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++Dark Imperium - Nurlge show case++

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Did you get the recent Dark Imperium box game during the week?  Have you gotten the really great Nurgle models converted &/or painted.  I though I'd create a topic for this, to let memeber post up those cool models & also a great way for help any new memeber or anyone who thinking start the Chaos side from the Dark Imperium box game.


Dark Imperium box game




Here Maxime Pastourel (who did a lot of the work along side Aly) painted up the new Nurgle Terminator lord for his own warband







I'll hopeful start work on my own Nurgle force in the next few days.

Edited by Insane Psychopath
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So... I did a thing... not finished yet, of course.
Only about halway done so far. I still need to sort out the right shoulder guard (it's an amalgamation of two that don't quite sit right together) by covering it, probably, with a cloak or something. The head was an old Night Lord one, with the wings swapped out for DG spikes from other starter kit models that I've been modifying. Torso was a Tartaros one to begin with. Not sure if I've finished with that yet. The backpack is a Crimson Slaughter one, as is the bolter arm.
Ideas, comments and critique are welcome.

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Looking rad so far! Glad to see these can all be mashed together.


Word to the wise - I just grabbed a bunch of stuff that sorta goes together but it's not anywhere near a 'kitbash', it's much more like a proper conversion, with epoxy putty needed for some gaps. I'll likely need some for the other arm at the shoulder, judging by the way it lines up atm.



Edit - Cloakey bit started. Rat tail added.





Edited by Olis
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  • 2 weeks later...


Contrary to recent reports, I'm not dead! I have been quite busy doing other things, but it's mostly looking after an injured family member (broken ankle) and working. There was also the small matter of a gathering of Mods at Warhammer World over the weekend of the 23rd (a good time was had by all).
But, still, I had better show some progress, little as it may be. Yes, I am continuing to work on this. I've actually attached his other arm now, so the model looks far more complete. I'm also in the process of de-horning his foot, just to set him further apart from his original twin. Note the shoulder pad horn has also gone.
I've begun smoothing the join on the inside of the cloak - I think one application of Liquid Green Stuff might suffice after this.
And, finally, the outside cloak/right shoulder pad. The censer just wasn't working, so I've ditched that - though, I haven't decided yet what to put in it's place. And the cloak has been built up a little. It dawns on me that I'm not a particularly skilled sculptor, hence the lack of definition so far. Basically, it looks like a blob. Yeah. I'll keep working on that. :tongue.:
So, any ideas what to fill that gap in the middle of the shoulder pad with?

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I suppose I'll jump in on this... here's my Death Guard so far. Third Grand Company, dubbed "The Ebon Third" by the Inquisition due to their replacement of green with black. I've almost completed painting the first 20 Poxwalkers and am currently converting the next 20. Here's what I have so far, both painted and modeled:
















Edit: Just finished the first batch of 20 Poxwalkers, here you go!









Edited by DuskRaider
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Awesome job! How did you get the poxwalkers skin like that? I'm going to start them soon but I have no idea how to paint large areas of skin


Thanks guys! As for the Poxwalker's flesh, it's as follows:


Model is primed Corax White

Base coat Pallid Wych Flesh

Watered down layer of Seraphim Sepia

At this point, you can use whatever washes you'd like for yours. I'll give you what I used, but feel free to experiment to match whatever look or theme you'd like. So for the next steps:

Carrosburg Crimson in the recesses and anywhere the model should be shaded or darker, like under bellies, in creases of the arms or whatnot

Athonian Camoshade in the same areas.

At this point, I picked out certain areas I wanted the flesh to look bruised with Druchii Violet. This you can try directly from the pot if you want a more bruised look, or water it down to make it more subtle.

Light drybrush of Pallid Wych Flesh. Make sure there's very little on the brush and you're only getting the raised and large areas. Don't worry if you mess this up, you'll be fixing it before the end.

Boils are done with a base coat of Balor Brown. Wash them with Seraphim Sepia right from the bottle. Then, add some 50 / 50 Balor Brown - Pallid Wych Flesh, focusing more on the middle of the boil. Finally, a small area in the very center with Pallid Wych Flesh. Think of it as the head of a zit. 

Finally, once I was done with all of the flesh I went and did a final wash of Carrosburg Crimson in the recesses I had before. I did this watered down and focused it on the recesses and used the brush to spread it out from each area, blending it into the rest of the flesh. 


Pretty much, these guys rely on a lot of carefully placed washes. Like I said, you don't have to use the colors I used, you could do literally anything you want. I could see Athonian Camoshade and Agrax Earthshade working out well. Play with it, have fun!

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