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The fate of Possessed in 8th?


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I'm keen to try possessed out atleast, they could be cheaper, but they should be getting some good buffs from a neat by daemon Prince, and who knows, in game they may actually be worth the 5 points more then a beserker


Plus I get to use my alpharius model leading a squad of primarch blood infused marines (What else are primarius marines good for??)

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I'm keen to try possessed out atleast, they could be cheaper, but they should be getting some good buffs from a neat by daemon Prince, and who knows, in game they may actually be worth the 5 points more then a beserker


Plus I get to use my alpharius model leading a squad of primarch blood infused marines (What else are primarius marines good for??)


So I used them in a game last night. If they can get into combat they do kill stuff, the -2AP is enough to deal with MEQs and most things you'll come into contact with, they're pretty fast too. What I found frustrating was their D3 attacks, I never rolled a 5+ and was stuck with 1 attack each a few times which sucked. If you can get Warptime on them in turn 1 then get something buffing them (Dark Apostle) they are alright actually. 1 wound does suck though when you're literally running at bullets. No way are they worth more than a Berzerker though, if they could have Plasma Pistols in the unit too then it wouldn't be so one sided, but they can't so :(

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