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Tzaangors and Poxwalkers, Legion only?

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It is saying that if a unit has the ability to be marked, then it must be marked Khorne. Some units don't have the ability to be marked at all, that is fine and allowable to be a WE. Some units are already marked by GW as something other than Khorne, say Nurgle, in which case, it isn't allowed to be a WE because the rules state it must be Khorne, if it can be marked anything. It is pretty clearly written.
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Umm Sfpanzer I'm pretty sure all vehicles and daemon engines apart from the god ones all both have the <Mark of Chaos> and <Legion> Keyword even spawn have them, well in my book they do Edited by Plaguecaster
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It is saying that if a unit has the ability to be marked, then it must be marked Khorne. Some units don't have the ability to be marked at all, that is fine and allowable to be a WE. Some units are already marked by GW as something other than Khorne, say Nurgle, in which case, it isn't allowed to be a WE because the rules state it must be Khorne, if it can be marked anything. It is pretty clearly written.

The description on <Mark of Chaos> says not all have that Keyword but those who have it can change it.


Abaddon, Chyper, Khârn and many more do not have the <Mark of Chaos> Keyword or <Legion> Keyword.


E.g. Chaos Lord on Disc of Tzeentch cannot have Thousand Sons Keyword but can have Black Legion, Iron Warriors or even World Eaters.

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Keywords all are different. Keyword Chaos is also not the same as Keyword <Mark of Chaos>. Keyword Khorne is also not the same as Keyword <Mark of Chaos>. If you have to make a Keyword check you specifically check it for that Keyword. As before there is nothing stating models with the Keyword World Eaters must have Keyword Khorne aswell. If it would state that this would not be a dispute but it does not state that.

Nobody ever denied that tho?

Also are you actually serious about the World Eaters bit? Hell I even quoted the part in one of my earlier posts. Just check the page for World Eaters in the Index (page 44 and 45 for reference). It says right there under "FORCES OF THE WORLD EATERS" under "Servants of Khorne" that World Eater units who have the <Mark of Chaos> keyword MUST change it to Khorne. Period.

That excludes Sorcerers because they are forbidden from taking Khorne and lets vehicles, daemon engines and other units without the <Mark of Chaos> keyword still have the World Eater keyword if possible.

E.g. Sorcerer on Steed of Slaanesh and Rubric Marines Aspiring Champion both do not have Keyword <Mark of Chaos> but do have <Legion> and can legally change it to World Eaters, Word Bearers, Black Legion etc.


Except that the rules for <Mark of Chaos> state that if a Heretic Astartes datasheet doesn't specify which Mark of Chaos a unit has, it will have the <Mark of Chaos> keyword, implying that Noise Marines etc. don't lack <Mark of Chaos> keyword just because they are lacking it like Fallen (which still can't join, because they can't be World Eaters obviously), but because they ALREADY specified their alignment so the rules for units without the <Mark of Chaos> keyword don't apply.

It's basically the same as if they'd given them the <Mark of Chaos> keyword and an additional special rule that specifies that they always have to exchange it with Slaanesh (in case of Noise Marines)....just that they already have done that step for you so there isn't some unnecessary special rule on the Datasheet and can read everything you need to know on one glance.


Maybe I shouldn't be surprised that there's a rules lawyer trying to exploit things just because GW for once tried to do something smart tho lol

Umm Sfpanzer I'm pretty sure all vehicles and daemon engines apart from the god ones all both have the <Mark of Chaos> and <Legion> Keyword even spawn have them, well in my book they do

Yeah they do now, it was just an example (a bad one I admit) based on old 7th ed knowledge. The point remains the same tho. Just exchange vehicle and daemon engine in my post with "unit X  that is unable to get a Mark of Chaos".


EDIT: fixing my bad example of using vehicles again x)

Edited by sfPanzer
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It is saying that if a unit has the ability to be marked, then it must be marked Khorne. Some units don't have the ability to be marked at all, that is fine and allowable to be a WE. Some units are already marked by GW as something other than Khorne, say Nurgle, in which case, it isn't allowed to be a WE because the rules state it must be Khorne, if it can be marked anything. It is pretty clearly written.

The description on <Mark of Chaos> says not all have that Keyword but those who have it can change it.

Abaddon, Chyper, Khârn and many more do not have the <Mark of Chaos> Keyword or <Legion> Keyword.

E.g. Chaos Lord on Disc of Tzeentch cannot have Thousand Sons Keyword but can have Black Legion, Iron Warriors or even World Eaters.

They can have the TS or BL keyword, correct, because those legions don't have rules that say the <Mark of chaos> Of a unit, if it exists at all, has to be Khorne. World Eaters do have that stipulation.

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Keywords all are different. Keyword Chaos is also not the same as Keyword <Mark of Chaos>. Keyword Khorne is also not the same as Keyword <Mark of Chaos>. If you have to make a Keyword check you specifically check it for that Keyword. As before there is nothing stating models with the Keyword World Eaters must have Keyword Khorne aswell. If it would state that this would not be a dispute but it does not state that.

Nobody ever denied that tho?

Also are you actually serious about the World Eaters bit? Hell I even quoted the part in one of my earlier posts. Just check the page for World Eaters in the Index (page 44 and 45 for reference). It says right there under "FORCES OF THE WORLD EATERS" under "Servants of Khorne" that World Eater units who have the <Mark of Chaos> keyword MUST change it to Khorne. Period.

That excludes Sorcerers because they are forbidden from taking Khorne and lets vehicles, daemon engines and other units without the <Mark of Chaos> keyword still have the World Eater keyword if possible.

E.g. Sorcerer on Steed of Slaanesh and Rubric Marines Aspiring Champion both do not have Keyword <Mark of Chaos> but do have <Legion> and can legally change it to World Eaters, Word Bearers, Black Legion etc.


Except that the rules for <Mark of Chaos> state that if a Heretic Astartes datasheet doesn't specify which Mark of Chaos a unit has, it will have the <Mark of Chaos> keyword, implying that Noise Marines etc. don't lack <Mark of Chaos> keyword just because they are lacking it like Fallen (which still can't join, because they can't be World Eaters obviously), but because they ALREADY specified their alignment so the rules for units without the <Mark of Chaos> keyword don't apply.

It's basically the same as if they'd given them the <Mark of Chaos> keyword and an additional special rule that specifies that they always have to exchange it with Slaanesh (in case of Noise Marines)....just that they already have done that step for you so there isn't some unnecessary special rule on the Datasheet and can read everything you need to know on one glance.


Maybe I shouldn't be surprised that there's a rules lawyer trying to exploit things just because GW for once tried to do something smart tho lol


The thing is that Keyword <Mark of Chaos> is not the same as Keyword Khorne or Chaos for example.

Likewise Keyword <Legion> is not the same as Keyword World Eaters, Black Legion, Space Wolves or other.

I will give you another example of how this works and why your example with Khorne counting as Keyword <Mark of Chaos> does not apply:


Lord Zhufor

The current datasheet of World Eaters Terminator Lord Zhufor currently does not have the Keyword <Legion>. He also does not have the Keyword World Eaters. He does have the Keyword Skulltakers however this Keyword is also not the same as Keyword World Eaters and the effect of this in game is that he does not do anything for models with the Keyword World Eaters.


Chaos Lord on Steed of Slaanesh

In that same example the Chaos Lord on Steed of Slaanesh does not have the Keyword <Mark of Chaos>, the result of this is that he has Keyword <Legion> and this can be legally changed to World Eaters.

The secondary check made for Keyword <Mark of Chaos> is not made because he does not have Keyword <Mark of Chaos>.


What you deem as illogical actually can have a very logical future consequence.

- Horus Heresy datasheets for example could in the future have Keyword <Legion> That Keyword might legally be changed to World Eaters. They might not have Keyword <Mark of Chaos> but under the current wording this would not make them illigal to have the World Eaters Keyword.


What we see as a trend within all Index is that there is no logical narrative design approach.

World Eaters Terminator Lord Zhufor does not have the Keyword World Eaters, cannot obtain bonusses granted to units with Keyword World Eaters and despite Skulltakers narratively speaking being World Eaters they do not count as Keyword World Eaters aswell.


This same approach applies to Keyword <Mark of Chaos> aswell. With the difference being that you have 5 choices to change <Mark of Chaos> (to Keyword Khorne, Tzeentch, Nurgle, Slaanesh and nothing) while Keyword <Legion> is unrestricted. Under the current rules you are fully allowed to change <Legion> to Word Bearers, Black Legion, Red Corsairs or even Space Wolves, Ultramarines and Blood Angles. This could represent any Traitor army you feel like making.


Currently the fact that <Legion> is not limited to any name set does not make any name set the same Keyword as <Legion>.

Currently the fact that <Mark of Chaos> is limited to a name set does not make <Mark of Chaos> the same as Khorne, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Nurgle or nothing.




It is saying that if a unit has the ability to be marked, then it must be marked Khorne. Some units don't have the ability to be marked at all, that is fine and allowable to be a WE. Some units are already marked by GW as something other than Khorne, say Nurgle, in which case, it isn't allowed to be a WE because the rules state it must be Khorne, if it can be marked anything. It is pretty clearly written.

The description on <Mark of Chaos> says not all have that Keyword but those who have it can change it.

Abaddon, Chyper, Khârn and many more do not have the <Mark of Chaos> Keyword or <Legion> Keyword.

E.g. Chaos Lord on Disc of Tzeentch cannot have Thousand Sons Keyword but can have Black Legion, Iron Warriors or even World Eaters.

They can have the TS or BL keyword, correct, because those legions don't have rules that say the <Mark of chaos> Of a unit, if it exists at all, has to be Khorne. World Eaters do have that stipulation.


The only additional check World Eaters makes is that to units with the Keyword <Mark of Chaos> A keyword many other units with <Legion> do not have.


I'll happily wait for the Errata on this.


The moment Servants of Khorne would specifically state that Keyword Khorne is a requirement for all models with Keyword World Eaters this issue would not be there. However there is currently nothing that states such a thing. Likewise Keyword Tzeentch and Keyword Nurgle do not mean you can obtain Keyword Death Guard or Keyword Thousand Sons perse.

Edited by Commissar K.
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That's because Zhurfor is not a World Eater . The FW Vraks book had him as a loyalist space marine (Storm Lords chapter) who was captured and tortured by the Skull Takers ( which themselves were once a loyalist chapter known as the Beserkers of Kharadon ) eventually turning to worship of Khorne. Apart from being Khorne worshippers both the Skulltakers and Zhurfor have nothing to do with the World Eaters at all which is why he doesn't have it
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Keywords all are different. Keyword Chaos is also not the same as Keyword <Mark of Chaos>. Keyword Khorne is also not the same as Keyword <Mark of Chaos>. If you have to make a Keyword check you specifically check it for that Keyword. As before there is nothing stating models with the Keyword World Eaters must have Keyword Khorne aswell. If it would state that this would not be a dispute but it does not state that.

Nobody ever denied that tho?

Also are you actually serious about the World Eaters bit? Hell I even quoted the part in one of my earlier posts. Just check the page for World Eaters in the Index (page 44 and 45 for reference). It says right there under "FORCES OF THE WORLD EATERS" under "Servants of Khorne" that World Eater units who have the <Mark of Chaos> keyword MUST change it to Khorne. Period.

That excludes Sorcerers because they are forbidden from taking Khorne and lets vehicles, daemon engines and other units without the <Mark of Chaos> keyword still have the World Eater keyword if possible.

E.g. Sorcerer on Steed of Slaanesh and Rubric Marines Aspiring Champion both do not have Keyword <Mark of Chaos> but do have <Legion> and can legally change it to World Eaters, Word Bearers, Black Legion etc.


Except that the rules for <Mark of Chaos> state that if a Heretic Astartes datasheet doesn't specify which Mark of Chaos a unit has, it will have the <Mark of Chaos> keyword, implying that Noise Marines etc. don't lack <Mark of Chaos> keyword just because they are lacking it like Fallen (which still can't join, because they can't be World Eaters obviously), but because they ALREADY specified their alignment so the rules for units without the <Mark of Chaos> keyword don't apply.

It's basically the same as if they'd given them the <Mark of Chaos> keyword and an additional special rule that specifies that they always have to exchange it with Slaanesh (in case of Noise Marines)....just that they already have done that step for you so there isn't some unnecessary special rule on the Datasheet and can read everything you need to know on one glance.


Maybe I shouldn't be surprised that there's a rules lawyer trying to exploit things just because GW for once tried to do something smart tho lol


The thing is that Keyword <Mark of Chaos> is not the same as Keyword Khorne or Chaos for example.

Likewise Keyword <Legion> is not the same as Keyword World Eaters, Black Legion, Space Wolves or other.

I will give you another example of how this works and why your example with Khorne counting as Keyword <Mark of Chaos> does not apply:


Lord Zhufor

The current datasheet of World Eaters Terminator Lord Zhufor currently does not have the Keyword <Legion>. He also does not have the Keyword World Eaters. He does have the Keyword Skulltakers however this Keyword is also not the same as Keyword World Eaters and the effect of this in game is that he does not do anything for models with the Keyword World Eaters.


Chaos Lord on Steed of Slaanesh

In that same example the Chaos Lord on Steed of Slaanesh does not have the Keyword <Mark of Chaos>, the result of this is that he has Keyword <Legion> and this can be legally changed to World Eaters.

The secondary check made for Keyword <Mark of Chaos> is not made because he does not have Keyword <Mark of Chaos>.


What you deem as illogical actually can have a very logical future consequence.

- Horus Heresy datasheets for example could in the future have Keyword <Legion> That Keyword might legally be changed to World Eaters. They might not have Keyword <Mark of Chaos> but under the current wording this would not make them illigal to have the World Eaters Keyword.


Yeah and that's where you are wrong. However since you don't seem to be willing to understand despite everyone telling you otherwise I don't see a point to continue this discussion with you.

As someone already said, just go ahead and try to tell people and tournament organisations that your Noise Marines, Rubric Marines, Plague Marines or Characters on Steed of Slaanesh, Disk of Tzeentch or Palanquin of Nurgle have the World Eaters keyword, but please spare us with this crap. Nobody here is buying it. :biggrin.:

Edited by sfPanzer
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Posted (edited) · Hidden by Iron-Daemon Forge, June 26, 2017 - Check out when I've got time
Hidden by Iron-Daemon Forge, June 26, 2017 - Check out when I've got time

That's because Zhurfor is not a World Eater . The FW Vraks book had him as a loyalist space marine (Storm Lords chapter) who was captured and tortured by the Skull Takers ( which themselves were once a loyalist chapter known as the Beserkers of Kharadon ) eventually turning to worship of Khorne. Apart from being Khorne worshippers both the Skulltakers and Zhurfor have nothing to do with the World Eaters at all which is why he doesn't have it



World Eaters Terminator Lord Zhufor: https://www.forgeworld.co.uk/en-NO/Khorne-World-Eaters-Terminator-Lord-Zhufor


I guess they should change that product name to Not World Eaters Terminator Lord Zhufor? 





Zhufor, also called Zhufor the Impaler and the Butcher of Vraks, is the Chaos Lord who lead the warband of World Eaters' Chaos Space Marines named the Skulltakers during the Siege of Vraks.




Yeah and that's where you are wrong. However since you don't seem to be willing to understand despite everyone telling you otherwise I don't see a point to continue this discussion with you.


As someone already said, just go ahead and try to tell people and tournament organisations that your Noise Marines, Rubric Marines, Plague Marines or Characters on Steed of Slaanesh, Disk of Tzeentch or Palanquin of Nurgle have the World Eaters keyword, but please spare us with this crap. Nobody here is buying it. :biggrin.:


Im willing to understand that Keyword <Mark of Chaos> is not the same as Keyword Khorne. Do you understand it?

Edited by Commissar K.
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Posted · Hidden by Iron-Daemon Forge, June 26, 2017 - Check out when I've got time
Hidden by Iron-Daemon Forge, June 26, 2017 - Check out when I've got time

Yep, I give up.

You go ahead and play your own version of the game if you find people who agree to your ridiculous argumentation and the rest of the world goes and plays the official version and everybody is happy.

Just don't try to sell your version on forums, please. :D

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Posted (edited) · Hidden by Iron-Daemon Forge, June 26, 2017 - Check out when I've got time
Hidden by Iron-Daemon Forge, June 26, 2017 - Check out when I've got time

Yep, I give up.

You go ahead and play your own version of the game if you find people who agree to your ridiculous argumentation and the rest of the world goes and plays the official version and everybody is happy.

Just don't try to sell your version on forums, please. :biggrin.:

Can I have Skulltakers count as Keyword World Eaters in your version of the game?

Edited by Commissar K.
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The keyword Khorne that shows up in Khârn's datasheet is exactly the same as the keyword Khorne that you're supposed to use to replace the keyword <Mark of Chaos>. That's why Khârn is used as an example for how to replace the <Mark of Chaos> keyword using the four keywords Khorne, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, or Nurgle, or just to get rid of it entirely.


That's RAW and it is what you are not understanding.


Khârn has a <Mark of Chaos> keyword and that keyword is Khorne.


So to translate it and simplify it in a way you can understand, what it is saying is that a unit that trades its <Legion> keyword for a World Eaters keyword, must also trade its <Mark of Chaos> keyword for the Khorne keyword. The only units exempt from having to trade, are units that already have the Khorne keyword(for very obvious reasons) or units that do not have a <Mark of Chaos> keyword to trade.


And to clarify and expound, Nurgle, Slaanesh, and Tzeentch are <Mark of Chaos> keywords.


So, units that already have a chosen <Mark of Chaos> keyword(such as Nurgle, Slaanesh, or Tzeentch), or units that are restricted from taking the Khorne keyword cannot take the World Eaters keyword.


They can be in the same detachment as units that take the World Eaters keyword as long as you are using the Chaos, Daemon, or Heretic Astartes keywords to make your army, but they cannot take it themselves.


Same applies to the Thousand Sons, Emperor's Children, and Death Guard.


That is the end of discussion. Period. That is how the rulebook interpets it. That is how the GW employees who run the Warhammer 40,000 webpage interpret it. That is more than 100% likely how the FAQ will interpret it since that is already how the rules and employees interpret it.

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