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8th Dark Angels Tactica and Tournament Guide (in progress)


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@ Itsacon


Anything Plasma related is amazing with re-rolls. Even 5 Vets with Combi-Plasmas are great, 10 will wreck face (at a price). There are two issues here. One, unlike SM, DA do not have access to a deep striking character that gives re-rolls, as Belial only gives it to the DW. Two, Pods are way to expensive now, which is why I prefer the Chaos and SW method of Combis on TDA. Still, the option of Vets still exists with DA, even if not via deep strike.


DW, especially with Belial, wreck infantry lines with 4 shots per model. Similar to what is talked about in the GK section, albeit without the singular Mortal Wounds, but with more bodies and more guns, which has always been the better way to go.


Begond that, alpha strikes comes from T1 melee or long-ranged firepower. The latter is pretty much the new Chimera leafblower list, namely Razorback spam. It is very popular right now as they are comparatively cheap, speed up deployment (transport deploys with its transported unit in one drop) to secure T1, unloads plenty of dakka and with the DS and Azzy and are harder to shift with the -1 hit and 4++, ontop of the re-rolls to hit. It is hard to shift with conventional melee as well. Pretty nasty, but still gets countered by dedicated anti-tank with re-rolls, so having T1 is important.

Edited by Immersturm
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Flyers spam is probably our strongest alpha strike. Pick flyer of choice. Stormravens obviously big right now (can't remember if we can take them or not).


Podding stuff in is no longer viable


Deathwing dropping maybe but so easy to bubble wrap.


Or stack a gunline with lascannons. Otherwise marines don't really alpha strike in tournaments anymore. With the bubble wrapping alpha striking requires long range and mobility

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@ Itsacon


Anything Plasma related is amazing with re-rolls. Even 5 Vets with Combi-Plasmas are great, 10 will wreck face (at a price). There are two issues here. One, unlike SM, DA do not have access to a deep striking character that gives re-rolls, as Belial only gives it to the DW. Two, Pods are way to expensive now, which is why I prefer the Chaos and SW method of Combis on TDA. Still, the option of Vets still exists with DA, even if not via deep strike.



dark angels can take a captain (we call it company master) that gives rerolls 1s to hit, slap a jump pack...boom.


Stormravens obviously big right now (can't remember if we can take them or not).


You can, but they don't get the Dark Angels Keyword, and won't get re-rolls from our characters. Probably better to go for one of the FW flyers, or our own jet.



well yea, we can take them as vanilla space marine stormraven, but we can't take them as dark angels stormraven (it's not on our list), probably because we have our own flyers....ah well, fire raptors and thunderhawks it is then!

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just wrote a list yesterday, thunderhawk, 2 fire raptors, and some scouts lol....


you know a thunderhawk can't legally deploy in dawn of war deployment....



more seriously, wrote a list too with 3 fire raptors, a dark talon,, a jump captain, and some ass-backs...seems like it might be quite good

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Yea. Doesn't fit in 12". Obviously friendly game just count the overlap against its movement and range but if someone wanted to be a dick they could say you can't actually legally deploy it haha
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dark angels can take a captain (we call it company master) that gives rerolls 1s to hit, slap a jump pack...boom.

Ordinary company master in terminator armour can deep strike as well. Problem is getting those deep striking plasma guns. Our vets can't take jump packs, assault marines can take max 3 plasma pistols, which lacks dice, and terminators can take two cannons max.

So you're stuck using droppods anyway, at which point it's better to put the captain in there too, so speed up deployment.

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So the Deathwing Company Champion is basically just a waste of points, then?


How so?


I have yet to try this guy, but he looks quite good on paper, atleast. 5 wounds, 2+/5++ saves, and a S+3 AP-3 D3 damage weapon? And gets extra attacks against superior numbers? Looks like an awesome guy to tie up some infantry blob that may otherwise bog down the movement of other units. Deepstrike it next to your target, and then charge up.


Its a tough-to-kill that can easily happen to be ignored as a non-threat, and then BAM! he is mowing down infantry left and right!

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I did not see a lot of talk on the forum about the company champion.

we get the same as the vanilla, but with a "blade of Caliban", a +3 st power sword... for free !?

Also, with power weapon being cheap I want to try some company veteran with power maul (see my post for pic), they look good and are relatively cheap. 

anyone has tried them yet?



No thanks. Points better spent elsewhere I'm afraid. Champions are just too expensive and they don't come with any buffs. Marine characters are good because they buff and are force multipliers. Occasionally some are good individually but almost always you take them for the buffs

Not so fast. 56 points for a character killer with a S7, AP -3, D-D3 sword can be useful in some lists. He won't be winning combats on his own like the Deathwing Champion, but he can contribute to larger fights.

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Part of the issue is that, now they have to charge in seperately, it gives rise to situations where they hit but their support doesn't, or vice versa. I think that's a bit problematic for all the independent characters.


Yes. You would have to charge with something else first, see that you make it into combat, and THEN charge with the Champion.


Though, through heroic intervention, you COULD get him in combat, without charging

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It's not that champion isn't good in isolation. But points are better spent on something that makes swathes of your army better. Force multiplication is always a better use of points than one-off damage
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It's not that champion isn't good in isolation. But points are better spent on something that makes swathes of your army better. Force multiplication is always a better use of points than one-off damage

No one can disagree with that, It its hard to argue a champion over a basic Company Master or a chaplain, for similar point cost.

but once I have my HQ's in, what else is in competition with the champion? more so at that point cost. 

dosent he make your chaplain better? 

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I'm looking to find something hard hitting to use as either a take the fight to the enemy unit or counter-assault.  Deathwing Knights are the obvious choice but coupled with what I feel is the obligatory Chaplain at the least, they come out rather expensive.  What have you guys used in this role?  I mostly play against Grey Knights, Death Guard and Guard so quite a range. One thing I do know is that the Assault Squad doesn't cut it against Grey Knights :(

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I am sort of looking forward to trying DW with Aggressors. Heavy bodies, melee line, heavy dakka. Sounds like a good time, albeit probably not the most competitive setup.


@ G8Keeper - If you are running DW, the Apothecary is a good start. Probably better than the Fhaplain if you being Belial. You need something to offset that MW spam GK bring. Beyond that, melee DW and use the attack first stratagem if he charged with 2 or more units. The best weapon against GK is melee supported by shooting though. I am not sure how purist you are, but I feel like fire support, especially against NDK, is invaluable.

Edited by Immersturm
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