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Tips for a bloody 8th?


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iv been watching a lot of battle reports and even played a few proxy games my self to get a feel for a units, if you have to buy things then definetly pick up a few boxes of zerkers and a couple rhinos :P their going to still be needed in 99.9999% of lists if not all of them :P are you wanting to do khorne CSM with daemons or just CSM's....the main reason i like 8th edition atm is everything is a lot more playable and enjoyable, their isn't much in the codex (index) that you shouldn't field :P id honestly just read through the index a few times and pick units you like the look of :P

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Raptors with the Mark of Khorne and the Khornate icon (Icon of Wrath, I think?) look pretty baller.  Deep strike them down 9"+ from an enemy, then charge with a reroll for distance.  Good way to get a first turn charge off, it seems.

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I actually am going to be running Skyrar's Dark Wolves, so it's going to be a bit funky. I plan on running a small group of Rubrics and Ahriman to represent a powerful Rune Priest and his "Stormborn". I want to run Bloodcrushers and zerkers and am considering a prince as well. The problem is I am a long time imperial player who loves his wolves and wants to run a traitor contingent as well lol.

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