scale):





- the plastic glue I'm using is for for joins where there is overlap, but not for where the joins are quite narrow.  This has lead to me using crazy glue and/or greenstuff where the edges of sheets meet, and where there is room, using internal supporting plastic pieces as well.


-  I'm really glad I decided to do everything in cardboard first - it has really helped the model keep a more consistent feel.  Still, it does look more ramshackle than I had hoped - I'm hoping that when I do the final armour plating I can correct this.


- The open triangular spaces on the side my plasticard skills were not good enough to fill (they are quite irregular).  When I do the final plating, I will be putting headlights in there and then greenstuffing or plasticarding the remaining gaps... we'll have to see how it goes.


- I started on the battlecannons, but found cutting the muzzle baffles (or whatever they are called - the holes in the side of the cannon near the muzzle) too difficult with a hobby knife.  I'll need to try and find in which box I put my dremel when I last moved.


Next I will be building the battlecannons for the turrets.  I'm considering making them magnatized and swappable with twin lascannons - that way I can field it as a land raider should I want to use with actual rules.  After that I will be building the roof of the hull and the hull between the turrets.


Anyway, I hope the pictures give you a better idea of what I'm trying to do.


Inquisitor Psychologis Ruminahui

  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, been working on the battle cannons, but I decided to magnetize them.


I am thinking that for games where I couldn't DIY the rules for it, I would field it as a land raider.  So, I will be doing up some las cannons for the turrets at some point, but I currently don't have the bitz to do so.


Anyway, onto the battlecannons.  I'm modeling them off of the one the leman russ model.


I cut tubes to the desired length, then cut out an area at the end that the muzzle break will cover.  I then cut a slightly wider tube to be the muzzle break, and cut out the holes.  Here is a picture showing the inner tube with both stages.



As an aside, during this process I made a very nice muzzle break out of the thinner tube... which is useless because it doesn't fit over the inner barrel when it is the same width as it. :(


I then cut a bit of the wider tubing for the other thicker part of the barrel (see photo below for what I mean)  However, it was a lot harder to get into place than I thought it would be, and I destroyed (and had to remake) one of the muzzle breaks in the process.


Here are the completed battle cannon barrels along side a leman russ barrel.  I got it pretty close, I think. :)



The hardest part of it was getting the thin strips that go around the lower bulge to bend around the barrel.  First I tried bending them around it with an elastic, but that didn't work.  What I ended up doing was bending it around a smaller tube, which made it more readily take the curve of the barrel.  Here's a picture of the advance technique used. :P



Anyway, here's a picture of the model with the barrels in place:



The aren't quite done yet - I will be adding armouring around the base of the guns like that on a lee tank:



After I do that, I will be working on the roof of the hull.


BTW, does anyone have a good suggestion for making rivet heads?  Its something I've struggled with on previous models.


Inquisitor Psychologis Ruminahui

Thanks Ophamion - I'll have to check out both methods - the Zinge industries rivets look interesting, but I'll have to see what their shipping is to Canada. Can you shoot me a message when you do try them out?  I'm curious to hear how they work for you.


Bjorn, I've give it a closer look, and it probably will look better cutting back the side panels, but that does mean I will likely have to shelve my plan of putting on side sponsoons, as there won't be enough room, I don't think.  Anyway, I'll do some measuring and give it some thought... thanks for the feedback.


Inquisitor Psychologis Ruminahui

Edited by Dr_Ruminahui

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