ranulf the revenant Posted August 1, 2019 Share Posted August 1, 2019 Well the head has a lot of character, so I guess the investment had to be made anyway Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335253-duskraiders-40k-nurgle-an-experiment-in-flesh-and-machine/page/46/#findComment-5355954 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted August 1, 2019 Share Posted August 1, 2019 Shin plates? Yeah, you know... the plates... that protect the shins... The proper term is greaves. Zephaniah Adriyen 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335253-duskraiders-40k-nurgle-an-experiment-in-flesh-and-machine/page/46/#findComment-5355956 Share on other sites More sharing options...
DuskRaider Posted August 1, 2019 Author Share Posted August 1, 2019 Lower leg thingies. Noctus Cornix 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335253-duskraiders-40k-nurgle-an-experiment-in-flesh-and-machine/page/46/#findComment-5355961 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Noctus Cornix Posted August 1, 2019 Share Posted August 1, 2019 Lower leg thingies. Lower leg thingies is the more technical term. DuskRaider 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335253-duskraiders-40k-nurgle-an-experiment-in-flesh-and-machine/page/46/#findComment-5356132 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chazzmos Posted August 2, 2019 Share Posted August 2, 2019 These latest conversions are amazing, so gritty and tubey and lower leg thingy! That rust photo is great inspiration, I need to look at more reference shots like that before trying new things. The different colours and patters are much clearer to me after looking at something like that.  I'm impressed by your GS tubes, mine end up all warped with fingerprints all over them. Maybe I need to let them dry more. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335253-duskraiders-40k-nurgle-an-experiment-in-flesh-and-machine/page/46/#findComment-5356400 Share on other sites More sharing options...
DuskRaider Posted August 3, 2019 Author Share Posted August 3, 2019   Affiliation: House Makabius / HelForge Volgan (formerly Forge World M'Pandex)  Designation: Benivolentia Strepo , Dolorous Knell  Pilot: Balberith Makabius  Origin: HelForge Volgan, Volgan-Pattern Dominus Tyrant  Notes: Dominus Knight variant hailing from HelForge Volgan. Identifiable by heavier armour plating and overall larger size than Imperial issue Dominus Knight. Front line / siege specialist armament. Benivolentia Strepo seems to be a walking shrine to the putrescant god Nurglith and has been shown to be revered as such by the throngs of Skitarii and other malcontent creatures. Possesses bio-organic weaponry meant to emulate Imperial issue Conflagration Cannon. Holy Knights of the Imperium are advised not to scan signifiers, Volgan-Pattern Dominus seems to carry highly contagious scrapcode which may be transmitted by such actions.  WHEW! The journey is at an end. I can't believe it took over a year for this behemoth to go from idea in my head to taking physical form. A lot of thought went into this model (and some plain old winging it).  From the very beginning I wanted a Dominus and I wanted it to be a walking shrine of Nurgle. I began floating ideas around and bouncing some off of Auggy and others to see what would work and what would not. The thing about the Dominus that always disappointed me was that in lore they're supposed to tower over Questor Knights, but in reality the models just... don't. They're basically the same size with the Dominus being thicker, for a lack of better word. Thicc. Thankfully I'm not the only one who thought so and Taro Modelmaker went about making leg extensions while over on Shapeways, Gadgets Plus released a torso extension.  The Cannon is a "turret" by Machinator over at Blood and Skull Industry on eBay, he had released it years ago when the Plaguereaper was still a thing. It took a lot of hacking to get it shortened (yes, it's actually shorter than it originally was). After that it was a lot of bits scouring and some generous frater on here donating things here and there like the fly clouds by hushrong (over a year ago).  The carapace is covered in offerings to the Undying God, mouldering skulls of enemies from all about the galaxy. Placed throughout these morbid trinkets are grave wax candles, their adipocere flame lit for each Knight within Benivolentia Strepo's Banner. They also number seven on each side, which was a happy coincidence (I didn't notice myself until I was painting them).  I had a moment of clarity the other night and remembered exactly where I had placed the missing wing for one of the Bell Attendants. Thankfully I did too, because otherwise I didn't know what I was going to do.  There's a lot more I could probably touch on, but I'll leave it here. I've said enough. Enjoy!  Oh, one more thing... the grey of the Armigers is almost done. Once I finished the Tyrant I immediately moved on to them. Sgt. Blank, Brother-Chaplain Kage, Hungry Nostraman Lizard and 6 others 9 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335253-duskraiders-40k-nurgle-an-experiment-in-flesh-and-machine/page/46/#findComment-5356887 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother-Chaplain Kage Posted August 3, 2019 Share Posted August 3, 2019 This, boys and girls, is why you should always play with painted minis. Imagine seeing your opponent plop this down on the other side of the table. rednekkboss, Hungry Nostraman Lizard and Atia 3 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335253-duskraiders-40k-nurgle-an-experiment-in-flesh-and-machine/page/46/#findComment-5356899 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gederas Posted August 3, 2019 Share Posted August 3, 2019 This, boys and girls, is why you should always play with painted minis. Imagine seeing your opponent plop this down on the other side of the table. Agreement. Just.... Wow. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335253-duskraiders-40k-nurgle-an-experiment-in-flesh-and-machine/page/46/#findComment-5356907 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother-Chaplain Kage Posted August 3, 2019 Share Posted August 3, 2019 Now that I'm home and can get a decent look at the pictures, bravo! To be quite honest, I'm so used to seeing people go completely overboard with the weathering on 40k models - rust in particular - I really like the slightly understated feel of the corrosion; you can tell that dark metal has the rough oxidized texture to it, but it's not punching the effect down your throat with a ton of rust tones. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335253-duskraiders-40k-nurgle-an-experiment-in-flesh-and-machine/page/46/#findComment-5356919 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted August 3, 2019 Share Posted August 3, 2019 Excellent work. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335253-duskraiders-40k-nurgle-an-experiment-in-flesh-and-machine/page/46/#findComment-5356927 Share on other sites More sharing options...
ElDuderino Posted August 3, 2019 Share Posted August 3, 2019 Beautiful! It reminds me of a forest in the fall, only infested by nurgle. 10/10 Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335253-duskraiders-40k-nurgle-an-experiment-in-flesh-and-machine/page/46/#findComment-5357044 Share on other sites More sharing options...
DuskRaider Posted August 3, 2019 Author Share Posted August 3, 2019 Thanks everyone! Â @BCK: Yeah, but how do you feel about playing against unbased Knights? lol... that will be my next project after the Armigers are done. Â I hear you about the rust. It is difficult to find a balance with it. I didn't want to go too orange because that's usually where liquid pools, while for the most part dry rust and rot on metal is more brown. Obviously this beast isn't taking any baths (that's a no-no for Nurgle) so the rust would be more brownish with a mix of dark and light orange here and there. Â @Duderino: I really like that analogy. Fall is my absolute favorite time of the year between the foliage we get here in NY to my favorite holiday and, of course, my birthday... though at 36 that kinda lost its appeal a while ago. Â I just realized something earlier... I ordered the Legio Models Dark Mechanicum kit and I can't actually add the cockpit to it... it has no hatch! Now I'm trying to decide if I say screw it and use the beautiful kit for my Seneschal anyhow and forego the cockpit for another Knight or I put the kit aside for a Dreadblade or something. Â The thing is, I got the tentacle arm in today and it's AWESOME. I can't really see it going with anything other than that Dark Mechanicum kit, it's so Heretek-y and wild. Along with that, I can't see much else pairing with it but the Laser Destructor. I think when it comes to those, I'm definitely adding more jumbled cabling and I really want to try and mix some skulls into it as well like the FW Greatest Brass Scorpion. Â Thoughts? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335253-duskraiders-40k-nurgle-an-experiment-in-flesh-and-machine/page/46/#findComment-5357325 Share on other sites More sharing options...
rednekkboss Posted August 4, 2019 Share Posted August 4, 2019 Dear God!! That's frikkin gorgeous! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335253-duskraiders-40k-nurgle-an-experiment-in-flesh-and-machine/page/46/#findComment-5357599 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Krakendoomcool Posted August 4, 2019 Share Posted August 4, 2019 Another amazing knight Dusk. They are all so unique. They each have a role in the knight household. Â Great use of the massive Plaguereaper spewer gun. Â It is such a wonderful project. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335253-duskraiders-40k-nurgle-an-experiment-in-flesh-and-machine/page/46/#findComment-5357640 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Atia Posted August 4, 2019 Share Posted August 4, 2019 (edited) Awwww he looks great - especially the head Edited August 5, 2019 by Atia Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335253-duskraiders-40k-nurgle-an-experiment-in-flesh-and-machine/page/46/#findComment-5358002 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Charlo Posted August 4, 2019 Share Posted August 4, 2019 God damn man, absolutely breathtaking... Both in picture and in real life from the smell ;) Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335253-duskraiders-40k-nurgle-an-experiment-in-flesh-and-machine/page/46/#findComment-5358005 Share on other sites More sharing options...
DuskRaider Posted August 5, 2019 Author Share Posted August 5, 2019 Thanks everyone! I'm actually really proud of how it turned out, I think even moreso than my original mutated Knight. I'll have to get updated photos of them all since the originals were kinda garbage. Still not sure how I'll photograph everything together, it's takes up quite a bit of space... Â So a little secret just between us... I am on schedule to have the Armigers done by the end of the week. The gray / blue and white are finished and I'm currently working on the gold trim. Obviously the worst part is that damned rust, but considering they're so much smaller than my other models it shouldn't be as bad. I can't wait to see it all done and together (and help the LatD forum hit 100% completion for the ETL!). Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335253-duskraiders-40k-nurgle-an-experiment-in-flesh-and-machine/page/46/#findComment-5358519 Share on other sites More sharing options...
DuskRaider Posted August 8, 2019 Author Share Posted August 8, 2019 (edited)  Affiliation: House Makabius / HelForge Volgan (formerly Forge World M'Pandex)  Designation: Manus Fatorum, Hand of Fate  Pilot: Balam Ophias of Ophias, Banner House of Makabius  Origin: HelForge Volgan (presumably), Armiger Warglaive  Notes: Origin of machine unknown, completely void of signifiers. Magos Harkin of Forge World Mezoa believes HelForge Volgan produces massed amounts of Armiger frames for use as hunting packs via the Golden Forge. Heavily modified frame, Thermal Spear replaced with biochemical weapon of equal lethality. Massive Siege Claw causes erratic gait, however no less lethal in combat.   Affiliation: House Makabius / HelForge Volgan (formerly Forge World M'Pandex)  Designation: Verbera Flagellum, Wailing Whip  Pilot: Eligos Ophias of Ophias, Banner House of Makabius  Origin: HelForge Volgan (presumably), Armiger Warglaive  Notes: Armed similarly to Manus Fatorum with the exception of a large mass of whip-like appendages emulating their Seneschal and Huntsman. No indication of external optics found on frame. Optical apparatus replaced with syringe-like device. Machine beginning to show physical mutations in the form of horn growth.  Manus Fatorum and Verbera Flagellum hunting  Completed ETL 2019 Vow  Wow... well, I'm done. I have yet to decide if I want to add transfers to these as the pilots hail from Banner Houses and not Makabius itself. It's been a pleasure working on these and I eagerly await the final pieces to build my Seneschal.  Let me know what you think! Edited August 8, 2019 by DuskRaider Urauloth, Brother-Chaplain Kage, The Ergonomic Enginseer and 5 others 8 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335253-duskraiders-40k-nurgle-an-experiment-in-flesh-and-machine/page/46/#findComment-5362153 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Atia Posted August 8, 2019 Share Posted August 8, 2019 (edited) Awwww I loooove them!! Â Regarding the transfers - I would go for it. In the end, they all serve the Reaper ... Edited August 8, 2019 by Atia Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335253-duskraiders-40k-nurgle-an-experiment-in-flesh-and-machine/page/46/#findComment-5362165 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother-Chaplain Kage Posted August 8, 2019 Share Posted August 8, 2019 *looks at completed ETL vow* Â DuskRaider, Hungry Nostraman Lizard and Augustus b'Raass 3 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335253-duskraiders-40k-nurgle-an-experiment-in-flesh-and-machine/page/46/#findComment-5362178 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zephaniah Adriyen Posted August 9, 2019 Share Posted August 9, 2019 They look phenomenal. Nurgly and gross, just like they should be. I'd like your opinion on something. Would it be a good idea for, in building my Chaos Knight, me to paint it up in Loyalist colors and then Nurgle it from there? Yours are the best Nurgle Knights I've seen... ever, anywhere, so I thought I'd ask. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335253-duskraiders-40k-nurgle-an-experiment-in-flesh-and-machine/page/46/#findComment-5362269 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted August 9, 2019 Share Posted August 9, 2019 Excellent work on the Chaos Armigers. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335253-duskraiders-40k-nurgle-an-experiment-in-flesh-and-machine/page/46/#findComment-5362297 Share on other sites More sharing options...
DuskRaider Posted August 9, 2019 Author Share Posted August 9, 2019 Thanks folks! Â @Atia: hmmmm... you may be right, sans the coat of arms. I have to see if I have transfers small enough for them that I don't need for Titanicus. If that's the case, the go transferless :D Â @BCK: Haha, I love those movies. Nothing beats the first one, though. Â @Zeph: When I paint mine, I do indeed do their scheme as it would be untainted first. So in the middle of my paint process, my Knights so look like really thrashed Loyalist Knights I suppose. That's why I do actual damage with my Dremel tool and add the rust and whatnot afterwards. The rust and grime is actually one of the later parts of my paint stage with these. Or do you mean paint yours up as fallen elements of a Loyalist House? Â See, as far as fluff I think the new codex kind of fell on it's face a bit. They created all these new Houses without much more than a side reference to House Devine in a tiny little timeline snippet. That's a travesty. It goes beyond my obvious need for validation of Makabius activity in the 41st (or are we in 42nd?) millennium. There's lore established by FW and most importantly Alan Bligh regarding traitorous Knight Households that GW completely ignored. Some have carried the torch into the current timeline, such as Auggy with his Atrax and the other day I did see some pretty cool Devine Chaos Knights. Atia and Zephaniah Adriyen 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335253-duskraiders-40k-nurgle-an-experiment-in-flesh-and-machine/page/46/#findComment-5362324 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zephaniah Adriyen Posted August 9, 2019 Share Posted August 9, 2019 The Knight I'm going to do for my first Chaos Knight is a Nurgle devotee, fallen and forcefully exiled from a Questor Mechanicus house. The plan was to paint him up in his old Loyalist colors and then Nurgle it. I appreciate the advice! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335253-duskraiders-40k-nurgle-an-experiment-in-flesh-and-machine/page/46/#findComment-5362770 Share on other sites More sharing options...
DuskRaider Posted August 9, 2019 Author Share Posted August 9, 2019 Yeah man, go for it. There's countless reasons why a Loyalist Knight could fall to Chaos. Would make a great Dreadblade. Zephaniah Adriyen and Atia 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/335253-duskraiders-40k-nurgle-an-experiment-in-flesh-and-machine/page/46/#findComment-5362975 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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