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Coming back to the good Ole' 40k!

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So it has been awhile since I've played 40k. I would say about 9 years now. I don't have my old stuff anymore and I want to get back into worshiping the Chaos Gods! I have been looking at the start collecting boxes from GW. Are they worth buying? My main thought for an army are either Black Legion or Alpha Legion if that helps. I know that 8th just came out, which is the reason I'm coming back, but I want to find out what is actually worth buying to be competitive in the new edition too! Thanks!

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Welcome to the forums, brother, and welcome back to the hobby! Now, as far as the start collecting boxes are concerned, I can't help you but the starter box set with the primaris astartes and the Death guard is fairly good value for money, seeing as you get a whacking great big hardback rule book as a part of it... ^_^

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well luckily as this is the start of 8th literally 99% of the units from any army are actually usable in game now, so no longer having to face the same cheesy lists again and again :tongue.:


ill be able to make suggestions on what you should think of getting but it would be benificial for me to know a little bit of your wants/needs from the army :tongue.: this is a game of fun again (well for the time being) and no longer a crapfest of cheese vs cheesier cheese lol :tongue.:


so yeah let me know what you like (eg close combat or ranged something on them lines anyway) 

Edited by Demonic95
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well luckily as this is the start of 8th literally 99% of the units from any army are actually usable in game now, so no longer having to face the same cheesy lists again and again :tongue.:


ill be able to make suggestions on what you should think of getting but it would be benificial for me to know a little bit of your wants/needs from the army :tongue.: this is a game of fun again (well for the time being) and no longer a crapfest of cheese vs cheesier cheese lol :tongue.:


so yeah let me know what you like (eg close combat or ranged something on them lines anyway) 

I was hoping to do mostly Alpha Legion type of army mostly, however there are no special rules for them like infiltrate abilities and such. The new edition seems great, but lacking on special abilities for the legions. I am hoping to still keep to this, but have it be competitive too. I like a balance of both CC and ranged. Being too much of either seems too one dimensional. I like flexibility. 

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