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Starting Primaris Chapter-Help with the Founding

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I do think these make really cool Dornian Heresy Ultras, as people have previously said. I would love to do that, I have too many options to choose from. Doing a Chapter of the Unnumbered Sons would be cool, as a sort of training Chapter where it marines are seconded to the Chapter to learn to work with and trust other gene seed, maybe with a special task of hunting T'au or stealing Xenos tech or something. I'm hoping anyone with cool ideas might be able to help.


I'm stuck between two different ideas, either a unnumbered sons type chapter, with Primaris marines of different gene seed all fighting together, with a greater goal in mind, but also as a continuation of Guilliman's desire for them to learn to trust each other. Maybe they fight for a certain amount of time before being sent to the Chapter they are meant to join. It could even be a Crusade based Chapter that just hunts and destroys enemies of the Imperium forever. It's that or Dornian Heresy Ultras.


I hope we get information on how the Primaris only chapters are structured, since they don't follow the Codex Astartes. My guess is probably something like:


Primaris Battle Co. 




2x Lieutenants

6x Intercessor Squads

2x Hellblaster Squads

2x Inceptor Squads


Redemptor Dreadnought

Flying thunderhawk new thing

Repulsor Tanks


Similiar to a Battle Co. and maybe the 10th Co. is completely made of the Skull masked power knife guys? Maybe 1st Co. is all in Gravis armor, could be that the skull masked guys are closer to Vanguard than Scouts, so they fall into the 1st Co. Maybe a Veteran Squad will allow other weapons besides the bolt rifle and plasma, or maybe mix and match?


I think the senior ranks will stay the same, but Sgts can be from the Primartes that might move on. They will always have the option to stay as part of the Crusade, if they so choose, but I think they might give up the colors of the 1st founding Chapter they were created from . I think this is only done with 1 in every 200 or so Primartes that are created, giving the cultural exchange to a lot of chapters and various members of chapters without taking too much if they choose to stay. 


The structure is such:


High Command:


Chapter Master 

Chief of the Librarius 

Master Apothecary 

1st Co Captain 


They have no home world, but are fleet based and the Flagship is a Battle Barge called the Eye of True Sight, around which the crusader fleet sails from war to war, battle to battle. I don't know what a believable size for a crusading chapters fleet, so I haven't decided all that yet. I've been tinkering with the High Command having a Redemptor Dreadnought, with my fluff being that one of the extra organs in the brain helps keep them from going crazy while being kept awake.

Or you could do them as a chapter from the most recent founding whom tragically was almost wiped out during cadia. The remaining Marines went through the "Primaris Upgrade" and the rest of the chapters ranks were filled by New Primaris.

Couple of things we can infer from what we know so far:


1) Primaris units come in 5 man teams as standard (3 for the Jump Pack troops). These are fixed values, meaning either more squads or less Marines per Company (I'm leaning toward the former).

2) Lieutenants exist again! And they're 1-2 per HQ choice! This tells me that you would have at least 2 per Company.

3) With the uniform equipment style of the Primaris, there is a major shift in focus; the smallest unit of a Primaris Chapter is not the squad, but the platoon. A single squad is useless, unlike a Tactical Squad that can respond to any situation. With this in mind, a platoon is likely to be a self-contained formation, including Intercessors, Hellbasters and Inceptors.

4) The exact makeup of a platoon may vary; it is possible we will have "tactical" "assault" and "devastator" platoons, with the former being well-rounded and the others specialising in close combat and heavy firepower respectively.

5) Assuming the general principles of the Codex Astartes still apply (they probably don't, but what the Hell), here is my best guess at how to structure a Primaris Battle Company:


1x Captain.

1x Company Ancient.

Company Specialists.

2x Tactical Platoons, comprising:

   1x Lieutenant.

   3x Intercessor Squads

   1x Hellblaster Squad

   2x Inceptor Squad.

1x Assault Platoon, comprising:

   1x Lieutenant

   5x Inceptor Squads.

   2x Intercessor Squads (motorised).

1x Devastator Platoon, comprising:

   1x Lieutenant

   3x Hellblaster Squads.

   2x Intercessor Squads.


I've decided to take inspiration from my favorite character in MTG, Nicol Bolas. These are the Scythes of Bolas, a proud crusading Chapter founded from the Indomitus Crusade. They proudly wear the Bolas, the symbol of the Draconis, the first world rescued by the founding members of the Scythes of Bolas. Known for being studious and obsessive for knowledge, the Scythes have often been assigned as protection details for the new order of Historians founded by the Primarch Roboute Guilliman. This had led many to believe that the Scythes are created from the Gene-Seed of Guilliman himself, but this is unconfirmed. The Chapter operates as a crusading fleet, bringing death and destruction the Imperiums enemies while accomplishing tasks set forth by the Historians of the Imperium.

The Bolas, Chapter Symbol of the Scythes:content_HOU_SET_SYMBOL.png

"Our interment into the great sarcophagi is the highest honor, with each scar upon our body a mark elevating us toward the living death we desire" - Chapter Master Akhratan, interred 60.42M into Redemptor Dreadnought chassis


I've decided to take inspiration from my favorite character in MTG, Nicol Bolas. These are the Scythes of Bolas, a proud crusading Chapter founded from the Indomitus Crusade. They proudly wear the Bolas, the symbol of the Draconis, the first world rescued by the founding members of the Scythes of Bolas. Known for being studious and obsessive for knowledge, the Scythes have often been assigned as protection details for the new order of Historians founded by the Primarch Roboute Guilliman. This had led many to believe that the Scythes are created from the Gene-Seed of Guilliman himself, but this is unconfirmed. The Chapter operates as a crusading fleet, bringing death and destruction the Imperiums enemies while accomplishing tasks set forth by the Historians of the Imperium.

The Bolas, Chapter Symbol of the Scythes:content_HOU_SET_SYMBOL.png

The Scythes of Bolas, eh? I like it. I'm less keen on the origin of the symbol - If it were up to me, I would claim it was the personal heraldry of someone called Bolas. Possibly the first Chapter Master or a similar calibre of hero.

As for their gene-seed, seeing as they were founded recently, I think using the 'unknown' angle might be ill-advised. I'd be inclined to think the records concerning them would be easily accessible, at least to the Mechanicus and the Chapter themselves.

Also, I don't know whether this would be of any help, but here is the primaris template if you need it.

Unknown is just cause I haven't decided, to be honest. And I'm keen on changing the reason for the name, since Im still at brainstorming phase. Im leaning towards white scars, but Blood Angels would work as well.

Yeah, Im toying around with colors still so it might help. I want ancient egypt theme without being Tsons.

Unknown is just cause I haven't decided, to be honest. 


Ah. I apologise for assuming you chose that path, rather than thinking it was temporary.


And I'm keen on changing the reason for the name, since Im still at brainstorming phase. Im leaning towards white scars, but Blood Angels would work as well.


White Scars could be interesting. Also of interest would be the effects of the Khan's gene-seed on the young primaris Chapter.


Yeah, Im toying around with colors still so it might help. I want ancient egypt theme without being Tsons.


If you are willing to wait, Lord Thorn is working on a program utilising the primaris template. Short of that, the template provided should be relatively easy to alter in several image editing programs. :)


As for an egyptian theme, it may prove tough to avoid evoking a similar aesthetic to the Thousand Sons. Regardless, it's worth a try.

If it helps, everything done by Chris Wraight is a wonderful source for the Scars.


From short stories to his magnificent Scars and Path of Heaven.


If you need something regarding the Scars (my 2nd favorite loyalist Legion since reading Scars), just ask and I will do my very best to help you. :)

I will have to pick up both of those books. I have read over his stuff on lexicanum and 1d4chan. He's a really cool character just from that. I need to dig into the culture of the white scars, I know they like fast frontal assaults, which fits with my preferred play style. I might make it a recovered chapter of White Scar genesons because I feel like I need regular SM units, at least until Primaris have equivalents such as Land speeders, bikes and terminators.

Inquisitorradcliffe on Tumblr has already written some pretty good fan fiction, about introducing Primaris marines to his chapter


"Hurried boot steps rang down the corridor. Captain Tamriel moved swiftly, cream and crimson cloak fluttering behind him. When Chapter Master Azazael called, one did not keep him waiting. Tamriel’s haste swept down the halls before him like a bow wave before an aquacraft, urging every man, servitor, and Astarte to clear the way as the commander of the Vaunted Second passed by. Though he did not show it outwardly, Tamriel was concerned. His mind entertained thoughts as to why he had been called to the hangar deck. Try as he might, he could come up with nothing substantial. Azazael had not made clear the reason for this summons. Only that it was of the utmost importance and concerned the Captain directly.


Bulkhead doors disengaged with a heavy thunk before hydraulic retractor cables pulled them apart. Tamriel’s gaze instantly fell on is Chapter Master standing on the other side. Azazael was a hulking man, even by Astartes standard. He wore his armor plate regally, as royalty might when dressed for war. The deep green and bone white trim of his power armor complemented the dark crimson robes draped over them. A golden rope served as a belt, cinching the cloth tight about his waist. Azazael’s back was turned to Tamriel as the Chapter Master leaned heavily on the balustrade, gaze turned down towards the hangar’s main deck.


“My Lord,” Tamriel said, drawing even. “You requested me.” He looked up at Azazael’s face, searching his features for some hint that might betray his purpose here. The Chapter Master stood a full head taller than his favored captain. Azazael’s eyes bore a calm intelligence in them though, Tamriel noted, their warm luster had hardened over with steel.


“I did,” Azazael confirmed. He gestured with a hand below. “Look there.”


Tamriel turned his gaze downward. The hangar deck was monstrously cavernous. Even with his enhanced vision, Tamriel would be hard pressed to see from end to end. It encompassed seventeen full levels and stretched the entirety of the battle barge’s midship section. Angel’s Clarion was massive by any standard, nearly four times as large as a typical Astartes battle barge. Rumor claimed only the mighty Phalanx of the Imperial Fists rivaled her in terms of size, firepower, and age. The hangar was full of the usual bustle. Thunderhawks, assault rams, and other small craft stood lined in neat rows as ordinance carts and fuel-servitors went about their daily routines, supervised as always under the watchful eyes of the Mechanicus overseers. Theirs was a routine of such masterful coordination and precision Tamriel often thought watching it was akin to watching the great dancers that sometimes entertained visiting diplomats and other ranking officials. The beauty here was far subtler though, lost on anyone without an eye for it.


But such was not what drew Tamriel’s attention as he peered down from the high catwalk. A number of bulk landers dominated the center of the deck. Their blocky hulls were painted a striking blue hue trimmed with white and gold. The Imperial Aquila sat emblazoned boldly upon engine cowlings while the Chapter symbol of the Ultramarines was placed on hatch doors and either side of the prow under the cockpit. Loading ramps lay extended upon the deck like distended jaws. The air reverberated with the sound of ceramite on steel as each lander’s cargo marched in lock step down the ramps to stand in neat ranks.


They were Astartes, that much was certain, but they were bigger. Taller and broader at the shoulder, Tamriel recognized that each one would compare to Azazael in terms of size even from this distance. Their armor was painted olive drab and trimmed in bone white around the pauldrons. Those designated as squad leaders even bore the cream colored helm that denoted the rank of sergeant. They stood silent, waiting, eyes locked straight ahead. Tamriel’s gaze fell on the left shoulder of the closest marine. There staring back at him was the haloed skull that served as the chapter symbol for the Angels of Retribution.


Tamriel’s brows furrowed and he looked at Azazael questioningly.

“A gift,” the Chapter Master replied with a sideways glance. “From Lord Guilliman.”

Tamriel frowned. “What are they?”

“The future!” Azazael replied, slapping an open palm on the balustrade in feigned joy. The display was short lived. Resigned indignation quickly returned. “Primaris marines.”

“They are Astartes?” Tamriel asked.

“Of course they are. But bigger and better. A new breed born of Lord Guilliman’s imagination and made flesh by the techno-sorceries of Mars. Look there now, Tamriel, and witness the coming of our obsolescence.”

Tamriel's frown deepened. He could not deny the martial grandeur of these new Primaris Astartes. Bigger, stronger, faster, they looked every inch the epitome of superhuman warrior. Doubt crept into the back of his mind, questioning whether or not the seasoned veteran might be a competent match for even the newest of these warriors. “Why does this involve me?” he asked. “You stated the reason for summoning me here impacted me directly.”

“So I did.” Azazael gave his captain a sideways glance. “There are one hundred of them here. That is the number Lord Guilliman has deemed fit for us. One hundred Primaris, plus the technology to create more.”

     “A company.”

     “Just so. They will be your charges, Tamriel. They will be made into the New Second. Under your watchful eye and skilled tutelage they shall learn the combat practices of this Chapter and once they have passed your muster we will see if they are as good as Lord Guilliman’s boasts claim they are.”

     “I see.” Heavy silence hung between them as both Angels watched more Primaris disembark and take their place in the swelling ranks. “And what of the current Second?”

     “They will remain in their current capacity until the Primaris understand our doctrine. Once that is done, they will be dissolved and whatever remains of their number divvied out to fill the needs of the other companies.”

     “There will be dissent.”

     “I expect no less.” Azazael sighed. Tamriel, for the briefest moment, caught the Chapter Master’s age showing. “They will not be stripped of their honors and glories. They will not be stripped of their titles. That will placate some. The rest will simply have to accept it. Our numbers are already in jeopardy. The Fifth is under fifty percent strength and the third is at sixty-three. They cannot sustain such losses continually and we are still months from our annual recruitment. The skill and experience your men possess will go a long way in filling those gaps and bolstering our strength immediately until such a time the future of this Chapter becomes clear.”

     Tamriel sneered. “Is it not already? Are we not to be replaced, slowly and inexorably until this Chapter remembers nothing of our heroics save for what is written on the ebony walls in the Atrium Memoriae?” He spat the words as if they were laced with poison. “Do they even possess our gene-seed? Will they carry the Lion’s legacy into the stars? Or are they Guilliman’s attempts at snuffing out those of us who spurned his ideals when he broke the legions up millennia ago?”

     “Your paranoia is impressive, Tamriel.” The rebuke was firm but offered in good nature. Azazael had entertained those same misgivings when he had been informed. Some he still harbored. Others had been assuaged. “I have been told the Lion’s blood pumps in their veins. Guilliman had the good sense to include heritage when he created them. Otherwise I do not think the other Chapters would receive them so well.”

     “You sound like one of Russ’ dogs,” Tamriel said with a snort. “I do not like this. There is nothing wrong with us. We have stood vigilant for ten thousand years.”

     “We have,” Azazael agreed. “We have guarded well an empire grown stagnant and putrefied.” Tamriel seemed aghast at Azazael’s words but the Chapter Master continued. “The Great Rift has forced our hand. If mankind is to persist, no longer will it do for us to merely survive. We must take the reins and drive our own fate, lest we be swept into oblivion by the coming tides. The Imperium is shattered and needs reunification. Lord Guilliman is not misguided in that regard. Rather, he and I see eye to eye quite clearly.”

     “We will join his crusade then?”

     “We will,” Azazael nodded. “The entire fleet will muster and we will deploy as one fighting force, to serve as Lord Guilliman’s spear as he strikes out at a foe we are beset upon by from all sides. And you, Tamriel.” Azazael turned to look his captain square in the eye. “You will be the tip of that spear, leading your new company in search of glory and honor. For the Chapter. Do you accept this charge?”

     “I do.” Tamriel surprised himself with the quickness of his response. There was no hesitation. His Chapter Master was handing him an honor and Tamriel knew to decline would be a mistake. Times were changing. Dark days were upon them. Days where the galaxy was rent in two. Half no longer received the guiding light of the Astronomicon. Tamriel could only imagine what horrors those on the wrong side of the Rift were enduring. War was at hand, war the likes of which mankind had never before known. Yes, times were changing.

     And the Angels would change with them or be lost."

The fluff is well written. I'm surprised you chose to make a Dark Angels successor. Is Tamriel one of the Inner Circle, with knowledge of the Fallen?


Thats not my work unfortunately, its Inquisitorradcliffe off of Tumblr. I thought I would share, hence the speech marks

Yeah, I really need to see the chapter tactics before I sell myself on a course. I have a couple of color schemes in mind now. I like the Sons of Jaghatai color scheme, and they lack lore, so saying they were decimated and rebuilt into a Primaris chapter is plausible. I also really like one I made myself, which is the left side of the armor is Silver-Grey, and the other side Deep Blue. I think Sons of Jaghatai will probably be easier on my newbie painting skills, and maybe I can modify the color scheme a bit to have more Bone White.

Yeah, I really need to see the chapter tactics before I sell myself on a course. I have a couple of color schemes in mind now. I like the Sons of Jaghatai color scheme, and they lack lore, so saying they were decimated and rebuilt into a Primaris chapter is plausible. I also really like one I made myself, which is the left side of the armor is Silver-Grey, and the other side Deep Blue. I think Sons of Jaghatai will probably be easier on my newbie painting skills, and maybe I can modify the color scheme a bit to have more Bone White.

Both are possible options. BTW, did you know that the sons of jaghatai were created by fans for a white dwarf competition some years back? I believe that they originally had bone white then.


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