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Hi everyone.


A little bit of background, I collected warhammer 40k when I was young, way back in 3rd edition when I had the starter pack with blood angels and orks. I played for most of my childhood, then stopped when I went to uni, got into board gaming and eventually ended up using my painting skills to paint some of the more miniature related games (like Imperial assault).


A couple of weeks back my partner, who has an obsession for buying rare games, bought a copy of Shadow War Armaggeddon. She thought I might like to paint it, well she was right! Seeing the box cover with blood angels fighting orks brought back so many memories and now I find myself with a new 40k project.


I have only painted one scout so far, but I've decided that I'm not going to use shortcuts like I often do for my board games, but instead paint this set to the best of my abilities. So without further ado, here is scout number 1 of my Shadow War Armageddon box: I would love any advice on what I can do better an improve on, this might be the best model I've ever painted, but I would be more than happy for it to be the worst model in the set.






My current plan is to build the 6 scouts needed for my list (2 scouts with sniper rifles, 2 scout noviates with shotguns, 1 gunner with heavy bolter and 1 squad leader with bolt pistol and sword), then deal with the orks (I won't be sharing those with you), then we'll give the game a go. Hopefully we will enjoy it and I get to start on the terrain and the rest of the models. Who knows perhaps I'll even pick up a few other kill teams along the way!

Edited by Lienna

This is the first time I've heard of Shadow War Armageddon.  But I am not at all current on all the new stuff (new as in newer than 10 years).  But I love this model!  Very crisp and clean paint and lines!  Great lenses too!  I am not the best painter myself, and I am not the most technical, but I know what I like when I see it.


Can't wait to see the rest, and maybe a shot of the orks facing off against the scouts when you get them all done?

Very nice - I look forward to seeing more.


SW:A is a lot of fun, and is a great excuse to try out painting just a few models from various different factions.


I recommend you check out the thread on people's SW:A experiences: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/332865-shadow-war-experiences-so-far/ - hopefully we'll see you posting there once you get a game in. :)


Inquisitor Psychologis Ruminahui

This is the first time I've heard of Shadow War Armageddon.  But I am not at all current on all the new stuff (new as in newer than 10 years).  But I love this model!  Very crisp and clean paint and lines!  Great lenses too!  I am not the best painter myself, and I am not the most technical, but I know what I like when I see it.


Can't wait to see the rest, and maybe a shot of the orks facing off against the scouts when you get them all done?


If you've not heard of it before... it's Necromunda... they renamed it, added plastic terrain and replaced gangs with kill teams from standard armies... but it's Necromunda. I'll be sure to share the orks in battle with the scouts at least, but I don't want to offend this board with Xenos painting!


Very nice - I look forward to seeing more.


SW:A is a lot of fun, and is a great excuse to try out painting just a few models from various different factions.


I recommend you check out the thread on people's SW:A experiences: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/332865-shadow-war-experiences-so-far/ - hopefully we'll see you posting there once you get a game in. :smile.:


Inquisitor Psychologis Ruminahui


I'm looking forward to playing it, I hope my partner will like it, but I have my doubts, then again if she can enjoy X-wing then maybe I have a chance...



A little more progress, I've finished scout number two (please ignore the blob of black on the sniper rifle wire as I spotted that and touched it up but haven't had a chance to take a new photo). That means my snipers are now done so I am finished with cloaks!






I found this model a little harder to paint, I think it's partially the pose, but there are also places where cloth and armour seem to meld into a uniform whole, quite hard to decide where one ends and another begins. Critique would be greatly appreciated.


Finally here's a snapshot of my next two scouts, the Squad leader and the Specialist, as an aside should blood angel squad leaders have black shoulderpads? I've seen it in some photos in the shadow war manual, but it doesn't seem to be that common when I look online?



Update time! I finished 2 more scouts so my kill team is 4/6 done! And the box is 4/20 done... then there's the terrain which is 90% of the plastic in the box and I've not even considered how on earth I'm going to paint it!


Here is where you realise that I'm not all that good at painting faces, its mostly eyes, I struggle to stop people looking *very* surprised. I think these are two of my better minis for that, but I already miss the snipers with their visors! Also can someone tell the heavy bolter guy to put on a shirt? I'd do it, but it looks like he could crush my skull with one hand...





So I noticed that the forum rules changed to allow xenos in the work in progress section, so I guess I will be sharing my orks with you after all! But in case you didn't come here to see dirty xenos... well I also picked up these guys for a nice price:




It's not the best photo, but you can probably tell that there's room for improvement on the paint front, I'll be stripping these guys down and painting them back up after I've finished shadow war. It also strikes me that with a terminator librarian as HQ, a squad of terminators as elites, and the 10 scouts for troops (in 2 squad of 5), I now technically have a legal 40k army for the first time in 8 years! I'm not sure what to think about this fact.

Hey Lienna, welcome to the B&C :tu:


As far as your painting goes, my advice? Keep doing what you're doing.  These scouts are fantastic, and I'm really looking forward to you tackling the Space Hulk models.




I think you have done an excellent job on the faces to be honest.


I find the trick to making eyes less surprised it to darken just over the eye it self. So using the base skin colour, maybe darkened a little, just clip the top of the eyeball horizontally. It takes a little practice do try it on a spare mini but it'll remove the open roundness of the eye which makes it look like they dropped something on their foot.


Very vibrant reds though and you have the flesh tones down nicely. :tu:

  • 1 month later...

Wow, It's almost been two months, getting married will really get in the way of your hobby life!


I've *finally* managed to sit down and finish my two shotgun scouts, it's funny how you don't notice errors so much until you blow them up onto a macro image, I can see I have a couple of touch ups to do before starting on my orks!










So that means all six of my scouts are complete! Time for a glory shot! In addition I decided to test out painting some terrain, I had some old plastic ruins lying around in an old box so I gave painting a building a go.











I definitely lowered my standards when it came to painting a building, there's only so much effort you can put in to a large slab of concrete and brick. As always any criticism and advice is greatly appreciated, I'm always looking to improve!

Looking great- I admire the perseverance in the face of life! :P


All jokes aside, congrats on the clean paintjobs and the marriage- my recommendation for the terrain is to give a drybrush to the grey outer wall, particularly where the broken pillar is. It should help emphasise the cracks and breaks, as well as make it less flat :)

  • 1 month later...

I've given those ruins a quick drybrush, made a world of difference, need to get more terrain painting practice in!


Moving on from the clean, by-the numbers Space marines, we have the rather more rough and ready Ork boys. I've only finished one boy for now, and I don't think he lives up to the same standard of the scouts! I've tried to add some rust effects and chipping and I think my results have been rather hit and miss, I'm pretty happy with the axe head though. I'll be painting the larger terrain pieces in the same yellow and rust as the Ork armour, I want the impression that they have been salvaging whatever they can get their hands on.


I certainly need more work on this, and I hesitate to call this boy done, but I'd appreciate any C+C as always.




Edited by Lienna

For the scouts, I'd recommend mixing your highlight colour with a bright yellow, and picking out the extreme corners of the armour plates, it will really make them pop.


You're doing a great job though, very tidy models and looks great for SW:A!

  • 3 months later...

It's been a while since I did any serious painting, but new year, new me right? I've picked up a brush and now I'm back with a little update. I'm now at 4/9 Orks done, and I painted another ruin for good measure. I still need to paint 2 more Ork boys with choppas and sluggas, and the 3 yoofs with shootas and I'll be ready to actually play Shadow War Armageddon!





Having looked at these guys up close in a photo I definitely need to add some weathering to the boss' gun, I was thinking of having him be the only ork without rusty metal, but I think it's a bit plain. The Kombi-burna was made using a slugga body, a shoota barrel and a combi-flamer off of a space marine kit that I found at car boot one day. It's resulted in a  huge gun that he holds out so far he fell down constantly until I glued a 2p coin to his base!


Finally I give you a full view of the 4 Orks and 2 ruins I've painted so far, any critique is welcome, I certainly feel I put less effort into the Orks... guess I'm just a bit biased on that front. Blood angels were my first army. Orks were the guys that came in the base box for the blood angels to shoot!


I certainly need more work on this, and I hesitate to call this boy done, but I'd appreciate any C+C as always.


"Me wanna smash gitz, ledd me fri olreddy!" :biggrin.:


Nice scouts by the way, the one with the combat knife and the pistol is very cool! :yes:

Edited by LordVelype

I'm starting to reach the end of the minis in the SWA base box! Well... the ones that I'm using in my kill teams, technically I have more scouts and ork models that I don't need to use.


I've been in a painting mood the last few days, 10 days into Jan and my "paint more" resolution seems to be going well. As proof have a photo of my painting setup!





In the continued interest of trying things I never did when I was young, I've made some greenstuff bases! Pretty happy with how these came out, though we'll see how they look when they are fully painted. These aren't for either of my kill teams, but rather a new project. I bough some models that I've wanted to have for a *very* long time, my blood angels scouts are getting some new siblings to back them up!

That Yellow looks great . Makes those Orks very tempting targets:biggrin.: .


That's how they get you, you want to shoot the yellow bits, the armour, rather than the squishy, vulnerable green bits!


love the scouts, great clean fun result.  mmm def feeling tempted to reach for those unpainted scout models in the corner again - thanks Lienna :wink:


Happy to be providing some inspiration, I never saw scouts back when I played, which I always though was a shame, they help visually break up a tide of power armour troops.

My order arrived yesterday, and I've been in a big painting mood, so I've ignored the orks almost completely, and moved onto the first of my new arrivals, this is very much a test scheme so any critique on the colour scheme/painting style are appreciated. Presenting the first member of the Order of the Repentant Heart (name subject to change).




I am extremely happy with how that base come out, (though I notice I need to re-do the trim) and pretty happy with how the model looks in general. Still I know I can do better, always seek to improve! My plan on the kill team is sister superior with bolt pistol and power sword, specialist with heavy flamer, specialist with meltagun, 1 battle sister with bolt gun and 2 initiates with bolt guns.


I'll close off with how my SWA drawer looks in the cupboard at the moment, sometimes it's nice to take a second to look back at how far I've come.




That's all for today, I doubt I'll get much painting time for a few days now, I should be going back to painting orks now, only 3 to go!

Edited by Lienna

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