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Did chaos wipe out a hive fleet not to save Baal....


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... But because they knew if the Tyranids scrubbed the Galaxy of all life then the immaterium would settle down into a calm sea with no sentience and the chaos gods themselves would cease to exist?


Baal and the BA being saved just an almost irrelevant side effect?

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We'd like to think we're that important. But even as cavalier as chaos are, they gotta realize if the nids scour the Galaxy and move on that spells their own death?

Tzeentch might have done that for such a reason but not Khorne. Khorne just wants to kill and in this special case corrupt the Blood Angels. One thing he achieved by wiping out the Hivefleet, the other thing is still a possibility for the future. Win-win.

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I agree with OP. Khorne did it to stop the nids from scrubbing the galaxy.


It doesn't take a genius to realize that the only thing that makes you strong will be extinguished if the Nids win.


I'm actually surprised at the "no" answers I've seen. It's not like Khorne is an idiot. He still makes strategies, it's just that his strategies ensure War doesn't end, as opposed to strategies that make it end.


I don't think Khorne really cares about corrupting the BA. As Khorne loves to have his followers say, "he cares not from whence it flows, just that it flows" or, to put it more accurately, BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!

Edited by Arkangilos
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I think there's another option that's been forgotten. Khorne doesn't care about the Blood Angels in the slightest, he probably doesn't even really care about the Tyranids. Ka'Banda, though? It's a Bloodthirster, a daemon of martial pride, at least partly. Its hatred of Sanguinius and the Blood Angels is more than enough for it to 'save' the Blood Angels, since it wants to be the one to offer the skulls of the Legion whose Primarch humiliated him.

To say that "Khorne did it to save the galaxy" assumes that the Chaos Gods are rational in the same way we are. Khorne doesn't have a "master plan" other than "RAAAAAGE!!!", and he's probably looking forward to the Hive Fleets properly arriving, if only to see the desperation of the defenders, and the sheer amounts of blood that will flow. Khorne doesn't care for self-preservation, none of the Gods do. That's why Khornate forces happily butcher each other if nothing else is there, because all that matters is that blood flows right now. They're the epitome of addicts. They just want the next 'high', nothing else matters.


To put it another way, Khorne doesn't have 'strategies so that war doesn't end', his strategy is just 'WAR'. He's not an idiot, but he's not a genius either, he's literally the embodiment of rage and hatred, coalesced in the warp. It doesn't have thought processes, it doesn't have a plan it can nicely write down into a diagram on how it'll plunge the galaxy into never-ending war.

You're right in that the Blood Angels are below Khorne's notice. It's own forces are below Khorne's notice. The Tyranids are below Khorne's notice. Because Khorne is not rational in any way, he's not sane, in any way we can describe these things.

Edited by Lord_Caerolion
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I'm not saying Khorne did the warp rift opening. 


The warp rift opening being the thing that really wiped the Tyranid threat down several levels I'm guessing. My guess would be followers of Khorne just got in on some good fighting on Baal, and also to rub the BA's nose in it.  But wiping up the nids who made landfall is not the same as blinking out of existence the spaceborne fleet of organisms that outnumbered that landed amount by several orders of magnitude.


I agree its wrong to imply Khorne or his followers act out of rational forethought, but is it necessarily true that all warp entities are so?


We're told that Chaos has been working for millenia to open the rift into the galaxy, certainly their traitorous allies have been assisting. Its not beyond possibility that *someone(s)* there, be it the other chaos gods, the ex-human traitors, or some forward thinking daemons or whoever, would have some vestige of self preservation in their actions.

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I fact, in order to understand what happen, we need to remember that Chaos isn't always a BAD think.


Khorne is the God of War/Slauther/Insane Rage/Bloodlust but he is also the God of Martial Honor/Survival/Fighting Spirit.


From this point of view, we can consider that only two thing can "call" for Khorne intervention :

=> A fighting that lead to bloodshed. (It can be a duel between two people, or a War that lead Billions to die.)

=> A fighting for humanity very survival. (Humanity wars feed Khorne, and Khorne ever watchfull eyes are always fixed on his most promising "champion".)


It would not be impossible that the very Will for Survival that the thousands Blood Angels & Successors during the Devastation of Baal will express, may echo through the Warp. A call for which Khorne would answer.




On another side, the whole Warp-Intervention is wrong, since, with such a huge fleet, the Shadow in the Warp that the Tyranids are to generate should prevent all contact with the Warp. But since the Great Rift is an event unlike any other, we can consider that it may tear appart the Shadow in the Warp for a moment...


Personnally, i would have prefer the Blood Angels to save themselves, even at the cost of loosing Baal entirely. (Corbulo would have found a way to unlock the Blood Angels gene-seeds at their fullest, allowing for some kind of Primaris, while still being unsucceful at stopping the curse. Mephiston would have unleashed the gift, but by doing so, would have killed nearly all librarians present at the Ritual, merging his soul with theirs. Dante would have to face a crisis about his certainty of being the "chosen one". Seth would have been "psycically" wounded, but still "alive". Lemartes/Corbulo/Astorath would have found a way to bring some "moments" of sanity to their fallen brothers, but be unsuccessfull to save them. A side effect of Corbulo unlocking the gene-seed would be to increase the stability of those, allowing Gabriel Seth to hope for the still uncertain salvation of his chapter. In the end, the broken Blood Angels & Successors would have found the Imperium divided in two, knowing Guilliman worked on the other side, but unable to make themselves known to Terra.)

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I agree with OP. Khorne did it to stop the nids from scrubbing the galaxy.


It doesn't take a genius to realize that the only thing that makes you strong will be extinguished if the Nids win.


I'm actually surprised at the "no" answers I've seen. It's not like Khorne is an idiot. He still makes strategies, it's just that his strategies ensure War doesn't end, as opposed to strategies that make it end.


I don't think Khorne really cares about corrupting the BA. As Khorne loves to have his followers say, "he cares not from whence it flows, just that it flows" or, to put it more accurately, BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!

Sort of this, I think it's more along the lines of Ka'Banda doesn't want anyone taking down the BA but him and draws Khorne's attention to this massive threat he wants to go punch in the face. At which point Khorne (internally) goes through what you've described - 'If these 'nids win here I'm not sure what stops their momentum and then this galaxy full of conflict goes away - and sends Ka'Banda on his way with a blessing.

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