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8e Dark Vengeance Booklet

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I decided not to buy another dark vengeance box despite the 8e update booklet that came with it since i figured it would just be the old roster sheet with stats modified to 8e format, generic CSM vs. Dark Angels in other words. Aparrently I was wrong, at least in the instance of Vrosh Tattersoul. Does the 8e update include point costs and keywords and the like that would enable it to be used in actual games, other than just Dark Vengeance? I play Crimson Slaughter primarily and want to know how bad to kick myself and try to find a copy of this book. Also, other than Vrosh, are the models just generic CSM with this booklet?
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3++ has the datasheets here. It looks like just bog standard Chaos lord and a chosen squad with the options already filled in for you and fancy names for the same bog standard ones everyone gets. Vrosh is a bit different. No idea about if the points costs are included.


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I saw that, its what made me ask. I preordered my indexes from the GW webstore which aparently means i wont get them till a week from today (i never preordered through them before) and as a result i have no reference for Krannon, the lack of Krannons relics is disheartening though.


Im trying to talk myself out of buying a box i found that the seller will supply the booklet with, i really dont need another box, but im losing against myself.

Edited by ThanatosMalleus
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So, I finally got my index today. Apparently, if we are basing the usable wargear on what is on the model, none of the Chosen models are usable with the Index rules except for the dual lightning claws Chosen. They all have bolt pistols, bolters, and one close combat weapon. 8e only allows for Chosen, including the Champion, to have two of those.


Even the Dark Vengeance 8e conversion sheet does not address this, with the strange exception of the power fist Chosen. The power fist Chosen is given all 3 weapons the actual model has: a bolt pistol, a boltgun, and a powerfist. The champions rules ignore the bolter on his back, as does the axe Chosen. Finally, the two Chosen with bolters and pistols have swords, formerly CC weapons, at their sides.


To sum it up, this means only one of the Chosen is playable with just the Index, one additional is playable with the 8e rule conversion for Dark Vengeance, and four have weapons on their models that they cannot actually use even with both rule sets.


The Index already had me feeling like 8e was kicking me around as a Chaos player but this observation was kind of a spit in the face, as a Crimson Slaughter player, to go with it. My cautious optimism for 8e has kind of fallen apart.

Edited by ThanatosMalleus
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Some of the DV chosen as packaged are technically legal - specifically the regular bolter dudes..  They're allowed to have a bolter, bolt pistol, and close combat weapon, so long as the close combat weapon is a regular one, not a chain or power weapon.

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Malisteen, take another look at the Chaos index. Bolter and Boltgun are standard on Chosen; all other weapons require you to REPLACE one of the pre-existing. Or am I mising somewhere that says all models are alowed a close combat weapon? Even with this, I wonder why the Power Fist Chosen was the only one allowed 3 weapons on the roster.
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A 'close combat weapon' is not a thing.  Everyone is assumed to have some form of 'close combat weapon', whether modeled or not, which which they make their regular attacks at their regular strength with no ap and damage 1 if they don't have any particular melee weapons that do anything extra.  The bolter/bolt pistol chosen with what is clearly a regular, non-power, non-chain sword in a sheath are perfectly legal wysiwyg models under the index rules.

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Ok gotcha. That does still leave two of them problematic along with it being bizarre that the only model that the conversion booklet addresses the three weapon issue on is the guy with the power fist. Considering half of them (not counting the guys with sheathed swords) have 3 weapoms, Im not sure what makes him special here. Edited by ThanatosMalleus
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