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The Love 8th Thread


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No seriously, I am starting to build a small boat out of the left over remains of my hut on my salt island and maybe leave it behind.... (doesn't mean however that I won't bring a little bit with me for flavor...)


Now I haven't look at 8th from a matched play point of view. I have only done so from the narrative side and by the looks of it that is probably what I'm going to play. I'm sure Jeske and others will lambast parts of the edition for various reasons for power levels and such, it's a given, but that is not what this thread is about. After all with the new edition we have three ways to play which means everyone can play the game how they want to (more or less).


Tell us what you love about the new edition with our Chaos. No seriously, this area of B&C is usually so salty it makes Cape Cod Salt and Vinegar chips taste like plain-jane potato chips. Let's kick off this new edition on a positive note.




-Abadon is not a slouch any more. With a potential for 24 attacks in a single round of combat if the dice gods go in our favor, with stats that are generally good I finally think he will no longer be just the chump people take to the sacrificial circle just to gain a favor from a daemon.


-Most everything in the Chaos books hates the Imperium and gains another attack if they roll a 6. Honestly worth the extra point they are usually charged for units when you think of Terminators/zerks and other units getting this ability.


-WE NOW HAVE SCATTER MITIGATION! Well really...there is no mitigation because there is no scatter. For once our termies will actually show up where we want them to show up.


-Zerks attack twice a fight sub phase? Can you say badass? Or should I say BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!


I could go on, really I could, but I want to hear what the rest of you think.

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Absolutely awesome. 

There's only three points of contention from me:

  • Iffy about Obliterators, though I don't have them myself, their rules look too random and smell of Phil Kelly
  • Cultists need a two-point drop in cost. They are objectively worse than IG, whom are cheaper.
  • Not happy about the lack of Legion tactics, but as I know this is going to be remedied, I'm alright for now. 

Half a point is my DiscoPreds got really quite expensive. 202pt for twin-linked lascannons and two lascannon sponsons, and being 1 per Heavy Support slot is deeeeeeear. 

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Gaming wise


  • Been able to charge from transport once more.  I didn't care how, just as long as we could :D  Combat one of my favorited part in the game.  I'm a aggressive gamer - not in attitude, more the way I game, I hate hiding & waiting until last turn get all object.
  • Combi weapon.  That really cool now that there not once per turn.  Adding onto that, our are still twin linked.  So -1 hit where getting 4 Bolter shots & what ever you chose for the other op.
  • As you said Warsmith Gorrched, having Terminators able to charge on the turn they deep strike.
  • Seen the Khorne Berzerker rule. 
  • No more deathstar list!!  Just this was putting me off 7th ed.
  • Been able to move with our heavy weapon that just -1 to hit.  I've really enjoy using my havocs, but now that help a bit for bit more mobility.
  • How Dreadnought & Helbrute are all looking.  No matter Marines or Chaos, I'm always adding Dreadnought/Helbrute.  Always like the models.  My Iron Warriors have over 15 Helbrute models.  While my Wolves are bout 7, then there other armies in the past.

There a lot more.  I'm just looking forward to 8th ed, try finial get more games.  I know few people here, been saying that them done with 7th ed, there now just waiting for the 17th & move forward with 8th ed.

​I'm looking forward to trying out the open, narrative & match play games.

I'm looking forward to seen the background progress.  I'm looking forward to seen how the world wide Fate of Konor campaign goes, having taken part in the old school world wide campaign like Medusa V, 13th Black Crusade & Armageddon.

​Model wise - Just really intrested to see what Chaos Marines get.  Both update models like our Chaos Marines troops & Obliterators.  Be interesting to see if we get some brand new unit type.
​I'm really like the brand new Nurgle marines from the box game & looking forward to see the rest of the range we've seen some parts off from the video back in March.

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I tend to agree with you gents that barring some issues (obliterates being a big one) that chaos are not only better off, but actually competitive and competently designed for the most part. 


Everyone here knows what I play; and we are FINALLY competitive. A good list basis before we get any kind of codex, decent choices in crunch. 


All of the other chaos choices; possessed, chosen, basic chaos marines, death guard, tons of other stuff in the book is anywhere from "decent" to "great" 

In my most recent game i saw that forgefiends for just being slightly over what they cost last edition are INCREDIBLY dangerous, and maulerfiends are great as per usual though way more expensive. 

Tanks are rather tough and good, terminators are good, and most of the characters seem very useful.

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@Noctus - Abby gets his base, if you were to roll a 6 for his special attack (from his sword), thus gaining 6 more attacks and bringing his total up to 12. If he also hits with a 6 on all of those attacks (death to the false emperor), they each generate another attack. Then again, there could perhaps be a rule within the big rule book that changes how it works, but as it reads, that seems to be how it would work. Or potentially it is only 18 attacks (rolling a 6 from the sword, doubling those from dttfe, plus base). Either way, Abby will be hitting a lot more (or potentially more) in combat.


@Sonoftherubric21 - For both entries it feels more like they are fundamentally changing how those two units work. No more will they be the camp in the backfield, now if they are taken more aggressively I think people will find more success with them, specially with the way deep striking works now.

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I, along with 99% of the folks at my gaming store, are most happy that we can show up and take random miniatures out of the box.. Make a list that uses them all... and manage to have a fun game. 


I couldn't do okay against a variety of opponents with a unit of Rubric Marines in 7th but now they are an auto-include in every list.. Not because they decimate everything or are unkillable, but because they are thematic and work.

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I'm in love with the updates to:
Maulerfiends & helbrutes.

I can't wait to use warptime & precience on the maulerfiend to impliment the fast-ball special.

Chaos spawn are terrifying  & cheap with a -2 AP base.

My current plans call for filling out a brigade and flooding the board with bodies while having 12 cp and some stompy robots.

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I'm loving the whole fact I can run A LOT of Spawn and Giant Spawn.  I have 11 Spawn already; 4 more ordered for 15; and need to build another giant spawn to have 3.  


I have no idea what to back them up with, but I'll sort that out after my books get here. 

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I'm in love with the fact that my Helbrutes and other walkers are just so much better since they now have wounds instead of AV so I can easily field my old tactic on nothing but infantry supported by walkers which was so bad in the last few editions
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I'm in love with the fact that my Helbrutes and other walkers are just so much better since they now have wounds instead of AV so I can easily field my old tactic on nothing but infantry supported by walkers which was so bad in the last few editions

2 helbrutes 1 maulerfiend and a bunch of infantry filling out the brigade detachment is my plan.

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I'm in love with the fact that my Helbrutes and other walkers are just so much better since they now have wounds instead of AV so I can easily field my old tactic on nothing but infantry supported by walkers which was so bad in the last few editions

2 helbrutes 1 maulerfiend and a bunch of infantry filling out the brigade detachment is my plan.
Nice, I would love taking maulerfiend a but I plan on sticking to the deathguard faction which doesn't allow them unfortunately :( so it'll probably be 2-3 Helbrutes with a Contemptor or two
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You know what is truly a miracle? I've seen almost no whining and crying about the new edition! Previously whenever GW did a big change (Fantasy -> AoS) people were furious, burning their armies and whining that GW just curbstomped the game. But now everybody seems to be on board for 8th edition and everyone at my LGS is excited for the new stuff. Awesome! :D

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As a Blood Angels player I was incredibly bitter when I first saw the leaks. I felt betrayed after spending a fortune on models for the Angel's Blade formations only to find those models now bordering on irrelevant merely 6 months later. The butt hurt eventually subsided and excitement has taken its place. I preordered the new starter box and am eager to assemble my new Death Guard models. I played World Eaters back in 3rd and part of 4th edition, but that was many moons ago. This will be my first steps towards breaking the Emperor's chains, and I can't wait.


This edition has me excited to play again, and I no longer dread facing certain armies. I'm looking at you Space Wolves. I've seen multiple games played and I'm astonished at the level of parity that they've achieved with 8th. I don't care as much about min/maxing. I just want to play.


8th edition has inspired me to start another army again, and eventually I wouldn't mind being able to field numerous ruinous war bands. I'm currently holding out for Mortarion. If Magnus and Abaddon are any indication then Mortarion is going to be an absolute boss. Until then though I'll split my time between killing the heretics and xenos, and spreading word of the bountiful gifts awarded to those willing to lend and ear to Grandfather Nurgle.

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I love the fact I can assault out of rhinos now :D 7 Possessed, a Plague Caster and a Blightbringer crammed into a rhino with combi plasma sounds pretty awesome and perfect as part of a small force I am planning on fielding :D
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So having swung by the good old Warhammer store today and looked more into the book...


Now bear in mind this is if the dice gods were truly in your favor and rolled perfectly.


Both Abbadon and Khârn can do 72 points of damage in a close combat phase. Granted this is like rolling with loaded poker dice...BUT STILL!


I think a lot of our units and characters have come up on top, specially Abbadon who has been very lackluster for editions now (goes along with the model that hasn't changed in that time period as well). And some that we need to rethink our strategy on (I'm looking at you obliterators).


Rules aside, fluffy wise, Chaos has literally been handed half of the Imperium due to the warp storms and I cannot wait to watch the Imperium suffer.

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One thing I've noticed in the new edition is that units which are supposed to be good at both shooting and assault (marines, chaos or imperial) can finally rapid fire and charge the same turn. I saw the core rules earlier this week at my local GW and the example turn in the rules includes a sequence where a unit does this.


Combined with the ability to assault out of transports that are at least predictably durable, I think the rank and file power armored units ought to be more effective at dealing damage rather than just being expensive objective holders or cannonfodder the opponent can largely ignore or target to score easy kill points. I doubt they'll be world beaters but they'll be more of a factor than they have been in a while.

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I'm still salty & disappointed over how badly they've currently gutted Tzeentch's psychic pyrotechnics in general,  combined with the idiotic "Rule of One" non-sense that has all but shelved my Daemons...

Still,  I hope that this aspect of the game will get fixed once the codices begin to drop,  and potentially see some fiddling with the main rules during the supposed yearly updates.


For now,  I'm looking at going back to my 1st CSM army I ever did,  waaaaaaaay back when the now ancient plastic 'Zerkers were first released!  (Khornekin - because 'Khorne wills it!')


The new edition finally making the assault phase into something scary,  instead of a total joke is great!  It's nice to finally see gunline players pee themselves at the prospect of things like Marines assaulting out of their Rhinos again,  and/or Raptors/Warptalons/Assault Marines/Vanguards/etc... assaulting strait out of the new Deep Strike!


Vehicles beyond 'free' rhinos/razorbacks and a handful of other transports finally being worth a damn is a dream come true!

Like many Astartes players,  I've always loved the look & backstory of Dreadnoughts,  but they've always made for more effective paper weights than actual gaming pieces.


Finally,  I'm most looking forwards to (hopefully) there finally being a level playing field between Loyalist vs. Chaos Marines!!:D

After 10+ years of watching Loyalists get every possible toy under the sun,  plus the kitchen sink,  and then run off with almost every single one of our special toys,  it'll be refreshing to be able to give them a good kicking! :P

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