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Imperium, Gulliman and the Tau

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I just want to add a third cog in the wheel here... recently Guilliman has been sort-of sympathetic with xenos, with his weird arrangement with the Ynnari. It wouldn't be very surprising if Guilliman is already operating with a secret non-aggression pact with the Craftworld Eldar and Ynnari.


So... would Guilliman replicate this with the Tau? There is almost no reason not to from his perspective. He doesn't have the resources to attack the Tau as he's mostly relieving Imperial worlds already under attack.


Problem is, there's no reason for the Tau to sign up for this. They are expanding, why would they want a non-aggression pact?


Of course, looking at the Great Rift map, it's almost more likely that the Tau will be fighting the Necrons, not the Imperium.


To be fair, Where the tau sit is kind of a royal Charlie Foxtrot right now: Necrons to the left, chaos above, ultramarines to the south, tyranids on the regular and orks already inside their territory. To be fair, they have last quite a while considering 5 places are being attacked.


Would at least think they can sympathise a little with the ultramarines, with all the tyranids and such...just saying.

Edited by Chaplain Dosjetka
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I just want to add a third cog in the wheel here... recently Guilliman has been sort-of sympathetic with xenos, with his weird arrangement with the Ynnari. It wouldn't be very surprising if Guilliman is already operating with a secret non-aggression pact with the Craftworld Eldar and Ynnari.


So... would Guilliman replicate this with the Tau? There is almost no reason not to from his perspective. He doesn't have the resources to attack the Tau as he's mostly relieving Imperial worlds already under attack.


Problem is, there's no reason for the Tau to sign up for this. They are expanding, why would they want a non-aggression pact?


Of course, looking at the Great Rift map, it's almost more likely that the Tau will be fighting the Necrons, not the Imperium.


To be fair, Where the tau sit is a kind of a royal Charlie Foxtrot right now: Necrons to the left, chaos above, ultramarines to the south, tyranids on the regular and orks already inside their territory. To be fair, they have last quite a while considering 5 places are being attacked.


Would at least think they can sympathise a little with the ultramarines, with all the tyranids and such...just saying.



I think Guilliman will have to give them a good beating before they agree to anything. 

Edited by Chaplain Dosjetka
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