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Death Korps of Krieg semi WIP


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So I painted up some Death Korps a while ago, but I was using them in a game and someone called them steel legion... I tried to give them an Afrika Korps theme with some agrax earthshade to try and dirty up their greatcoats some.  Was he crazy? Or do they look too much like the steel legion? Any and all comments appreciated!

IMG 5449


IMG 5445


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From a distance, they look like Cadians. msn-wink.gif I'm not sure how your friend equated them with the Steel Legion though.

Anyways, if you want to do an Afrika Korps theme, I'd suggest doing a very light brown or a sand/bone color on the Armor instead of green, it might actually make them look like Tallarns, but I think it's worth a try. And don't forget to base your minis appropriately! Seriously, basing can make or break models.

My basing material is coming in next week actually! I agree, they look a bit bland without it. And that sounds like a good color for the armor, I'll test it out this weekend time permitting.

Now it's time to wait until they release the forgeworld index to see if quad launchers will be worth the buy


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