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Shamelessly stolen from Slips' Eldar version, as any self-respecting Deathskull would do. ;)


I've recently finished some Flash Gitz:





So show me your lads!

Edited by Brother Casman

I have a few shots from my old Pre-Heresy Ork Boyz I was making many many moons ago using Nobz as boys. I may have to dig them out and carry on with them again now the board has changed. My strange addiction to truescaling was never limited to just making bigger marines sadly. :D








Nice one, those are looking great and nice GS work on the cloak! :thumbsup:


After looking at this thread I just realised how much I miss Gorkamorka...


Thanks buddy :smile.:


Also well .... maybe you won't be getting Gorkamorka, but something else in the future. Alongside some new ork buggies and other stuff :whistling: :cool.: :tongue.:.


I'm also planning on using the normal GW boys as yoofs for Shadow War: Great Crusade :P

Edited by Atia

My Kommandos for Shadow War Armageddon (Boys from regular box + some Kromlech bits (heads in caps, backpacks, kneeling legs).


Nob wit' Klaw and Ferroshuz Mazk





Dem Boyz'





Da Dakka Skullboy





Da Yuffs



Da Boss Snikrot


I don't even know where to start!   
Here's a Boss I painted last year. 351_3763.JPG


Here's a Big Mek I painted last year.http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-64rslm57uew/VnrzUpCCpMI/AAAAAAAAG7s/UghFV4zsILE/s320/342_0048.JPG Some mean oll' Nobs http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-bsDRZVa6lk4/Vp6v1saZzBI/AAAAAAAAG_w/0LGWyVEB-jY/s320/342_0072.JPG

And to keep this sane, here's a link to the Art of the Ork.
Much, much more mayhem to come. WAAAGH GorGak has landed.

Wow, when did this happen!? Being able to post Orky stuff on B&C is a great idea! I will need a new gallery by the looks of it. :) I really like Warlord01's gritty looking Orks and the conversion work here is looking great. I'm also excited about Atia peering into the crystal ball. Hopefully we will get some nice Mad Max style buggies sooner rather than later then?

Speaking of our pride and joys...




Edit: I'm experimenting with popping images onto the forum from my iPad. As such I have absolutely no idea how big this pic is. Let me know if it's huge.

Edited by Inquisitor Quidam

Indeed, Magicman's walker is astounding. The Deff Dread front plate works so well as a head for the knight and there is plenty of customized armour plating. I can only imagine how many snotlings were fed to Inquisitor Quidam's Squiggoth to get it to stay still long enough to paint it blue! :p The markings on the armour look really nice too.

The most recent boyz I've painted up:


I've got to base them all still, but I've decided to do that in one big wave with resin bases. Also, I now know how to take proppa' pictures, so expect better ones going forward.

Finally, never again will I paint 23 orkz at a time. It hurts to be stuck on any one color for that long.


Finally, never again will I paint 23 orkz at a time. It hurts to be stuck on any one color for that long.



Agreed! The hardest part of being an Ork player is painting up all those grots and boyz, and then removing them by the handful from the table.

Ol' Doc Wingnutz.   http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-V94VkqaiZp8/VUmNvUnPEvI/AAAAAAAACQc/HHI_rX0vsbU/s1600/DokDone1.jpghttp://2.bp.blogspot.com/--javV1GT5aA/VUmNwtOxR7I/AAAAAAAACQk/ZHK_B3ftveo/s1600/DokDone2.jpg






Da Genrul Rustbutt Kil Lee, Boss ov Da Rednekkz




Kap'n Blubeard



That's some really nice work there rednekkboss. Gotta love the stripey britches. The Doc looks like he's got plenty of Tetanus to share with everyone. :p


Blubeard's flag is also really nicely painted. Great work. 

Thanks ya'll. My orks have languished for a while as I have concentrated on Chaos, but since I might actually play this edition, I'll defintely get them going again and probably start a Filthy Xenos thread soon. ;)   I've got necrons and nid/genestealer cultists to do as well..... and possible my wife's poncy little eldar.

Nice to see Defiler parts getting a good use.:wink: Your Rednekkz ae nothing short of awesome!


I built him a as  Ghazzy stand in, but he's seen more use as a deff dread. :)

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