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Crusade Badges


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So I,ve been mulling this over for a little while and one of the things I want to do to try and break up the black armour a bit is give all of my Templars a crusade badge (among other things include small inscriptions on various arts of the armour, templar crosses on legs or helms...the usual stuff that helps draw out the appropiate level of Zeal[/b]* in our army of choice).


Now I was considering a circle of blue with a red x across it (I'll let you decide if that is to show a disdain for Ultramarines, Marine witchery in general or both), but was wondering what you guys have thought up in hopes to get some other ideas going. Plus to see if blue really works as an option as most of the generic ones seem to be mainly red and white.


*Forgive the lack of appropiate formatting. I use an ancient tablet to post sometimes and have to tag by hand which makes showing off the appropiate level of Zeal[/b] more cumbersome than trying to get Firepower's Dreadnought chassis to tap dance.

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I'm a fan of keeping Templars as dark and black-and-white as possible - but that's just me. I'm a bit reluctant to do too much to detract from the Emperor's Black that we wear.

I think my first choice for a color other than red and white would be either gold or yellow - gold because it works well with the rest of the Templar scheme, and yellow because we are Sons of Dorn.

Another option would be to do something to tie in with the Crusade's allies, if they/you have any during the Crusade. Fighting alongside Crimson Fists? Red+Dark Blue. Working with Mechanicus? Throw a little Martian red in there. Crusading with Questor Imperialis support? Borrow a color from the Knight Household.

What I would do is test the badge on one Templar - possibly even a vehicle - to start, and see how you like it. If you like it, go from there; if not, try out a few different ideas on different minis and see which one you like the best.

*Forgive the lack of appropiate formatting. I use an ancient tablet to post sometimes and have to tag by hand which makes showing off the appropiate level of Zeal more cumbersome than trying to get Firepower's Dreadnought chassis to tap dance.

Did you apply the proper ratio of sacred unguents and recite the Litany of Activation before attempting to rouse the machine spirit of the portable relic cogitator?

If not, then you are the only one to blame for the machine being obstinate. msn-wink.gif

Oh, and the Zeal you were going for is

You forgot to close the color code. smile.png
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I usually run red and gold with certain of my Crusade who has earned the right to make his own personal heraldry... it usually boils down to how that certain Marine has earned his glory and to how he should denote it...


For example:



Ruptosh has the checkered pad as his personal Heraldry, denoting his ascension to the Sword Brethren during a fight against an Ork invasion.




Palladius' heraldry denotes the Initiates that he has served during his time as a Neophyte... yes, he lost 3 masters...
but their names are inscribed upon the label underneath the 3 crosses...




Vivar's Personal Heraldry is the mark of the Emperor as the Master of Death itself... he's a Chaplain in training and that emblem is usually the Chaplain emblem itself...



But the one's who are allowed their personal heraldry on their Shoulder Pads usually only belong with Command Squads or Honour Guards, Sword Brothers are allowed a piece of heraldry on any part of their armor, except the Pads and Initiates and Neophytes don't show personal heraldry, unless it's a token from the Sword Brother that leads their squad.


edit: oops.. wrong photo for Palladius... :p

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What I would do is test the badge on one Templar - possibly even a vehicle - to start, and see how you like it. If you like it, go from there; if not, try out a few different ideas on different minis and see which one you like the best.

What ever you do, make certain you do this: You will most likely be painting your badge many times, in many locations and in different sizes. Badges that look cool when they are zoomed up in Real People Size (RPS), can become a mess when reduced to Little Guy Size (tom) (LGS).

For example: During one of our ETL endeavors, as a result of our loss, we undertook a Penitent Crusade and designed a badge to place on our brothers. What we didn't realize at the time is that the black chevron on the badge buried the badge at a small scale.

That is why a lot of badges have simple, reproducible designs that will scale. So give some thought to the design, and then practice painting it.

How I use the device on my Initiates:




I look forward to seeing what you come up with.

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