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Liber Astartes Miniatures Showcase


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This is a thread in which you can post all pictures of the models you have painted in the colours of one of your DIY projects. Once the collection gets large enough, it might inspire others to pick up their brush and paint a model in the colours of their DIY Chapter/Warband/Order/Regiment/etc!


Please remember to keep the pictures B&C-friendly. :tu:

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Forgive the awful quality. All I have to work with is a cheap camera phone. To make up for my inability to take photos (or paint), here's a blurb to go with it...


The Supernovas:


I feel like the Supernovas are a good example of the freedom you get from making your own Chapter. My Marines have a much higher focus on the individual than most Chapters, and this can be expressed in how they get painted! Instead of a fixed uniform, the squads have a broad base uniform (blue and black) with "honour markings" applied to tie them all together. In this case, the bright green company colour is applied not as a uniform shoulder band, but however the individual Marine feels like wearing it!

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Adding this to show I do actually have some models painted. Well I did.
Field-Master* Markus Nightsoul, the Right Hand of Darkness. Oldest member of the Angels of Shadow 3rd Company and Command Squad leader.

Lieutenant Markus


I have recently stripped the paint off of Markus and he is due for a repaint when I get a new house.


*Lieutenant equivalent

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Battle Brother Arvemath of the Champions of Athlum, and Battle Brother Haystan of the White Hawks:


So proud of how Haystan turned out, he's really captured the spirit of the whole Chapter in one marine - here's a guy who's seen something worth killing, so now the knives are coming out!

For size comparison, here's Brother Vakar, formerly my best attempt at the "this one calls for a good stabbing" pose.


And just to show off my nephew's freakin' awesome gunslinger a little more, here's Arvemath standing next to Brother Dagor, selected for this picture by virtue of being the closest:


One thing I can't capture properly on the picture is the eyes - they're Stormhost Silver with the Soulstone Blue (or whatever the blue gemstone paint is) over the top, and they look MAGNIFICENT - even from tabletop distance you can see them gleaming slightly.

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I like how he's looking up as he draws the knife. This is someone who clearly gives no expletives.

"Right, he's getting stabbed in the face."

"Brother  Haystan, that's a Carnifex!"

"Don't care. He's getting stabbed in the face."


Truth is, I got that pose entirely by accident - he was originally going to look more forward and have his head more tilted to one side, as though to say "You call that a knife?"


But then while messing about with the posing I managed to get his head to roll back a bit and, well, you've written the resulting dialogue already. :laugh.:

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Truth is, I got that pose entirely by accident - he was originally going to look more forward and have his head more tilted to one side, as though to say "You call that a knife?"

I think "It's not the size of the blade that matters, but how you use it," is more appropriate, as the knife isn't particularly flashy.


For best effects, decorate his base with a dismembered, disemboweled, decapitated Chaos Terminator, so everyone will know your Marine's skill with the blade.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hmm, let's dig up some old files of my main two Chapters of DIY goodness.

The Sons of Doom:

6th Squad, 5th Company:


Sternguard Squad Sedoro:


Vehicle Pool:


2nd Company Captain Argentis, Master of the Watch:



Tactical Squad Raelan, 4th "Resilient" Company:


Tactical Squad Torros, 4th 'Resilient' Company:


Captain Elias Draeg of the 4th 'Resilient' Company, Master of the Fleet:

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Chapter Master Coras Brenen:

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Reclusiarch Felix Takado:


Strike Squad Gauntlet:


Aaand finally a Sons of Doom and Vanquishers group shot:


And that's it from me. :smile.:


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Chapter Master Coras Brenen:


I love this model. "I just punched off an Ork warboss' head clean off his body! What am I going to do with the severed head? Why, use it to smash in another Ork warboss' face!

"Hey, greenskin! Pucker up!"

Reclusiarch Felix Takado:


Good job. Edited by Bjorn Firewalker
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Here is my collection, just a few things and details to work on and then I'm finished with collecting :biggrin.: . It has taken me so long to get the paint scheme just the way I like it but it was worth it. This force is roughly 4000 points and about 231 PL, that's when I finish two more devastator centurions and a deredeo dreadnought. Here I present the Strike Force of The Elysian Phoenixes.


Army Shot




Tactical Squad 1



Tactical Squad 2



Scouts with Sniper Rifles



Assault Squad 7&8







Vanguard Veterans/Honor Guard



Assault Terminators



Landraider Crusader





Storm Raven





Imperial Knight - House Teryn



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Dem Vanquishers tho :woot:


The Chaplain in particular is just fantastic, there's a guy who really looks ready for war!



Here I present the Strike Force of The Elysian Phoenixes.

Those are fantastic marines you've got there!

I think my favourite detail is that the scout's weapons are a different colour to the regular marines, that's a neat idea. :thumbsup:

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I have a picture of Captain Galvanon of the Ghost Dragons 4th Company in my gallery:




I did finish the base after this picture but I'll have to take a new pic tonight :smile.:


Ahh yes I remember these guys! I still have your Ghost Dragon mini I did as part of Operation Reclamation somewhere. Nice conversion of the GD 2008 Captain and adding the Emp's Champion arm.



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Cheers dude :D my wife even sculpted the chapter badge - we tried to make a greenstuff press for it to use on other marines but it didn't work too well as I recall. This guy was my count as Sicarius and even rocks an old school Chaos Warrior cape! 

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Found a mini whilst setting up for the Imperial Fists expansion that deserve to be posted here, those who remember the Liber Storyline we did a few years ago might remember this guy:

Captain Dialo of the Avenging Fists' Fourth Company:

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Now, to find all my other Liber miniatures...


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