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I have returned to fulfill my oath


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After joining you guys for the ETL I had planned on building a Flesh Tearer army but sadly that project just never happened what with all the news of 8th approaching etc. As I shelved my project I drifted away from you wonderful guys and gals to the other sub forums. Still I remember how awesome you guys were and the sense of camaraderie that just overflows through out this sub forum when I participated in the ETL.

I've always wished to return to my brothers and fulfill my oath and today is that day. Although it's final form is a bit different then what I had originally planned I present to you the first look of my Blood Angel Legion 5th Company Defenders of Eternity Gate.







This is my 1500pts half for a HH event this weekend. My buddy is taking proto Black Templars (Sigmund and a bunch of Templar brethren in LRs) and we are themed as Defenders of Terra. We call it Faith and Fury. He brings the faith and I bring the furymsn-wink.gif

This are just quick pics before the event. I hope to have up better shots and more details after the even. I might have have a few pics of them in action smiting the foes of the Emperorbiggrin.png

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