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heldrakes, fly, and the lack of airborne

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from briefly reading over the rules "true fliers" (by which I mean the flying vehicles from 7th) have an additional rule called airborne


this exempts them from being in melee with ground troops (which makes sense) 


and hovering cancels this for a turn (from looking at the deathwatch flier)



however, something i noticed, is that the Heldrake lacks all the characteristics found on these fliers such as:

-minimum movement


-hard to hit


so heldrakes are now skimmers??


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Yes, Heldrakes are effectively very fast skimmers now, a change I mostly approve of for the reasons Trex mentions.  However, as a flier unit type / battlefield role you can use it with the advanced rules for fliers if you're using those.

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If you want a distinctive & less turkeyish design, try getting one Heldrake and one Vampire Counts Zombie Dragon instead of two drakes, then cobble the pieces from the two kits together to make two weird independent designs.  Spare bits from a fiend also help.

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Heck, I'd go one further and suggest using the Dragon wholesale. I was considering using a Phoenix in my Sons force before 8th hit, but now there's little-to-no mechanical distinction between vehicles and creatures I might pick up a 'vehicular' menagerie.

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Heldrakes are terrifying daemon dragons made of metal and hate.


Easier to hit but they will happily jump on your tank and eat the turret.

I know, I so want to buy the New Khârn model and convert my helturkey to have him riding it.



Or just airbrush that onto the side of the WE Land Raider that you plan to use as his transport. Complete with metallics and sparkles. :)

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