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Survivors of Cadia... We Fight!

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I started an Imperial Guard army for 7th and just didn't get it quite going quick enough, so with the looming release of 8th I set myself the goal of getting 2000pts done for the 17th. 


The theme of the army is one of the many orphaned regiments from Cadia who fight on in the memory of their brethren in a quest for a glorious and hard fought death in the war against the Archenemy.


I'd bought a load of stuff and painted up three Vet squads before the 8th leaks began but I'm not too bothered as I'll be running two Vanguard detachments and a Spearhead detachment for plenty of command points and overall a very elite heavy army as a result of Veterans being reallocated. Fittingly for a force of survivors I've just painted whatever I had without really trying to tailor the force, so it's a bit hotchpotch but should be fun to play with.


First up my command squad using the metal Kasrkin models, with a platoon commander and commissar. 




I had the models and needed a command squad so used them. 


Next up is my first Veteran squad. A bit more optimal it's got three melta guns in it and uses the hazard suits from FW.




Those melta castings/scuplts are horrific. Warlord horrific.


My second Veteran squad. Another three melta guns. I loved melta in 7th. Can you tell?




My third Veteran squad. Quite different this one, I had a vision of them storming out of a Valkyrie in 7th and vainly holding objectives before getting ganked by Space Wolves or something. 8th has suddenly made this team A LOT better than they were. Shotguns and flamers ahoy.




All the boys together.




Painted up a Lord Commissar to boss them around.




Hated that model until I painted it. I had it in my box so felt obliged too. Glad I did now.


Lastly for infantry models i have a Vindicare. Not as uber as I'd envisioned in 7th, but sniping out enemy HQ's will be good.




Need to go back and re-highlight the rifle as it lost some contrast with varnishing it.

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Next up my tanks.


I arrived at this camo scheme by accident after lots of repaints. First test bed vehicle was this old metal and plastic Hellhound. Rough as fugg and not brilliantly assembled by the last owner so made for a good trial base.




Made some small changes for the next one, another rough tank this time a Chimera. 






I think it was painted six times in total. Yikes.


My first brand new model was this one.




Love it. Not sure how used it will be though.


Back to second hand rescue with a Basilisk that had been painted with what must have been a masonary brush.




Added new crew, some stowage on the platform as the rail and ladder were missing.




Trying to get another one but GW are being mean.


Brand new Chimera added to the fleet for second squad.






The full motorpool so far.




Currently batch painting three Leman Russ'.


The 2000pts will be rounded out with a squad of Bullgryns, Ratlings, Creed and another Chimera and a Taurox. Much to do!


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