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Daemons Worth Taking?

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Hi all. I'm newly back to 40K for 8th edition and looking at starting a Chaos Space Marine force. Ideally I'd like to to be Marines mixed with a few daemons (preferably Tzeentch), but I'm not experienced enough to know what's good just by reading the codex entries.


So which daemons do you feel complement a standard Chaos Space Marine force well? What gaps do they fill?

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Screamers with a Herald on a disc flying around next to them is pretty good for Tzeentch. Herald gives Daemons of Tzeentch +1S so they are S5 for normal attacks and S7 Lamprey's Bite. Herald also can get a buff that he can use for the Screamers to give them either +1A, +1S, or +1T.


Pretty good and cheap group that can do some damage and are pretty fast. 


The Greater Daemons are all pretty baller too, I actually really like the Keeper of Secrets a ton. Speaking of Slaanesh stuff, the Fiends are absolutely insanely good, but cost a ton as well. 

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All 4 gods are totally viable in 8th so if you prefer Tzeentch, go for it! They are really good!

Brimstone horrors are AMAZINGLY efficient in 8th. 2pts for a T3 Ld7 model with a 4+ invulnerable save makes for an incredibly resilient chaffe unit. 


A 2pt Brimstone horror is more resilient than a 9pt Daemonette, for example.


or even more impressively a 2pt Brimstone is less likely to die to a lascannon shot than a 40+ pt Terminator. (theoretically, no one is ever gonna waste lascannon shots on brimstones)


They also get to cast mortal wounds. (not great odds but in units of 10 for 20pts, you have nothing to lose)


Use em in big chunks to live on objectives or use small units to stand in the way of threatening close combat units. Or use em to bubble wrap heroes. Or use em to tie up enemy units in combat. Imo they are currently one of the most efficient units in the entire game for their cost. 

Unfortunately, they only are sold with Blue Horrors by GW which are significantly less pts efficient. (you are actually getting a weaker model (+1 attack is better than +1 strength) for more than twice the cost. Though it is worthwhile to have 1 blue in each brimstone unit so that you aren't consuming a brimstone each time you cast smite but beyond that blues are a just expensive, crappier versions of brimstones.


As mentioned above screamers can be pretty baller too when buffed. Flamers can bring a ton of pane but are expensive and fragile. (aka you gotta be smart with em, though if ur mainly doing CSM with a sprinkling of Tz I kindalike Rubric flamers better than daemon flamers)


Lord of Change is ok, his casting is great, its the Tz daemon lore is very underwhelming relative to most others. He does have a great use though: The model is huge and scary so people point all their guns at him. Which is fantastic, let them shoot your 16W flying chicken while the real threats in your army are given free reign. :) 

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