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force org in 8th

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So, i must confess that the chaos index has me a little confused about what is permitted in an army


Is it possible to play chaos (no specific legion/ black legion) with units from the 1kSons and/or DGuard included?


ie. My CSM are painted as a warband (not a legion, blame starting in 6th ed) , can I take bloat drones?


thanks in advance

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Idk if they are fliers or fast attack, but if they are fast attack then in most of the focs you can run 0-2 fast and fliers (or more). They probably wouldn't benefit from any non Deathguard Nurgle things.


So if your Warband is the Siege Dancers and you wanted some of the drone things, your siege dancers would get rerolls from your HQs/characters, but not your drones.


Cult units are elites if I recall, unless you are playing the legion in question where they are troops (Deathguard, Ksons, Emperor's Children, World Eaters).

Edited by Trevak Dal
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So, i must confess that the chaos index has me a little confused about what is permitted in an army


Is it possible to play chaos (no specific legion/ black legion) with units from the 1kSons and/or DGuard included?


ie. My CSM are painted as a warband (not a legion, blame starting in 6th ed) , can I take bloat drones?


thanks in advance

  I believe the answer is yes. There doesn't appear to a limit on them, if your chosen faction keyword for matched play is 'Chaos' then you can take TS Rubricae as troops, Blight Drones etc. The only limitations are the ones under the army rules - like DG units using the Nurgle <Mark of Chaos>, or the Contagion buff only working on <Death Guard> units.


  There's little disadvantage to doing things this way at the moment, or, to be more specific there is little opportunity cost. I strongly suspect that this will change when the Codexes start dropping. For example if you wanted to be able to use a Thousand Sons specific detachment or stratagem all your units will need <Thousand Sons> as a keyword, and not all units can have that. On the other hand there might a 'recent renegades' detachment, which forbids you from having any of the nine legions as your <Legion> keyword, meaning a bunch of TS, DG and other units wouldn't be allowed in the army, as they can't change their <Legion> keyword like say, a Chaos Lord can.


 Much like AoS I suspect that the more specific keyword you choose for matched play, the more powerful the bonuses will be. I expect that any <DG> or <TS> detachments or stratagems will be quite strong, because you're severely limiting your potential pool of units compared to using <Tzeentch> or <Chaos> for example.

Edited by Zeratil
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When you play a <CHAOS> army or a <HERETIC ASTARTES> army or even just a <NURGLE/KHORNE/SLAANESH/TZEENTCH> army, you are free to mix and match any unit from the Index no matter the Legion.

Of course a <BLACK LEGION> Lord would still only buff units from his own Legion tho, so that's the restriction you are willed to accept in that case.


In future when GW releases a proper Codex for CSM and the Legions, then there will be more restrictions. Or rather bonis for limiting yourself to a more specific faction keyword. Like Legion specific Stratagems, Relics, FOCs and such. The first of those we'll be seeing is most likely Death Guard.

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