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So bug fans, 8th edition is here and I was wondering how the new edition has effect your swarm of bugs?


For me, the devourer nerf has made me switch my Hive Tyrants to close combat load outs and my shooty carnifexs to a Deathspitter/Scything Talon setup.


My Tyrannofex with Rupture Cannon will probably be bench warming and Zoanthropes seem weaker and will probably be doing to the same.


I might be get a Tyrgon for the Genestealer 1st turn charge setup and I will be getting more Venomthropes because of the squad minimums 


What about you guys? How is your swarm changing this edition?

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Played a 1000 point game today. Crone in the face with Trygon plus warriors popping up turn one would have been a good move if I hadn't held back and waited for turn two. Tervigon plus a big unit of Termagants seems quite good but it's a lot of points, I think I would have been better placed to get a load more Genestealers and maybe a broodlord.

Zoanthropes, while they have lost some offensive output, are insanely durable. Even a small unit provides a solid Synapse anchor that will take serious dedicated firepower from your opponent to remove. 


Tyrannofex is a bit of a let down, but I think the rupture cannon is still good...if you're lucky. Again, low damage output, but hard to remove. 

My old 3154 point collection (without splurging on biomorphs like glands) is now a 3244 collection. Those broodlords add up (without them I would have 2758 points which is a significant drop).


I've only had one 8th ed game so far with Chaos, so I have no idea how my Tyranids will do but I'm not planning on buying many more models.


I have three unbuilt carnifex I need to find so that along with a newly purchased box of gargoyles so I can fill out a brigade detatchment.

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