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Vindicators... any use now?

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Maybe sit your vindi behind a landraider to soak up the damage as they both advance ... then dart the landraider out of the way unleashing its zerkers/termi's and the vindi takes a shot at the closest 5+ manned squad. The land raider should be able to kill any rhino's advancing and if needs be drop the troops out early for anything else. Yes this is a lot of point in one basket, but your opponent could not just ignore this and while their attention is turned on this creeping up the left flank you could DS termi's in behind there armor or to support this spearhead further lol

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Maybe sit your vindi behind a landraider to soak up the damage as they both advance ... then dart the landraider out of the way unleashing its zerkers/termi's and the vindi takes a shot at the closest 5+ manned squad. The land raider should be able to kill any rhino's advancing and if needs be drop the troops out early for anything else. Yes this is a lot of point in one basket, but your opponent could not just ignore this and while their attention is turned on this creeping up the left flank you could DS termi's in behind there armor or to support this spearhead further lol

If you manage to put a Vindicator behind a Landraider so the enemy can't see the tiniest part of it then you are either cheating or deserve to win every game. :D

Keep in mind that the enemy can shoot at it even if his unit can see only a tiny part of an edge etc. (likewise that's all you need to be able to shoot with the Vindicator at the unit).

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Yes. But if you need to spend your entire army firepower (or half, for that matter) to stop a single rhino from charging to protect a vindy... :tongue.:


Again. If you have no way of stopping a rhino reaching your vindicator, then you have lost the game at the army design stage.



While your army is busy dealing with khorne melta termies, zerkers, hellforged dreads and a trio of chaos xiphon you may want to revisit your target priorities :wink:


What failed at the design stage is the vindicator, imho.



But from what you're saying, the rhino is the biggest threat in the opposing army, so should be dealt with first.

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Still seems a lot of investment to get the vindicator to work, and it is still likely to roll a one for the number of shots it gets and to miss.
I love them, my two were my go to heavy support for my Thousand sons, but almost anythings better at almost every roll for cheaper or/and requiring less support to do their job. 

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Yeah I think the moral is, 160 points for Vindi isn't much but then again you don't get much in return either.
All in all I don't think he's bad but it means you need to have other units filling in an anti-tank purpose that likely arn't tanks. To which you could ask yourself, why am I running this?

In my vision it's a budget piece, you dont get much and you dont pay much. The issue CSM has with budget pieces is that most of our stuff isn't very budget so if you going against SM with a similar budget tactic Im quite certain that they will do their job better. Razorbacks for example are not that different from a Vindi but do have the option to transport aswell. Which is quite frankly often better.

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and it is still likely to roll a one for the number of shots it gets and to miss.

It's more likely that it rolls anything else than a 1 tho. :D

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It will be interesting to see after playing them how the new game mechanic will change things. With a scatter die being the former method offering the chance of missing wildly all together or only 1 or 2 enemies I'm not sure results will be much different. Specifically on hitting or how many are hit that is. Of course it was fun when a scatter inadvertently hit multiple units and it can't do that anymore. Edited by Skerr
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and it is still likely to roll a one for the number of shots it gets and to miss.

It's more likely that it rolls anything else than a 1 tho. :biggrin.:


lets say it does, half of the shots are going to miss, and then we have wound rolls/saves/invs/"FnP" to roll for. it is a realy bad return on points, and it gets realy bad vs non multi wound super elite armies.

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and it is still likely to roll a one for the number of shots it gets and to miss.

It's more likely that it rolls anything else than a 1 tho. :biggrin.:


lets say it does, half of the shots are going to miss, and then we have wound rolls/saves/invs/"FnP" to roll for. it is a realy bad return on points, and it gets realy bad vs non multi wound super elite armies.


Thanks captain obvious. Nobody ever denied that.

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Well everybody seems overeager on using rhinos as sacrificial units, but I would be much less inclined to do so. Not only they can get some of your vulnerable backfield squads out of sticky situations, but you can use them to get some of the units safely out of close combat by falling back, embarking the rhino and then driving it away from the enemy.
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Well everybody seems overeager on using rhinos as sacrificial units, but I would be much less inclined to do so. Not only they can get some of your vulnerable backfield squads out of sticky situations, but you can use them to get some of the units safely out of close combat by falling back, embarking the rhino and then driving it away from the enemy.

And not to forget being a pretty good mobile line of sight blocker as well. ^^

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