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Imperial armour book 1: 8th edition

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Ive just got my imperial armour book this week.  Has any one got any ideas on what units are good in the new book.  Everything looks very expensive points wise but its hard to know with out playing a few games. I think I'm going to give the fire raptor a go tomorrow and maybe the scicaren.


On a side note: looking at the rules can non codex chapters such as dark angels etc take units from the foretold book.  In the main codex imperial book from GW It gives a specific list of units that can be dark angels and states no others units are allowed to be from chapter dark angels.  The forge world books don't seem to say that dark angels can take any of these units just that they can be taken by space marines.  Im guessing I'm just missing something as they have always been allowed to take units in the past.

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This entire issue is one most likely for the eventual FAQ that will be needed for 8th ed., and the sooner, the better.


I have seen it argued both ways on this very forum, in a different sub-forum:

- Forgeworld models are excluded from all the DA, BA, SW, etc., Chapters, because the Imperial Index 1 says nothing about those entries

- Forgeworld models are no excluded based on the fact that the Keyword system mentions <Chapter> thus allowing FW models to be taken


Between this and the Relic rule, my two Spartans and Fellblade are not something i plan to go without when possible; that said, I'm not trying to bring them to a 2,000 point game, either.

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minotaurs storm eagle roc gunship. providing you dont get shot off the board first, this flyer can really put a hurt on multiple tanks and monstrous creatures. two twin linked lascannons,  a twin heavy bolter that can be upgraded to typhoon missile launcher or twin multi melta, and the roc missile launcher that has 8 shots at Str8, -2 ap and 2 damage per shot. still has upto 14 capacity, even if it does not destroy several light vehicles or a landraider in one volley, it should at least cripple them providing your dice rolls don't suck. there is only three downsides to this unit that are clear to see.


1. the stormraven is better against hordes


2. the stormraven is cheaper


3 it is minotaurs only

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How does the Fire Raptor look now?


I heard it lost the ability to take autocannons, which makes me a sad Claws. But, with the twin linked rule, a quad heavy bolter should put out respectable dakka.


I don't need every last detail or anything, since I'm getting the book fairly soon. Just want a bit of info on it.

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Avenger mega bolter is a heavy bolter +1 on all stats, heavy 10. Quad heavy bolters is horde murdering. Missiles are also pretty good. It has a LOT of shots in a turn.


Shame the autocannons are gone, they're pretty good this edition. Hurting most things in a 4+, doing two damage each. Just the AP that isn't amazing.


I'll be fielding my Fire Raptor often, but it is VERY expensive at just over 400p.

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That'll be almost a quarter of my force for most games I play.


At least I have some bitz for some kind of Orky Big Gun, since I can't use them on the Raptor.


Or I can cobble together a turret to turn a Razorback into a Predator.

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Is anyone else disappointed the relic rule doesnt have a caveat of "more than one" becayse otherwise good luck fitting a single LoW into your reasonably sized games :(

I expect this to be FAQ'd :-)

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Odd question: How tall are these books? I just want to know if it'll fit on my shelf.

Same as the GW index books



Cheers! I just wanted to make sure seeing that FW books have a tendency to be much bigger than GWs, it would have drove me crazy if it didn't fit.:rolleyes:

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