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Vehicle attacks in 8th

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I apologize if this has been asked, or if I have just missed the ruling on this in advance.

It looks like all vehicles in 8th edition have a degenerating profile as they take wounds/damage. Part of the damage tables on the vehicles lists Attacks. The Chaos Rhino for example goes 3, D3, 1.

However no where on the vehicle layout is a hand-to-hand combat of some type. So, what are these attacks?

I assumed it would be similar to the rules from the sneak peak of the Spartan, which specifically lists Crushing Tracks, but none of the vehicles I have seen in err 'my friends' book have a profile similar.

Colour me confused.huh.png

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Thanks Cryptix.  I realise they get attacks.  But what are they attacking with, and what is the profile of said weapons?

None of the Chaos Vehicles has a weapon listed.  Relic Spartan at least lists its dirty tracks.

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They don't have a weapon listed so there's no modifier to the base close combat stats in the vehicle's stat line.  What they are doing though is running people over, ramming, that sort of thing.  I believe it's mentioned in the Warhammer Community vehicle article.  As for the Spartan, keep in mind that that is a FW datasheet rather than a GW one, so it's more likely to tack on extra stuff. . . thus the "dirty tracks" as a weapon line.

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I wonder if embarked characters convey their bonuses to their transport? For instance, would embarking a Dark Apostle in a Spartan let you reroll its melee attacks? If so that could be pretty nasty...


Not without explicitly stating they do - the transports sidebar in the core rules explicitly says that abilities that effect units within a specific distance have no effect while embarked.

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