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Charging from a vehicle


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Still waiting for my rule book. But can you/BAs assualt from a vehicle after it moved in 8th ed. I am hearing conflicting opinions. Some say no. That is you have to disembark before a vehicle moves, Or, Stay embarked , Move and then disembark next round.


Others say you can disembark from vehicles and drop pods and still shoot and charge.......


Please advise

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Normal disembarking is always before the transport moves and allows you to move/shoot/charge with the disembarked unit.


Forced disembark like from a drop pod is made at the end of the movement phase and prohibits you from moving. You may still shoot/charge as normal

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Well, you aren't hearing conflicting opinions, you're hearing the rules!


You CAN disembark from a transport and charge in the same turn, but you have to disembark from the vehicle at the beginning of the movement phase (i.e. before the vehicle moves).


Drop Pods are the exception because you are forced to disembark at the end of the movement phase rather than the beginning. And yes, you can Charge from this, but you are forced to start at least 9" away from the enemy so the odds are against you rolling high enough (without shenanigans) to make it into combat.


Also, no need to wait for the book, rules are free.

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The only open-topped marine vehicle I can think of is the land speeder storm (which BA don't get, obvs). It doesn't change disembark/charge rules from a normal transport, but does allow passengers to fire normally in the shooting phase (which includes with pistols if already within 1" of an enemy). I believe this is the same for xenos open-topped too. No specific penalties when getting shot at.


Passengers of normal vehicles can't fire out any more or do anything else bar disembark.

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Ok. Thanks. You can charge from a drop pod but not from a moving/moved vehicle. Ok.


And open topped? Does this allow embarked models to assualt after movement? Just curious.......

There is nothing to do with vehicles moving and assaulting. It is just that all disembarking now happens before the Vehicle moves (apart from drop pods). The only reason you cannot assault if the vehicle moves is that you cannot disembark after the vehicle has moved (apart from Drop Pods).


After disambarking, both the squad and the vehicle are free to move normally.

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No worries dude, glad to have you in the forum - we all have a lot of questions at this early stage in the rules as we find our feet. Give the rules a good look over - you might spot something some of us have missed!

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