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Darkening Grey

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So I just attempted airbrushing GWs HH Space Wolves scheme (hoping it was similar to FWs) and the end product came out much a much lighter shade of grey than what I was going for. Anyone have any tips for filtering or darkening down a light shade of grey? I thought about airbrushing nuln oil over top but I didn't know if that would wind up being to harsh of a dark tint.

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You could try thining a grey down to a wash and using that. Depending on how dark you want to get it, Nuln Oil could make the model darker than you wanted it to get.


Edit: Sorry, realized you said GW HH Space Wolves, not the normal GW Space Wolves.

Unless you're going for a full repaint, you'll need to look at some sort of wash. The quick options would be either black or a darker grey applied where wanted. If you have something you can paint up quickly to experiment on, you may want to try adding other tones. I've had pretty results adding a touch of sepia with dark washes to not go fully black, and I know a lot of people may use blue as an off-black offset to tinge the grey slightly. I'd start by testing mostly black or grey depending on how dark you want, and mix it up a little depending on how you like those results.

Edit: forgot to add, I've good results thinning out black washes and spot applying them instead of doing an all over wash.


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