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Question reguarding Battleforged Armies


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Okay, so I'm not sure if this works, but I'm pretty sure it does, so I'm just asking if this is legit.


Okay so in matched play to have a battle forged army all our forces need to share a keyword, nowhere does it say it has to be the same keyword. Which allows chaos armies to take chaos daemons, fallen, chaos marines, renegade knights, and maybe stuff from the imperial index. What?? Yeah maybe.


So we can have three detachments in a 2k army list, all those detachments have to be of the same faction.


I'm pretty sure I can have a detachment of chaos and if said detachment has a unit of fallen then my chaos detachment gains the Imperium keyword.


Would that keyword then let me take a second separate detachment of Imperial units?


It seems like it all checks out, two separate detachments, all share the same keywords with each other, and over all they all share a keyword thanks to the fallen


Does this work this way? Did I miss something?

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'm pretty sure I can have a detachment of chaos and if said detachment has a unit of fallen then my chaos detachment gains the Imperium keyword.


Would that keyword then let me take a second separate detachment of Imperial units?



Nope, as that theoretical second detachment doesn't share a keyword with the rest of the army. Remember, the ARMY has to share a keyword across all units. So you could take Chaos Space Marines in detachment A and Daemons in detachment B and it would be legal since both have the <Chaos> keyword.

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An easier (and intended) way to do it is just wait for forgeworld to release their rules for them.

It is hardly an easier solution if it isn't actually possible at this time.


If you want traitor guard and mean space marines hanging out together, taking Fallen and then using loyalist guard as counts-as traitors might be better.

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