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"Lord Arkos"

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I was very pleased to see our one and only named Alpha Legion HQ is updated for 8th addition. My big speculative question is, IS it Arkos on the cover of the upcoming Shroud of Night novel and will Forge World release a model for him? Hydra Dominatus. 




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I was also very excited to see his name on the list. Unexpected, but not unwelcome! :)

Prequel memes leaking lol :D.


I know I'm setting myself up for failure here, but I'm really excited to see what they do with him. So far they've been pretty uninspiring with his abilities but hopefully since 8th is so focused on characters providing buffs he will help provide some interesting stuff.

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I was very pleased to see our one and only named Alpha Legion HQ is updated for 8th addition. My big speculative question is, IS it Arkos on the cover of the upcoming Shroud of Night novel and will Forge World release a model for him? Hydra Dominatus. 


I was on the fence until I saw that Arkos was updated.


Think I had that book ordered no more than 20 seconds later.

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