Olis Posted June 18, 2017 Share Posted June 18, 2017 http://img04.deviantart.net/fcc4/i/2013/350/6/b/warhammer_40k_black_templars_terminator_tribute_by_pierreloyvet-d6nye0x.jpg As you all may know, the Liber and B&C has seen some big changes this weekend, on the cusp of 8th edition. With these changes, we see reinforcements to Team Liber. I think, at least this time around, I'm going to try to preface this with a little fictional blurb, a la Aquilanus. +++ Out of the fog strode two figures, cloaked in worn capes of sack-cloth and dripping from the fine drizzle in the pre-dawn darkness. Their heavy tread announced their approach long before the group standing at the gate could see them. Ceramite footsteps rang across the plas-steel drawbridge belying their weary gait. Behind the cluster of Moderati towered the impressive edifice of the Liber, in finer fettle now than it had been since the crises of years past. Even when the vast keep had suffered the depredations of alternate dimensions and the accursed typos, the spirits of those that remained kept the prospect of rebuilding alive. This, alongside the annual celebration of the Liber itself, drew new Liberites from far and wide. From inside the keep could be heard the residents of the Liber, carousing after long hours applying themselves to the Iron Gauntlet challenge. One of the welcoming party smirked. He knew that the Gauntleteers had a long way to go yet. Pushing back their hoods the two that had left for the Tower of the Administratum had come back changed men. The journey had been long and arduous, a trek of many thousands of miles, one that neither had been sure they'd come back from in one piece. But here they were. Dressed in the black of the Moderati. Each in turn greeted the four with a warriors grip, clasping the vambrace. After they went inside, the great doors were locked and bolted, as was tradition. A choir of serfs, stood for hours on end in expectation, began their shaky rendition of Onward Imperial Soldiers. The acrid tang of incense filled the air as servo-skulls flitted to and fro. One of the residing Moderati, LySiMachus, opened the old Liber tome with a creak of ancient binding, and began. "Brothers!" Bellowed the Moderati to the arrivals, the crowd of Liberites hushed in expectation and the open foyer of the keep echoed from the roar. "Kneel." And kneel they did. LySiMachus continued, while Conn Eremon, Aquilanus and Olis looked on. "Do you swear to uphold the traditions and rites of the Liber?" "We shall." They replied. Both still dripping from their trek in the morning rain. "Do you swear to defend these halls of the righteous from the typo, the troll and the Mary Sue?" The Moderati asked, looking at one of the pair. Raising their chins with pride they responded, "We shall!" "Do you swear to uphold the traditions of Brother Kurgan, from time immemorial?" He queried, staring down the other. "We shall." "Arise, Moderati of the Liber." Commanded LySiMachus. And, with a smile, embraced each of them. Holding the arm up of one while Aquilanus held the arm up of the other, they turned to the serfs, servo-skulls and Liberites in attendance. "Welcome to the Liber, Lord Thørn and Dosjetka!" Regulation-issued meltas handed to them, the new Moderati headed to the feasting hall. It had been, after all, a very long journey. +++ Brothers and sisters of the Liber, we have two new Mods amongst our ranks. We no longer have a team of four to oversee matters, but a team of six. Now, as many of you might already know, Dosjetka is in fact not a new Mod. Dos has been a Mod for a while and has even been on the rolls of the Liber for a couple of months. However, seeing as we have the promotion of one of our own, Lord Thørn, to celebrate, it would be remiss of me not to include Dos in the proceedings. With new blood comes new enthusiasm and new ideas. As such we are putting Lord Thørn to work already, heading up the Heraldry Department with the newly returned Ace Debonair and Brother Arkley of the Dark Angels subforum. If you have seen the Primaris sheet thread, pinned at the top of the front page, you know both Lord Thørn and Brother Arkley have not wasted any time. So, if you need a paint scheme or help with the B&C painters, Lord Thørn is the one to ask. Please, join me in welcoming them to the Liber and wishing them well in their new duties! Olis =][= The Liber Moderating Team =][= Doctor Perils, Ordo Machinum, Lysimachus and 4 others 7 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335033-welcome-to-the-new-mods-of-the-liber/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
Father Mehman Posted June 18, 2017 Share Posted June 18, 2017 Yay for new Mods! Congrats ! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335033-welcome-to-the-new-mods-of-the-liber/#findComment-4787951 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kelborn Posted June 18, 2017 Share Posted June 18, 2017 To both, Thorn and Dos: http://funnypictures4.fjcdn.com/pictures/Give+that+man+a+successor+chapter_c165df_5843521.jpg All hail the Liber! :D Dosjetka, walter h and Lysimachus 3 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335033-welcome-to-the-new-mods-of-the-liber/#findComment-4787966 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted June 18, 2017 Share Posted June 18, 2017 Ace watched from the middle of the crowd as the new Moderati were presented with their meltas and led to the feasting hall. The Heraldry Department was reborn, and now with a Moderati all of its own. Of all the changes Ace had witnessed since his return to the Liber - his return home - this was by far his favourite. Although, giving Dos a melta to help keep the Culinarium food under control was a pretty close second. Forget the Primarch coming back from the grave - this was worthy of a proper celebration. Perhaps it was time to broach those casks of Fenrisian ale the Space Wolves had left behind on their last visit to the Liber. Assuming of course they weren't just empty barrels, like the time before... -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Congrats to both our new Moderati! May your meltas remain fuelled and functional (and hopefully seldom required)! Doctor Perils, walter h and joschlumpf 3 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335033-welcome-to-the-new-mods-of-the-liber/#findComment-4787980 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aqui Posted June 18, 2017 Share Posted June 18, 2017 Welcome (back in the case of Dos! ) to the new Mods! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335033-welcome-to-the-new-mods-of-the-liber/#findComment-4787988 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dosjetka Posted June 18, 2017 Share Posted June 18, 2017 The feast had been spectacular. The hugely diverse range of dishes had made Dosjetka's neuroglottis tingle all evening. Yes, someone had found it amusing to spike some of his food with some fast-acting poison which almost caused him to pass out as his oolitic kidney dealt with the toxins and, yes, he had consumed a little too much of forte's special homebrewed Wolfwizz which caused him to almost pass out a second time. And Aqui had almost reverted back to his Many-Man days which was a terrifying prospect even for a battle-hardened Astartes... But apart from all of that Dosjetka knew he would have fond memories of this evening for many years to come. Ace Debonair's unexpected reappearance was especially welcome. The Techmarine still had his bike to repair if memory served him correctly...He stood up from the table in the feast hall, made his farewells to the brothers and sisters around him, and made his way through the large armoured doors out into the halls of the Liber. With most Liberites in the feasting hall the wide corridors had their lights dimmed and only a handful of serfs scuttled around, heads bowed, greeting the Space Marine in hushed tones. As he made his way deeper into the Liber, he soon stumbled across a place he hadn't seen in years... Suddenly remembered Olis' barely-hidden and rather sinister smile when he had ceremoniously re-issued him with a Moderatii-pattern meltagun, the Space Marines' anger rose. The whole thing had been a damned ruse to get him back into this thrice-cursed place! Those bastards, he would- "WRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" Dosjetka thoughts were violently interrupted by a wall-shaking roar that could only be coming from behind the doors before him. "Oh, feth." Quickly realising there was only one way to deal with this... "issue", he walked up to the massive slabs of worn and beaten adamantium and pressed the activation rune. As they slowly swung outwards, screeching against the stone floor, he donned his skull helm, unslung his meltagun and gripped it in his left hand while activating his recently-acquired Crozius in the other. Taking a deep, slightly shuddering breath the Chaplain advanced into the jaws of Hell... (known amongst veteran Liberites as the Culinarium). + + + My writing "skills" are very rusty but here's my meagre offering for this thread anyway. Thank you for the warm welcome and I look forward to helping out my fellow Liberites in their DIY endeavours. :tu: Lysimachus and joschlumpf 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335033-welcome-to-the-new-mods-of-the-liber/#findComment-4788043 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Machine God Posted June 19, 2017 Share Posted June 19, 2017 Yes welcome the new Moderati! But since when has Xenos activity been welcome on the site let alone a whole new section? walter h 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335033-welcome-to-the-new-mods-of-the-liber/#findComment-4788255 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Argent Posted June 19, 2017 Share Posted June 19, 2017 Brother SP looked out the small window of his new office into the grey slab ferocrete wall view it offered. He had felt the great shift in the Liber's halls as whole new sections had formed from the Immaterium and other parts had shifted to reform and rework to accommodate the new structure. A dark feeling of foreboding filled the black clad Astartes and he almost didn't hear the Chapter's serfs words from behind him so lost in his thoughts he was "Lord Reclusiarch, I bring news" the serf bowed low. He wasn't sure how his master would take this news. The Chaplain sighed deeply before replying, "Speak!" his stern voice commanded, never turning from facing the window. " Great changes throughout the Legio, my lord. And more still within Liber." the serf said nervously. " The new halls, I had figured as much." SP said, still staring intently out the window. "My Lord... They contain Xenos..." the serf was almost apologetic. " Xenos... In the Legio... I never thought I would live to see the day." SP spoke through clenched teeth. " And more, my lord. Lord Debonair has returned." SP turned suddenly, suppressing a shudder. " Ace is back? Emperor preserve us." The Chaplain picked up his crozius and started to make for the door. " One more thing, milord. There are new Moderati in the Liber. Lord Dosjetka and Lord Thorn have been granted the Meltas of Moderation." SP stopped at the door, looking at the plaque above the edifice. Brother SP's Office, it read in black print. He reached up and ripped the sign down. " Have that replaced, serf." he commanded before turning his back and heading towards the Cullinarium where he could hear a great uproar already beginning. " With what, Lord SP?" the serf asked, curiously. " No, not SP anymore. Brother Argent from now on." And with that he turned his back on the office and continued down the hallways of Liber. He had new Moderati to congratulate and help, if he remembered anything of what the Culinarium was like, and an old friend to greet. It was as if a new age had dawned in the Legio and the Liber and Brother Argent was determined to be a part of it. Welcome back Ace, old chum. I was wondering where you had got off to and I must admit the Liber hasn't been the same without you. And a huge congrats to my mate Dos on his secondment to the Liber and Lord Thorn on his ascension to the Moderati. Always good to see Liberati attain the hallowed rank. And now we have Dos as an official Reclusiarch of Liber I must now change my own title to Unofficial Reclusiarch of Liber. I imagine we will need more faith and fury now filthy Xenos are allowed on the B&C. joschlumpf, Dosjetka, Doctor Perils and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335033-welcome-to-the-new-mods-of-the-liber/#findComment-4788280 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dosjetka Posted June 19, 2017 Share Posted June 19, 2017 Oh, I'm no official Reclusiarch of the Liber so you can have that title, mate. You deserve it far more than I do. ;) Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335033-welcome-to-the-new-mods-of-the-liber/#findComment-4788511 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Argent Posted June 19, 2017 Share Posted June 19, 2017 Eh, it was self appointed anyway. Maybe when I am actually around for more then a few weeks at a time I might have the title officially. Besides, you are Moderati so you far outrank me. You could almost be the Liber Master of Sanctity... Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335033-welcome-to-the-new-mods-of-the-liber/#findComment-4788522 Share on other sites More sharing options...
joschlumpf Posted June 19, 2017 Share Posted June 19, 2017 Joschlumpf needed a rest, so he wandered around the halls of the liber. With his big mouth he vowed to do every challenge of the Iron Gauntlet, the Moderatii may threw at him. He thought it would be funny. That was a bad assumption. Now, because of all the work he has, he missed a great feast, or so it seemed as there were cheering and laughing in the feasting hall and it wasn´t even dawning. He wasn´t a member for a long time, but even he recognised the changes while wandering through the halls. Was that a sororitas writing in one of the new books? As he went down the corridor, joschlumpf came to the office of Brother SP. A serf was adjusting something above the door. As he went by he looked at the little plate the serf was bringing in place. On it was written "Brother Argent". Joschlumpf thought to himself, that he has to ask Brother SP what that means, next time he saw him. Further down he heard roaring and cheering. He went on and saw a hall he couldn´t remember. Big letters show the word "CULINARIUM". Joschlumpf risked a look through the portal opening of the hall. Inside Brother SP and Dosjetka, the later now with the signs of a Moderatii, were fighting each other. On the second look, both seem to enjoy this brawl greatly. Joschlumpf rised an eyebrow and slowly turned around. He know, there were only to things he could do now: get to the feasting hall to grab some of the hard stuff....or go back to work. He looked in the direction of the feasting hall. A deep sigh went to his whole body. Joschlumpf couldn´t respect himself anymore if he didn´t managed to get his Challenge done. So he went to the feasting hall, one drink couldn´t harm anyone, right? Few hours later he lied somewhere in the halls. His headache preventing him from getting up fast. He looked around and wondered what a strange place surrounded him. He saw a genestealer and an ork writting in the books. He don´t know what this strange Lhosticks contained, but it was clearly very strong. Suddenly his eyes went big as joschlumpf remembered that he had duties this morning and he is going to be late on them. He jumped up and felt a sting in his head. He ignored the knocking inside his skull and ran as fast as possible to the transport. "At least bigboss is late too," he thought to himself as he saw his commander entering the Rhino only seconds before him. I love this forum and the community! :D Congrats to the new Moderati! Dosjetka 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335033-welcome-to-the-new-mods-of-the-liber/#findComment-4788641 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doctor Perils Posted June 19, 2017 Share Posted June 19, 2017 (edited) Thørn had drunk too much Mjød: far too much. His head was banging and his knee was killing him - he must have stumbled into a bench in his not-quite-sober state. Though he quite obviously needed to go to bed (catalepsean sleep would not be enough) he was furiously scribbling on a dataslate. Ace sauntered over to where he was sitting, amidst the shattered remains of the feast, and offered up another tankard of the strong drink favoured by their feral cousins of the Space Wolves. "What are you doing brother? Should you not be enjoying the feast that was prepared in your honour?" Thørn swung round, startled, then made a grab at his fellow Liberite, sending the unnoticed tankard flying. "Ace! You are just the person we need!" "But why brother?" "Had you not heard? The Lord Guilliman is back!" As Thørn was not a descendent of the XIIIth Primarch, his excitement was surprising to Brother Debonair. Debonair's expression must have betrayed what he was thinking, as Thørn continued: "He has created a new Founding, new type of Astartes, and new organisation for chapters. And you know what that means..." Ace did. New opportunities and options could only mean one thing: new chapters would be appearing, with no names but numbers, and only unpainted ceramite for armour. "We have our work cut out, brother." The creator of the Departmento Heraldicus finally looked at what the newer member of his organisation had couched on the dataslate: he discovered the colour scheme of a Primaris marine which included purple and pink and a fluffy cape; on the shoulderpad, as stylised unicorn pranced in a field of daisies. Gently, he pried the dataslate from Thørn, and said: "but not tonight, brother." As the new Moderator started to protest, Ace simply showed him the screen with a stern expression. Thørn finally acknowledged his ebriety, got up, and went to bed... Thanks for the re-welcoming, and congrats again to dosjetka joining us down here:) It's also very good to see old faces return, as well as new ones joining us - I look forwards to working with you all in the attempt to expand our little universe :P the new edition seems to be set to give us a lot more new material, so there may well be a need to be more dynamic, which will be very fun Finally, I hope we can get this primaris painter up and working in short order, which we can then expand to other factions. If anyone needs any help with their diy heraldry, don't hesitate to message us (ace debonair, brother Arkley and/or me) as we all enjoy creating colour schemes Right then, carry on the festivities, and don't forget the gauntlet! Edited June 19, 2017 by Lord Thørn joschlumpf and Olis 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335033-welcome-to-the-new-mods-of-the-liber/#findComment-4788780 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch Posted June 19, 2017 Share Posted June 19, 2017 (edited) Daimyo Daron Lenoch stretched his fingers and arms. His fine-motor-control muscles hurt from all the writing and forging he had done for the Iron Gauntlet, accepted quickly with little thought to what it would entail. He enjoyed it though, he had not done such work since he had been a snake, way back in 756M41. Sounds of a great celebratory feast resounded through the halls. What might the occasion be? Lenoch thought. There had not been cause for such celebration since the Iron Gauntlet had been thrown down many months ago. He had scarcely left the Liber since he had taken the challenge, leaving only to venture to the N.O. through a portal he kept in his wargear case, leaving to the training fields, or to the N+R+BA area to gather news of the galaxy shifting around them. He placed his hammer down, cooled his forge, and exited his chamber, walking toward the feast hall. Stretched across the entrance was a banner reading ‘Congratulations to the New Moderati Cedo.’ However, it appeared he had missed most of the true ceremony, for the feast had begun. Two of his Liberite brothers were seated at the head of the hall, regulation meltaguns not unlike the one Brother Olis carried across his back, hanging from their belts. They were surrounded by the other four Moderati of the Liber: Olis, LySimachus, Aquilanus, and Conn Eremon. The first, Lord Thørn, had stopped by his chamber many times to offer assistance and advice when it came to his report on his chapter. Lord Thørn had been a good choice for the Moderati for the Liber. The second, Dosjetka, was an old member of the Liber and a member of the Moderati Cedo elsewhere in the fortress. It was only fitting that he be given a wider purview. Daron sheathed his sword-for there were often combat servitors lurking the halls of the fortress, designed to keep the residents on their toes, lest they become rusty, and the Chaos ilk liked to start brawls at the drop of a hat-and walked to the head of the hall, where he greeted and congratulated the pair with firm grasps of the vambrace and punches on the shoulder. Both thanked him and returned the punches, and Lenoch took up a flagon of mjod and joined in the next toast to the pair and the Liber and the Legio themselves. His ceremonial obligations finished, Lenoch drained the rest of his drink, resolved to treat both new Moderati with the respect they deserved, and wandered among the party, speaking to many of the other Frater in the room. Soon, though, he had drunk enough mjod, eaten enough food, and spoken to enough Frater in conversational ways. The Gauntlet called again. Congratulations to Dosjetka and Lord Thørn on joining the ranks of the Liberite Moderati. I wish you good melta-ing and the judicious application of such. Here's hoping you'll never have to use them. PS: What's the culinarium? Am I missing something?PPS: I have a second part of this that is mostly related to my avatar dealing with the new changes to the BnC. I will put that up elsewhere, as I feel it is not necessarily appropriate for here. PPPS: My formatting is whacked up. It would appear docs and BBC code don't mix. I present this with no italics because of that. Edited June 19, 2017 by Captain Lenoch joschlumpf 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335033-welcome-to-the-new-mods-of-the-liber/#findComment-4789197 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Reyner Posted June 19, 2017 Share Posted June 19, 2017 Congrats to the new mods, glad to see some old names coming back too. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335033-welcome-to-the-new-mods-of-the-liber/#findComment-4789211 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Olis Posted June 19, 2017 Author Share Posted June 19, 2017 PS: What's the culinarium? Am I missing something? PPS: I have a second part of this that is mostly related to my avatar dealing with the new changes to the BnC. I will put that up elsewhere, as I feel it is not necessarily appropriate for here. PPPS: My formatting is whacked up. It would appear docs and BBC code don't mix. I present this with no italics because of that. 1) It's the kitchen. That's the place where the alternate dimensions shenanigans began way back in the 'This is the Liber Astartes II' thread, soon after the 'Typo War'. I know it sounds a bit crazy. That's because it was. :lol: 2) Here's good if you fancy. No-one's going to complain about it. 3) Yeah, usually I port over written material with BBCode written in already so that the post is formatted how I like it before it even sees the hallowed halls of the Liber. If you need help with formatting, I'm sure any one of us Mods can help. Also... Moderati and Moderati Cedo are not the same thing - the Cedo are basically retired Mods. ;) (Also also, I prefer to tote a Volkite Caliver. My melta has been in my boot locker since I was issued it. ^_^ ) Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335033-welcome-to-the-new-mods-of-the-liber/#findComment-4789450 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aqui Posted June 19, 2017 Share Posted June 19, 2017 I tend towards either a Melta or Sisters regulation Flamer... :lol: Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335033-welcome-to-the-new-mods-of-the-liber/#findComment-4789461 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Olis Posted June 19, 2017 Author Share Posted June 19, 2017 Note that Aqui is usually sans eyebrows... ;) Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335033-welcome-to-the-new-mods-of-the-liber/#findComment-4789528 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Conn Eremon Posted June 19, 2017 Share Posted June 19, 2017 I, myself, prefer the pen over the sword. It's a pretty gadgety pen, though. Bought it from an online store, hard to find. Just called 'Q,' very odd. Dang good pen, though. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335033-welcome-to-the-new-mods-of-the-liber/#findComment-4789533 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted June 19, 2017 Share Posted June 19, 2017 (Also also, I prefer to tote a Volkite Caliver. My melta has been in my boot locker since I was issued it. ) I tend towards either a Melta or Sisters regulation Flamer... I, myself, prefer the pen over the sword. It's a pretty gadgety pen, though. Bought it from an online store, hard to find. Just called 'Q,' very odd. Dang good pen, though. 8th edition has brought so many changes. I remember when all the Moderati had were cool shades, meltaguns and some vaguely-alluded-to-mafia-overtones. Dosjetka 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335033-welcome-to-the-new-mods-of-the-liber/#findComment-4789564 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Olis Posted June 19, 2017 Author Share Posted June 19, 2017 I remember when all the Moderati had were cool shades, meltaguns and some vaguely-alluded-to-mafia-overtones. Oh, I still have the shades. Somewhere. On top of my head, probably. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335033-welcome-to-the-new-mods-of-the-liber/#findComment-4789571 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted June 19, 2017 Share Posted June 19, 2017 1) It's the kitchen. That's the place where the alternate dimensions shenanigans began way back in the 'This is the Liber Astartes II' thread, soon after the 'Typo War'. I know it sounds a bit crazy. That's because it was. On the subject of that old topic: Is it weird that I consider it 'canon' that everyone's names changed because they were replaced by alternate-universe versions of themselves after some kind of heroic sacrifice to keep the multiple-universes at bay forever? I mean, we should NEVER have a definitive answer for how it all ended - I'd much rather that everyone has different memories of how we went from Old Liber to New Liber, up to and including exactly when all this happened. But yeah, that's my take on things. We lost so many brave Liberites (and noble denizens of other parts of the forum of course) but got replacements for them from elsewhere and everything kinda-sorta-maybe worked out alright. Only now we also have orks, Bigmarines and all manner of other things too. walter h 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335033-welcome-to-the-new-mods-of-the-liber/#findComment-4789601 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Olis Posted June 19, 2017 Author Share Posted June 19, 2017 Are you suggesting the shenanigans are back? By Guilliman's swinging scabbard, that's horrifying! (Hey, I wonder if I ever got around to beating the Colrous?) Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335033-welcome-to-the-new-mods-of-the-liber/#findComment-4789610 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch Posted June 19, 2017 Share Posted June 19, 2017 Ah, fraggit, Olis is right, no-one's really going to care if i post the rest of my 'welcome the mods' story here. Bewarned, xenoheresy awaits. Previously in Capt. Lenoch's Welcoming the Mods... 'Soon, though, he had drunk enough mjod, eaten enough food, and spoken to enough Frater in conversational ways. The Gauntlet called again.' Thusly, Daron sought out Olis, for discussion of the Iron Guantlet. Olis was seated nearby, and the pair chatted amicably for a while. Upon the conclusion of their discussion, Olis pointed out the message board that the Administratum maintained across all the sub-locations of the fortress, said “Perhaps you should read that, Captain,” smacked Lenoch across the back, and left. Lenoch did not bother to correct his friend on his ceremonial title of Daimyo; he had been wary of sharing it and gone with his official rank of captain, simply for homogenization. His membership of the Samurai meant nothing here, where he was . Knowing that his brothers and the Naculan knew his title was enough for him. Perhaps one day soon he would change his official registry with the Legio as the message board said was now permitted, perhaps not. For now he was content. Lenoch approached the board and read it. Xenos? In the halls of the Legio Bolter and Chainsword’s fortress? What was this? Lenoch smiled. He had played the part of guest too many times to the Sunderer and played the host not nearly enough. Perhaps these new changes would allow him to repay his debt of hospitality. Upon reentering his chamber, he was greeted with a mountain of metal six inches taller than he was, armed with a large glaive and holding a glowing sphere in its left hand. It would seem he would be repaying his debts earlier than expected, but welcomely so. Lenoch laughed a baritone peal, dropped his flagon and bolter, and embraced the Necron. “Greetings, Sarnakh, my friend. Welcome to the Liber!” The Necron known as Sarnakh the Sunderer dropped his weapons and wargear and returned the embrace, taking care to not crush his ally’s bones under his inhuman strength. “Greetings, Daimyo. The Shogun sends his regards, as does Kani,” rumbled the machine. He looked over at Lenoch’s lone serf, passed out in the corner. “I must apologize to him at some point. When I arrived I gave him quite the fright. He must be new. Your usual serfs are at least accustomed to my appearance, if not my manner of entrance.” “Yes, he is a Legio serf. He shall be fine.” The Necron stretched. “Now then, Lenoch, tell me of the Bolter and Chainsword….” And so Lenoch told his friend of the wondrous facility and community he was a part of, and of those who made it up, and the changes that made Xenos welcome to the fortress. Soon they finished talking, and the Necron Phaeron left to wander the halls, off to write his own stories and explore the Liber. Lenoch picked up his bolter and replaced it on its rack, picked up his hammer, and set to work again on his Iron Gauntlet vows. walter h and Machine God 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335033-welcome-to-the-new-mods-of-the-liber/#findComment-4789660 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted June 20, 2017 Share Posted June 20, 2017 (edited) Are you suggesting the shenanigans are back? By Guilliman's swinging scabbard, that's horrifying! (Hey, I wonder if I ever got around to beating the Colrous?) That is exactly the opposite of what I'm suggesting, actually. I'm saying that sometimes having no ending is the best ending - that way everyone can decide for themselves what happened, and thus nobody's disappointed. EDIT: What I mean is that I have my own theory on how everything worked out (which includes a reason for everyone's names to change), but by no means am I right about what happened - I'm sure everyone had their own plans on how to conclude things, but if we never actually state what happened, then everyone - up to and including Liberites who weren't there or weren't mentioned at the time - can be right, which is not only appropriate as all heck for the setting (the Imperial propaganda machine is vast and powerful) but appropriate as heck to wrap up the whole multiverse thing (when anything is possible, anyone can save the day) So yes, you beat the Colrous. It was epic and intense and the battle could have gone either way. But so did I, in a kung-fu showdown. And so did Reyner, with his Incineratus-pattern flamer. And so did Conn, with his fancy pen. Dos probably beat him in a bake-off to the death, or with his Arcanum, or with a good old fashioned melta blast to the face. Aquilanus might have beat him once for each of his many personalities. Any or all of these things could have happened, and I think it's for the best if we as a group never actually try to figure it all out. Edited June 20, 2017 by Ace Debonair Olis and Dosjetka 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335033-welcome-to-the-new-mods-of-the-liber/#findComment-4790047 Share on other sites More sharing options...
joschlumpf Posted June 20, 2017 Share Posted June 20, 2017 I just realised that the liber is now officially the 40k equivalent of the Star Trek Federation :D walter h 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335033-welcome-to-the-new-mods-of-the-liber/#findComment-4790118 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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