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Finally, a little diversion. I got hold of a handful of Catachans recently and decided to paint one up in magma camo. I rather like it, think I may do a squad or two in time.




That's all for today. Next time I'll likely be doing more seraphim.


So ...can we say this guys wearing "Hot" pants then :tongue.: ...


great work on your sisters!!


cheers, Mithril

  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for the comments all. I'm glad you like the integration of the ministorum troops, in a world as corrupt as 40k, why would the holy sisters be anything but proud of what we would consider inhumane atrocities?


Small update today as I've finished off my seraphim for the 12 months of hobby post. I'm being a touch more indulgent on this thread though, I picked up this terrain as part of an eBay bundle and I think it suits them perfectly!




Eagle eyed sisters players might notice something odd with them. These are the seraphim from the army set. But those only come with bolt pistols. So I did a quick swap for some inferno pistols, which I think came from some blood angel death company sprues? Being made for Astartes these are slightly larger, but certainly look the part.


Oh and because the army set only comes with 3 sculpts across the 5 sisters, I cracked open my box of seraphim/zepharim and swapped some bodies out, just to make the squad more dynamic. I also used the stained glass exorcist helmet, hopefully for just the right amount of ridiculous?


You might be thinking "doesn't that the box of seraphim include four inferno pistol arms"? But you'd be wrong. Because if that was the case I wouldn't have needed to chop anything up and could gave just used those... heh... @$£*!


Since I need cheering up now, here's another self-indulgent picture. The entire Order of the Repentant Heart so far, along with all the painted terrain I own! Hope you all enjoy, next month I'll be painting up my celestians, which are going to have a slight twist on the army colours to help them stand out.



  • 4 weeks later...

This month I've been painting my celestians. Since there is no discernable difference between a celestian squad and a battle sister squad bar a slight decoration on the optional helmets I decided to paint them a rather different colour scheme. In lore the original sisters of the order fought so long and hard to defend their planet that their flame weapons stained their white armour black with soot. Only where enemy bullets had been deflected did streaks of the original white show through!


Close inspection may reveal that the superior is a little damaged, I got the SoB army set second hand, the superior was already made, painted, and damaged.




I've also done a bit more work on my guard mini project. I'm trying to prioritise painting these fast with (mostly) contrast paints. It's nice to paint minis up so quickly and I think I've learned a thing or two along the way.




Finally, when showing off my latest paintjob my co-worker mentioned he wanted to play 40k. I made the typical jokes about protecting his wallet until he pointed out he already had some fantasy minis. Not much good we thought, except wait, they are tzeentch deamons. Turns out he has a perfectly usable ~1000 point 40k army that he thought was Fantasy only!


So for the first time in at least 15 years I might actually play this game! I threw together a quick 25pl combat patrol out of all my favourite units. Below is the first fighting force of the Order of the Repentant Heart!


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