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After Badab. Mechanicus inq28 finished


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I didn't think I'd ever post this here but.


I'm a little disappointed, with the tag line of 'firing missile launcher' I was expecting a sprung loaded missile that actually fires out. Like the missiles on the old Manta Force /Transformers/Action Man/Any toy from the 80s.


Oooh, you should totally do a bike that can do jumps like the evil knievel toy too!


Clearly you are a victim of your own success......




Oooh, you should totally do a bike that can do jumps like the evil knievel toy too!

In that case, there should be a Chaos Land Raider, Necron Monolith, Tau Hammerhead, and/or Ork Trukk that will "blow up" when Company Champion Knievel's bike crashes into them.

  • 4 weeks later...

I didn't think I'd ever post this here but.


I'm a little disappointed, with the tag line of 'firing missile launcher' I was expecting a sprung loaded missile that actually fires out. Like the missiles on the old Manta Force /Transformers/Action Man/Any toy from the 80s.


Oooh, you should totally do a bike that can do jumps like the evil knievel toy too!


Clearly you are a victim of your own success......





I actually thought about it, but it was going to be waaaay to hard to fit in the launcher......



Oooh, you should totally do a bike that can do jumps like the evil knievel toy too!

In that case, there should be a Chaos Land Raider, Necron Monolith, Tau Hammerhead, and/or Ork Trukk that will "blow up" when Company Champion Knievel's bike crashes into them.



Oh god stop giving me ideas guys....seriously, the wife will kill me if I even get half the ideas for this company built......



Now I've finally had a chance to sit down and think about how the company would be restructured after the changes introduced with 8th, I felt it was time to revisit and update the original list for the company along withfinally figurig out where I am with all of it.

Way back in June, when I started this project, I had envisioned the 100 members of the 4th to be somewhat akin to the Arthurian legends, Duty and Chivalry above all, but also carrying the burden of their near destruction at Khymara, and looking for tasks that would allow them to regain some of the 4ths percieved lost honour.  A "Grail Quest" as it were.

This is why most of the names used throughout the log sound vaguely familiar.  I've lifted, and then "High Goticized" many of the names from the Arthurian legends.

Here's the original planned list.

Captain Uthor- Artificer Armour, Storm shield Powerfist, Plasmagun

Chaplain Mogain- Powerfist

Librarian Merlain - Force staff,

Techmarine Ulfius - Servoarm, Conversion Beamer, Servitors

Command Squad "The Shield Bearers" Land raider

-Veteran, Company Standard

-Veteran, Apothecary

-3 Veterans, Storm shield, Plasmagun

Tactical squad Galahan- Plasmagun, Lascannon Rhino

Tactical squad Agravail - Grav Cannon, Gravgun, Rhino

Tactical squad Caradot - Multimelta, Meltagun, Rhino

Tactical squad Brastian- MIssile Launcher, Flamer, Drop Pod

Tactical squad Elyan- Heavy Bolter, Drop Pod

Tactical squad Parzivel- Primaris - Repulsor

Assault squad Bediven- 2x flamer, Powerfist, Jump Packs

Assault squad Lancel- 8x Bikes, 2x Meltagun, Attack bike, Multi Melta

Devestator squad Gawair- 4x Plasma cannon, Razorback

Devastator squad Morien- 2x Lascannon, 2x Heavy Bolter, Razorback

Dreadnought Dagonet - Assault Cannon

First company Task force

-Terminator squad Lyonal- assault cannon

-Terminator squad Baudwin- 3x THSS, 2xLC Land raider

Much of the new list follows this structure, with the exception of the movement of things like the apothecary and company champion to separate entries and the addition of Primaris units and characters now that the Codex lets each company be more than 10 squads. 

Captain Uthor-  Storm shield Powerfist       (version 2 finished - see below)

Chaplain Mogain- Powerfist                                                                  (finished)

Primaris Librarian Merlain - Force Axe                                                 (finished)

Apothecary Lamoral                                                                              (finished)

Company Champion Kehadin "the fifth"                                                (finished)

Techmarine Ulfius - Servoarm, Powerfist                                              (finished)

Primaris Ancient Pelias                                                                             (built)

Lieutenant Melehan- Headhunter pattern storm bolter, Power sword   (finished)

Primaris Lieutenant Yvain

Company Veterans "The Shield Bearers" -3 Veterans, Storm shield, Powerfist  (2 finished)

1st Tactical squad Galahan- Plasmagun, Lascannon                            (finished)

2nd Tactical squad Agravail - Grav Cannon, Gravgun                           (finished)

3rd Tactical squad Caradot - Multimelta, Meltagun                                (finished)

4th Tactical squad Brastian- MIssile Launcher, Flamer                          (Sergeant finished)

5th Tactical squad Elyan- Heavy Bolter                                                  (finished)

6thTactical squad Gaheris -                                                                    (9 finished, Deathwatch sergeant Gaheris built)

7th Assault squad Bediven- 2x flamer, Powerfist, Jump Packs              (5 finished)

8th Assault squad Lancel- 8x Bikes, 2x Meltagun, Attack bike, Multi Melta,  (finished)

      Landspeeder [2x heavy bolter]                                                          (finished - see below)

9th Devestator squad Gawair- 4x Plasma cannon                                  (finished)

10th Devastator squad Morien- 4x Missile launcher                                (9 Built)

Deredeo Dreadnought Helaine- Anvillus autocannons, Aiolos launcher (finished)

Transports - 4 Rhinos                                                                              (2 finished)

                    2 Razorbacks                                                                      (1 finished) 

​                    2 Drop Pods   

                    Land raider crusader                                                           (finished)


11th Tactical squad Parzival (intersessor x5) 

12th Tactical squad Meliadus (intercessor x5)     

13th Assault squad Ryvahl (Reivers x5) 

14th Support squad Isdemius (Agressor x3)

First company Task force

-Terminator squad Lyonal- assault cannon

-Terminator squad Baudwin- 3x THSS, 2xLC                                        (finished)

-Librarian Thessala - force staff

SO as you can see the company has grown considerably from when I first envisioned taking on this project, and I feel I'm going to expand into other attached units for the Howling Griffons as we go along.

Enough rambling, time to show some progress.

Firstly as you may have seen in Grotsmasha warlord challenge, I decided that I wasn't happy with the look and pose i had for Captain Uthor.  Something didn't seem to "click" and I felt the final model wasn't as "noble" as I'd originally thought it would be (to be honest, it just looked like Garro with a different head and arms). With the phrase "we can rebuild him" echoing in my head I took a dive into my various bits boxes and came up with this:



He's just finished receiving his coat of paint.





I also wanted to add a landspeeder.  I figured that landspeeder crews would come from the assault squads within the company so originally Squad Lancel would be a 10 man squad, containg 6 bikes, an attack bike and the last 2 crewing the company's landspeeder.  I also wanted to go more retro to show the company having to use older equipment to replace the losses at Khymara.  Plus seeing that forgeworld were re-imagining the Rogue Trader era landspeeder this inspired me to try my own version.



and painted too






Hope that all makes sense, I'm currently running on too much coffee and not enough sleep!
  • 1 month later...
okay...long time no updates......seems a bit quite and dusty in here....
I've been hard at work , and it seems that every time i thnk the finish line is in sight more ideas pop into my head.

Devestator squad Morien is now built and awaiting paint
Tactical squad Brastian have been moved to 3rd squad and have lost their Missile launcher.  I always loved the look of breachers in 30k, and was trying to work out a way to add the asthetic to a 40k squad, and then it struck me.  Squad Brastian specialised in boarding actions and were instrumental in the capture and scuttling of the Executioner's cruiser "The Dark King" earning themselves the epithet "Kingslayers"
This means switching their Missile launcher out for a heavy flamer (yes i know it's not legal under C:SM so I'm using the points value from the Sternguard squad) and giving them boarding shields.  For these I'm using the shields from the Phalanx warders upgrade set with the detail removed so i can add the HG transfer after.
This also means they're Drop Pod is being retired for..........a Storm Raven converted from the Corvus Blackstar
I've also built The Venerable Dreadnought Dagonet.  This guy is a mix of the venerable kit and the plastic contemptor, as I felt that the boxnaught has always been too short, but the plastic Contemptor looks fat and badly posed.  I also changed the armament to the Venerable's twin Lascannon as I felt I needed the anti-armour, and it was easy enough to combine the barrels with the back half of the Kheres.




And lastly, Chief Librarian Thessala. I wanted to show Thessala's Psychic powers differently to Merlain's so I came up with the idea of having the power visible through his eyes and mouth. 
Thessala is built form the Warhammer World Cataphractii Praetor, with the arms for the other cataphractii Praetor, hands and staff from the Grey Knight kit, and head from the Phalanx warders.  Because the chest area looked realy plain I cut the chest details from the Palatine Blade sergeant.



Still more to follow.  As usual C+C welcome
I like the more human proportions you gave the Dreadnought, though the waist should be reinforced so the area wouldn't look like a weak point. Maybe mount a "sixpack" of batteries there, the batteries doubling as armor to protect the components behind them?
  • 3 weeks later...

I like the more human proportions you gave the Dreadnought, though the waist should be reinforced so the area wouldn't look like a weak point. Maybe mount a "sixpack" of batteries there, the batteries doubling as armor to protect the components behind them?

Thanks Bjorn, that’s exactly the look I was going for, never liked the proportions of the “boxnaught” or the “fatman” look of the contemptor, so combining the two gave me a boxnaught with more balanced sizing.


In other news Venerable Dagonet is done, thanks to a 4 day weekend off work







  • 3 weeks later...



Update time.


I've started painting 10th Devestator, squad Morien, but really wanted to get my teeth into something that's always bugged me.

The Storm Raven

God this is an ugly model, and finally seeing one in real life confirmed all my fears.  It's an ugly box with an ugly box stuck to the top.  No wonder I've often seen it referred to as a Storm Turkey.

The down side is I knew I wanted to include a different transport for Squad Brastian, as they specialised in Ship-to-ship boarding actions and insertions.  First thought was a Drop Pod, but these now seem woefully overpriced, and I don't think the HG scheme would work well because of the odd number of doors.  I had seen several conversions online using the Corvus Blackstar, so this is the route I decided to go down.

The conversion was quite simple in the end.  Replace the nose lascannons with the plastic multi meltas form the Leman Russ kit (they're sponson weapons, so they have a left and right handed version), fill the Deathwatch iconography with milliput, and replace the sensor dome on top with a cut down forgeworld razorback turret.  I felt this gave a slimmer profile than the regular razorback turret.  added some LED's as usual to the nose and the exhausts and called it done!













Chief Librarian Thessala is also finished, and turned out looking much better than expected. 

I decided that the Howling Griffons only real divergence from the code is when it comes to they're specialists.  With the exception of the company chaplains, who inherit their predecessors armour the Griffons believe it offend the armours spirit to cover the chapters colours. So this lead to the tradition of the right shoulder pad, helmet and ancillary armour panels being painted in the specialists designated colour, with the rest of the armour maintaining the traditional colours of the chapter.







  • 5 weeks later...

Your work is absolutely insane.... but in a good way:thumbsup:


Thanks Brother Lunkhead - Insanity has always been a wellspring of inspiration for me!


Excellent works.


Thanks as usual Bjorn


I love the idea of using a Corvus Blackstar as a Stormhawk. :thumbsup: I might steal that idea for either my Dark Angels or my homebrew marine chapter actually :laugh.:


Yeah - just can't stand the look of the flying brick that is the Storm Turkey, (having finally seen one in real life) and as this show the Corvus can be used as a stand in quite easily so I'd say go for it - they'd look really good in Dark Angle Green.




Updates have been a bit slow recently but now things at home seem to be settling down I thought it about time to share where I am with the 4th.  There has been a fervour of building and painting, lots of which has involved going back over "finished" models, adding extra high lights and the transfers, but some new stuff has been finished.  Apologise that some of the photo's will appear washed out, I did the best I could but I fear my iPhone camera may be on its last legs!


Firstly - Ancient Pelias.  Minor conversion work involving a GS loincloth, a pistol arm form the intercessor squad and a cast of the modified 30K TS head I used an the Dreadnought Dagonet.  I think all the Primaris marines will get this type of helmet to further distinguish them.






Next - Lieutenant Melehan.  Now I've posted Melehan before, but for some reason his LED stopped working so I decided to give him a new head to solve that issue.  This meant removing the old head, LED and wiring, then fitting the new one.  Decided on the unhelmed Sanguinary Guard head with a red LED mounted inside for the bionic eye.






Thirdly - Primaris Lieutenant Yvain.  Now I had a definite idea for the look of Yvain.  Everyone remembers that spectacular artwork of the Crimson Fist Captain, and the Limited Primaris Captain gave me the perfect opportunity.

Yvain was built using the "stalking" Intercessor body, and the Shin plate, Powerfist arm and shoulder pad from the limited ed Captain, with the addition of a GS loincloth and the aforementioned 30K TS head.






Then of course - 10th Devestator- Squad Morien





Next up is the first member of 3rd Tactical.  Brother Vandris was a trial to make sure the colours looked correct on the boarding shield, and I'm quite pleased with the result.





And lastly - Terminator sergeant Lyonal.  Like Sergeant Baudwin he is built form the 30K plastic Cataphractii Praetor (from BaC) but I really wanted to use the Deathwing sword, and show him in a less dynamic pose.  To achieve the left handed Storm Bolter I used the cataphractii power sword arm.





As Usual, C+C welcome

Yet more insanity......... truly magnificent:thumbsup: I've got a bunch of golden oldie RT marines that I've been itching to put together, but I couldn't decide on a chapter.... Howling Griffins it is.... you've really inspired me:yes: Thanks for sharing.

  • 2 weeks later...

Yet more insanity......... truly magnificent:thumbsup: I've got a bunch of golden oldie RT marines that I've been itching to put together, but I couldn't decide on a chapter.... Howling Griffins it is.... you've really inspired me:yes: Thanks for sharing.



Excellent works. They make me run out of "Likes" the way gourmet food makes my stomach swell.







breathtaking work. keep it up!



I was not a fan of the Howling Griffons until I stumbled upon this thread. Excellent work. I love how you've customized a large portion of your models. 



Thanks as usual guys, the motivation is always appreciated!




More insanity....I mean updates.  A few more WIP things today as I'm waiting for some more milliput to arrive so I can start building bases.  Finished painting the Heavy flamer and Flamer for third Tactical









I wanted to break up the troop building/painting with something different so I thought I'd start on the first of my Primaris reinforcements, 11th Tactical's Repulsor.

Now I love the idea of the repulsor armed with the heavy onslaught cannon, but the puny little model didn't exemplify the rate of fire (heck, the barrel isn't any bigger than the forgeworld razorback assault cannons, as you'll see).  I also felt the turret was to small for the body ofnthe tank, kind of "shrunken head" syndrome.  With this in mind I decided to expand the turret and change how the Onlsaught Cannon was mounted.

For the turret itself I added a 1.5cm extension to give it a more modern tank look





I also decided to mount the Onslaught Cannon(s) on each side, figuring 2 guns would better show the rate of fire and damage output.  These were made from casts of the Onslaught's barrel ends mounted to the aforementioned Forgeworld Razorback assault cannons.  Funnily enough the individual barrels are exactly the same size.

I also mounted a senosor where the cannon would usually mount, then added armour plates form a razorback turret and gubbins from the repulsor kit to blend it in.  The turret also still rotates and the guns elevate +/- 15 degrees.


The headlights were changed to the casts I have of the Rhino ones to give a more consistant look and LED's were added to the gun sensor, the machine spirit and the exhausts (which will eventually get the resin exhaust plumes  the same way the landspeeder and Storm Raven have)

Finally I hinged the rear door to allow access for the battery










As usual, C+C welcome

  • 3 weeks later...

The Repulsor certainly looks promising. Will you add missile launchers to the Onslaught Gatling cannons' sides, like those on the Gepard air defense vehicle? Or will the weight be too much for the weapon mounts?


thanks Bjorn. While I don't think the weight would be too much, I don't want to clutter the lines of the tank, which is why I've left off the normal rocket pods and stowage.


You should totally magnetise the base and model so the repulsor actually floats.


I thought about it, but it'd fall off whenever I moved it!



So I decided that I needed a bit of a break from the Howling Griffons as Ive been doing the paint scheme for over a year now.  But what to scratch the hobby bug with, but would still fit in with the Griffons?




Yup, all aboard the Knight bandwagon!  The box has all the bits needed to build a freeblade knight and her two Armiger bondsmen.  Along with a few "surprises" for the theme and decoration.  I have got a them in mind for them, but want to reveal it as we go along, so you can understand the thought processes that are involved.

Spent the last 2 days clipping, filing, gluing, converting and soldering so thought I'd do a "this is where I've got to" update.


Firstly the legs.  I HATE the static, wide legged pose of the knight, so that was the first thing that had to be changed.





The legs were split at the knee joint, separated from the ankle, and rebuilt in a more upright pose with plastic rod replacing the arms on the pistons.  To improve the poseability of the legs I added an extra joint to give it more flexibility.  This extra bit is the first leg joint from the Onager, and means I can pose the right leg upright (so I can run the cabling through it) and the left leg raised.  I also cut the ribbed hip joints from the pelvis and rotated them 90 degrees to open up the pose.  Once the pose is finalised I'll sculpt the missing ribs.







There are 2 sets of wires running up the leg to run the two separate lighting systems.. One will be the right hand weapon (which I'm keeping as a surprise, as it'll fit the theme) and the second runs the head, Ion shields and the cockpit lighting.


The cockpit was constructed from a resin cast of the Land raider and rhino screens, plasticard, and the seat from the sentinel (which is still removable until it's painted)  All the screens will light up with LED's (as I've now got much better at setting up circuits with them)









Now the question is what should The knight be standing on?  I'd originally though of a ruined rhino, but they're too big for the base so I'm kinda stuck for ideas....




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