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i want to play chaos again, what about new CSM models?


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8th edition is really making me want to play 40k again after pretty much sitting out the last couple of editions.

I love kitbashing and I had a blast with my old chaos army. Now that things like termies and lords on foot are viable I am really wanting to dive back in.

Before I go nuts buying anything though. What do people think about any new chaos models coming out? Do you think we will see chaos primaris marines or a redo of basic chaos marines?

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8th edition is really making me want to play 40k again after pretty much sitting out the last couple of editions.

I love kitbashing and I had a blast with my old chaos army. Now that things like termies and lords on foot are viable I am really wanting to dive back in.

Before I go nuts buying anything though. What do people think about any new chaos models coming out? Do you think we will see chaos primaris marines or a redo of basic chaos marines?


There will be brand new Death Guards/Nurgle Marines due out soon, from the trailer we saw back in March.  There different models from the box game, as well as the Terminators & the Death Guard Primarch.

​As for Chaos Marine models.  It hard to tell that the moment what we can expect & if/when a release will happen.  I mean the Ultramarine Primarch, there a dead Chaos Marines on his base, which is different from the current range, more like the Dark Vengeance once.  Also a lot of the art work over past little while also shown the Chaos Marines to have that look as well.  See Gathering Storm III for example with the Red Corsair battle scene.


I know this is currently holding me back from starting Black legion, Red Corsair, Night Lords & World Eaters.

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Guest uk_crow

In the same position as you but decided to make the leap with my iron warriors.


I'm kitbashing normal CSM marines with the CSM and Mk 3 iron armour kits to fill out the bare minimum for my basic troops. My other choices are luckily things that I don't think will be replaced in the next round. For example I don't think maulerfiends, helbrutes and raptors will need replacing. I bought terminators as well, they could be replaced but they are still cool models so I'm happy to pick up more in the future.


I'm not buying any obliterators as they are prime candidates for replacement.

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Recently there went some GW stuff out of production or out of stock as far as I can tell. Desolator squad seems to be gone for good, preador and Landraider as well. Might this be a sign, or is GW just focusing production on the new stuff? I also orderered a termi lords cadre which does not seem to be produced in a fair amount...
But that is just speculation.

I also hope for new Noise marine models and Oblits... (There are nice Forgeworld noise marines though... but pricey)


Edit: Defilers are sold out as well ^^

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If I had to guess, I'd say Undivided Chaos will get their update after GW are done with the Cult Legions.


Who knows, maybe they'll put Undivided after Death Guard then continue with the Legions, maybe they'll surprise us and keep going with Iron Warriors, Word Bearers, etc. as their own sub-factions, maybe they'll ignore World Eaters and Emperor's Children and never give them the same treatment Thousand Sons and Death Guard got (although that would be extremely weird on their part). As I said, who knows.


But I'm sure vanilla CSM will get their much needed facelift, it's just a matter of time, depending on their position in the pipeline of Chaos releases.

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I don't think it's a matter of if but when. If Chaos gets a lion share of release time and they follow a release of CSM every six months say like from TS to DG it could still be a year for just the cult legions and 18 months for the model range minimum, which in my mind is the shortest possible timeline.
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