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=][= Rules of the Bolter & Chainsword =][=

Brother Tyler

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Welcome to the Bolter & Chainsword!


Before participating here, make sure that you have read the following rules; and make sure to follow them when you participate.

The most important thing to understand is the purpose of the Bolter & Chainsword, as expressed in our mission statement:




The Bolter & Chainsword exists to help the members of a global hobby community to better understand, engage in, and enjoy all aspects of the Warhammer 40,000 hobby through constructive discussion and the sharing of hobby-related content.


The principles by which the Bolter & Chainsword operates:


We are all here united by our common enjoyment of the hobby.

We are all here as equals.

The differences between us neither define us nor divide us.

The differences make us stronger as individuals and as a community.

This site, this community, welcomes all hobbyists.


All of the rules that follow are built upon the foundation of the mission statement and our principles. Note that many of our forums have additional guidelines (which are also built upon our mission statement), and you should be sure to read them also before posting.



These rules are basic common sense stuff here folks and we don't think we are asking too much for everyone to follow them. If you have concerns or questions about any of the rules please contact the forum moderator(s), the custodes, or the administrators.



-The Staff of B&C

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Anyone is able to view and read the Bolter and Chainsword forums. However, registering as a forum member opens up a host of other options and resource utilities for you.

There are a few rules in regards to user accounts that must be followed though:



Members are allowed to have only a single account here at the Bolter & Chainsword. If you create multiple accounts and get caught, the most recent account(s) will be deleted. Accounts may not have objectionable names, and account names are subject to change if they throw the formatting of the board off. Also, usernames that impersonate influential members of the hobby (GW employees, well-known artists, or even the staff here at the Bolter & Chainsword) are not allowed and will be deleted. Further disciplinary action may be taken if the staff think it is appropriate.



When you sign up for an account at the B&C you are asked to create a DISPLAY nameThis is the name that will be visible to other members and will often be the "identity" you establish here. Most characters (letters, numbers, special characters) can be used in both names. Note that spaces can be included in your DISPLAY name (as in mine), so you don't have to use underscores if you don't want to. 

Think carefully on what you want your DISPLAY name to be. We rarely change a member's DISPLAY name without good reason.

Typical reasons for changing a DISPLAY name are:


  • Name is too long and throwing off thread formating. This is usually fixed by simply adding spaces or removing underscores.
  • Name contains offensive material.
  • Name is too close to another user's name. If confusion is caused by your name being close to an existing member's name, you may be asked to change it.
  • Misspelling. Sometimes in the rush to register an account a user might hit the wrong key and wind up doing something like spelling Rogue as Rouge. In cases like this we can often fix that with a quick reset of the DISPLAY name. This may not be possible if there is already a DISPLAY name like it on the forums. In that case you will be asked to choose a new DISPLAY name.
  • A DISPLAY name impersonates an important person in the hobby, typically a member of Games Workshop's staff (including associated companies such as Black Library and Forge World).


Reasons that a name change is usually turned down include but are not limited to:


  • I'm bored with this name.
  • I don't play this army anymore and want to change.
  • I named myself after a character who is now dead.



These provide members with a means of personalizing their posts, as well as giving other members an immediate visual identifier. Avatars can also be linked from members' galleries (please link only from your own gallery, not other members' galleries) and web sites. There are also blank templates available so that members can personalize avatars via our DOWNLOADS area. You can have pretty much any image you wish as your avatar. Avatars which violate board rules will be removed and the user notified. Repeated notifications may result in a warning being issued.



You can send private messages (PMs) and e-mails to other members of the Bolter & Chainsword. While the board has little control over the content of these messages, you are still expected to abide by the forum rules with regard to content and how you treat your fellow members. Using the PM and email features in ways that violate board rules (including flaming, advertising, etc.) is subject to appropriate punishment.



As our principles make clear, this community promotes inclusivity. Ultimately, one's gender [identity], sexual orientation, etc. are irrelevant and inconsequential. For most members, the persona and identity will be recognized based on a combination of display name and avatar - who a member is on the other side of the screen generally doesn't matter. Members whose names and avatars convey a masculine gender will generally be thought of and referred to by male pronouns, whereas members whose names and avatars convey a feminine gender will generally be thought of and referred to by female pronouns. In cases where the name and avatar don't convey a specific gender, the habit of most members, especially based on the demographics of the hobby community, will be to use masculine pronouns.

Some members, however, have preferred pronouns by which they would like to be called. To facilitate this, members may identify the pronouns by which they would like to be referred via their profile. This choice will appear in the member's profile at the left. If you believe that list is insufficient, please contact the administrators and provide links to multiple credible websites that support your argument for additions.

Members who do not wish to identify preferred pronouns may leave this field blank, in which case it will not appear in the profile.

IMPORTANT: Identification of preferred pronouns is a request. While all members are encouraged to use the pronouns that a member has identified when referring to that member, no one will be compelled to do so. The recommended alternative to using the pronouns that a member has identified is to use the member's display name.

If someone uses pronouns other than those that you have identified, your alternatives are to either send a polite private message reminding the member of your preferred pronouns and requesting that they edit their post, or ignore the use of other pronouns (some members disagree with the non-traditional pronouns and may refuse to use them). Sending multiple/repeat messages is not advised - a member that continues to use pronouns other than those that have been identified probably disagrees with the concept.

In general, use of pronouns other than those that have been identified will not be considered a disciplinary issue, nor will those pronouns be edited [by the moderators/administrators] unless the member that posted them chooses to edit them. Reports about such "misgendering" will not be acted upon unless the use of other pronouns is coupled with other behaviors that are clearly disrespectful (in this, note the difference between disrespect and disagreement).

The Bolter & Chainsword is not a battleground for this conflict. The rules and capabilities of the site facilitate the identification and use of preferred pronouns, but not the compulsory use of preferred pronouns.



Membership has its advantages as well, though.


Becoming a member at the B&C allows you to do the obvious basics of starting topics, replying in discussions, using the search functions, and making use of the Private Message system. Other benefits also come from registering at the B&C:


  • The ability to subscribe to content and the ability to be notified of replies.
  • Access to the Downloads
  • Create your own Gallery.
  • Create your own Blog.
  • Create and participate in Clubs.


The Downloads area is where you can get useful tools to help in the creation of your own Warhammer 40,000 armies, spice up your army list presentations, find fan-developed rules, get new wallpapers for your computer, et cetera. The content of the Downloads area is 100% member-generated. All content submitted to the Downloads will be reviewed and approved by the moderati and administratum before it becomes available to the members.

The Gallery is available in order to facilitate the documentation of your Warhammer 40,000 collection and hobby activities. The B&C offers the ability to host pictures of your Warhammer 40,000 images in a personal gallery. You may only have one gallery, but that gallery may consist of multiple albums that allow you to organize your images. The size of your gallery is limited, so keep that in mind when you are resizing your pictures.


The Blogs area is where you can create your own blog for your Warhammer 40,000 hobby participation. While each member may only create one blog, each blog can have multiple projects.


The Clubs area allows for multiple members to participate in Warhammer 40,000 hobby interests that aren't covered by individual (sub-)forums. For example, clubs have been created for geographical areas so that members residing in or visiting those areas can discuss issues or coordinate efforts/events that are specific to those areas. Clubs allow for considerable sub-elements, including dedicated discussion forums, calendars, galleries, etc. Clubs may not duplicate capabilities that (sub-)forums provide. All clubs must be approved by the site admins.

Please note that the Downloads, Gallery, Blogs, and Clubs are subject to the normal board rules and are considered to be kept on topic at all times. Content that is not related to the Warhammer 40,000 hobby will be removed.


Membership at the Bolter and Chainsword is entirely free. However if you would like to donate in a monetary fashion, you can make a donation via the Donations area at the top of the main forum page. The full amount you donate through the various subscription offers goes towards improvements and upkeep of the website.

Your donations help the B&C to bring you more of the content and management systems that you want, all with the goal of helping you to enjoy the Warhammer 40,000 hobby.



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