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HQ Options in 8th


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For non-Khorne armies, I actually like a walking CSM Daemon Prince with a Warp Bolter and dual Malefic Talons to lead a large infantry unit or a firebase. He's about the same cost as Ahriman on a Disk and is worth about as much in a different way.


You get rerolls of 1 for both Marine and same-god Daemon units close to him (including things like Forgefiends), he acts as decent countercharge if the enemy comes knocking, can't be targeted separately under most circumstances, can hand out either Prescience or Warp Time, and can use Smite as well as an Assault 2, Dmg 2 bolter with AP-1. The nature of the ranged weapon means he can Advance constantly with relatively little difficulty, and with his 8 in base move, that gives him speed roughly comparable to the winged Prince if you don't need to fly over models.


He synergizes well with Heralds of the same god, gaining bonuses and allowing them to cast Psychic buffs on him that can only target Daemons. A Slaanesh Malefic Talon Prince has 7 D2 Attacks at AP-2, and hitting him with Hysterical Frenzy will produce some nice results, especially since a Herald going in with him would take his Str to 8.


So, if you want to combine the Heretic Astartes and Daemon tags in the same army (which is very common with Cult armies like TS, EC, or DG), I'd wholeheartedly recommend him. Even WE might benefit from a dude with 8in move and 8 attacks at Str 8 thanks to a nearby Herald.

Edited by GreaterChickenofTzeentch
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I am very seriously considering replacing an exalted sorcerer with a Chaos Lord to let a shooty unit re-roll 1s with Prescience up on them as well. Seems nice considering all I do with the exalted is run around on foot and hes never really in range to Smite.

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