SanguinaryGuardsman Posted July 10, 2017 Share Posted July 10, 2017 Pics or it didnt happen! Also, when you are against Tau it is only Cleanse. The control part is not necessary. Dosjetka 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
9x19 Parabellum Posted July 10, 2017 Author Share Posted July 10, 2017 Man you guys are demanding! I'm doing the batte report now! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
9x19 Parabellum Posted July 10, 2017 Author Share Posted July 10, 2017 Ok so here we go. Deployment and turn 1. Picture pretty much shows everything: I put the gravturions, 5 assault marines, apothecary and captain in the land raider. They were my insertion force (if needed) and I put my vanguard vets and libby into deep strike reserve. He put his 2 commanders into deep strike reserve, along with their 2 drones each. RG Turn 1. I drew the Kill Flying Unit, and secure objective 4, and defend objective 6. The forward bolters scouts on right flank moved into the 2nd story of the ruins and got objective 4, while shooting regular guns into marker drones, and heavy bolter into crisis suit. Ajax dumper her payload forward, disembarking the gravturions forward, the assault marines on obj 6 and the captain positioned nicely to hand out a bunch of shooting rerolls. Melta bikes moved and advanced behind the ruins on the left flank. I figured these guys were goners but I wanted to put the pressure on that flank so he'd have to shoot at them. Libby and Van Vets come down right flank in front of crisis suits. Libby does 2 mortal wounds in psychic phase to a crisis suit. In shooting, i manage to kill 1 crisis suit, all 8 marker drones next to the 3 broadsides, and kill 1 broadside and get another down to 1 wound! (I forgot that omnicsope ignores his cover; I think my gravturions would have taken that last wound off if I had remembered that). My left flank shooting accomplishes little but that's ok as I've crippled his right flank. Having killed the lead crisis suit, my vanguard vets are out of any chance for a charge, so they sit there like ducks out in the open. Bad planning on my part. Including first blood, I score 3 VP's on turn 1 (FB, SecObj 4 and kill Flyer) and I'm positioned nicely for 2 vp's next turn as long as I can keep obj. 6. Tau Turn 1. He moves his right flank crisis to the left and pours fire into my Vanguard Vets, along with the big payload missiles from the 2 broadsides. Vanguard Vets wiped out :-( The small payload missiles go into my bolter scouts and they kill 8 guys. Ouch. I use 2 CP on my turn to auto pass morale test and lose no more. He drops his 2 commanders down in my deployment zone to take out the LRC with fusion guns (he drew big game hunter). Unfortunately, he had some lopsided shooting, even with rerolls, and *only* managed to do 11 of the 16 wounds he needed. On the left flank, his small broadsides payload missiles don't need LOS, so they, along with the 3 crisis suits put a hurting on my meltabikes and kill 2 of them. The rest of his missiles go into my 5 scouts in the ruins and destroy my scout unit entirely. I don't remember exactly what he drew for objectives, but he only scored 1 point. So, end of turn 1, RG leads 3-1. Race Bannon 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
9x19 Parabellum Posted July 10, 2017 Author Share Posted July 10, 2017 (edited) RG Turn 2. On turn 2 I drew "Advance" and something else, I can't remember what, maybe secure objective 3, which I would end up ditching. -On right flank, libby moved up to charge 2 remaining crisis suits. He would drop a smite on one of the broadsides and did 1 wound, I think. He shot at and charged the 2 crisis suits, but did zilch for damage. -Also on right flank, LRC Ajax dumped the apothecary who advanced up beind the forward bolters in the ruins, and he nartheciumed one of them back from the dead! Hurray. They shot at the 2 crisis suits, but also failed to score any wounds. -The Gravturions opened up on the 2 broadsides, both of which had taken some damage, and obliterated them. -5 Assault marines with flamers moved back and clared out the 2 drones protecting the Commander. -The 10 snipers on the right fired at the Tau Commander on the right. As predicted, he put mortal wounds on to the other 2 drones. My captain shot at him as well but whiffed. LRC Ajax, now hitting on 4's because of the wounds it took, opened fire into the commander which finished it off. -I had one thing left to shoot at them; the hunter. +1 to hit and rerolled failed hits; no problem. Armor save; failed. I then roll a mighty 6 for wounds, finishing off the other commander and my Captain doesn't need to charge into CC. -On the left flank, Melta bike sgt moves up and shoots at the middle broadside. He had positioned him in such a way that the marker drones were too far from him and he couldn't use their ability to take the wounds. So I ran my bike up suicide mission, it hit and wounded, he failed armor save, but only did 4 wounds! He's now certifiably a dead biker. I successfully defend Obj 6 and, along with slay the warlord, take the lead 6 to 1. Tau Turn 2. -Shooting was predictable. The last bike on the left flank died, and he shot some of the long range missiles at my hunter but I took no damage there. -The left flank crisis suits moved up and took down my leading Gravturion who was peaking his nose out from behind the water tower. -the right flank crisis suits disengaged from Libby and shot him up, killing him. -I don't remember the objectives drawn, but I believe he scored 2 points this turn. So, end of turn two, RG lead, 6-3. Also, here's a couple of photos. This one shows where the bike was, behind the ruins, and also I've circled where the apothecary ended up. The 3 scouts are on the 2nd floor of the ruin right in front of him. Here's another shot, end of turn 2, showing where my hunter is (red "x"). Notice the absence of 2 Tau Commanders in front of the Captain, blown away! Edited July 10, 2017 by Rocmistro Mr. Poe and Race Bannon 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
9x19 Parabellum Posted July 10, 2017 Author Share Posted July 10, 2017 (edited) RG Turn 3. -Still having advance, i draw secure objective 4 and defend objective 1. Good chance I can defend objective 1 on turns 4 and 5 if I can get my scouts there. With that in mind, Scouts and Apothecary converge on Objective 4 but move far enough up to get ready to start heading to Obj 1 next turn while remaining in cover. Apoth brings back another bolter with Narth! Woot, 4 scouts! -Gravturions move up and open fire on the 2 crisis suits, along with LRC Ajax, killing them. Everyone else in the backline (and still in my deployment zone) move up so we can get Advance. Hunter fires at Crisis suit, hits, but fails to wound. I score 2 more points, 1 for "Advance" and 1 for "secure objective 4", bring my total to 8. Tau Turn 3. -Left flank broadsides get to put some missiles on my hunter since I had to stick my nose out, he now as LOS and all missiles can see me. He does 6 wounds in total, dropping me from 11 to 5. Ouch! -The 3 crisis suits shoot at the Gravturions but don't do any more damage. I don't remember what he has for objectives, but I think he scores another 2 this turn, bringing his total to 5 Edited July 10, 2017 by Rocmistro Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mr. Poe Posted July 10, 2017 Share Posted July 10, 2017 These battle reports are inspirational. Well done. 9x19 Parabellum 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
9x19 Parabellum Posted July 10, 2017 Author Share Posted July 10, 2017 (edited) RG Turn 4 I draw secure objective 1 (sweet, stacks with defending it!) this turn and secure objective 5 (not gonna happen), which gets ditched at the end of the round. -Gravs embark on LRC Ajax, and it both moves (5" because of wounds) and advances; I think I rolled a 4, so it gets 9". These guys are sacrifices to make sure the scouts can get on, and stay on , Objective 1. -Bolter Scouts hustle and advance and make it to within 3" of Objective 1, woot! Apthocary tries to narthecium (can you use "narthecium" as a verb?) another scout but he's all out of morphine, it seems. -Sniper scouts and Hunter put all their guns on crisis suits and manage to take out all 4 drones, but no wounds to the Crisis suits themselves. I score secure objective 1 and I'm poised for defend objective 1 next turn if I can hold it. RG leading 9-5. Tau Turn 4. -He draws secure objective 3 or 5, I can't remember which. -he starts off first shooting at the Land Raider, and pops it. This scores him big game hunter which he's been holding onto since Turn 1 :-) -2 Gravs and my captain disembark forward. he then shoots at the Gravturions and kills another 1. Here's a photos of Beginning Tau turn 4 measuring out distance to Land Raider before popping it open. so end of turn 4, score is 9 to 7, RG. Edited July 10, 2017 by Rocmistro Race Bannon 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
9x19 Parabellum Posted July 10, 2017 Author Share Posted July 10, 2017 (edited) (No diagrams for turn 5) RG Turn 5. So, along with defending objective 1 (+2 VPs), I also get super lucky and draw secure objectives 6 (which the flamer assault marines are babysitting), and secure objective 2 (which the sniper scouts are already babysitting). -My 4 man bolter scout unit sits on Objective 1. -I drop the apothecary down out of the ruins, away from the bolter scouts, and out of site of any shooting, but with in the Tau deployment zone, which also gives me linebreaker at the end of his turn. -The captain runs like hell and advances out of their shooting range and LOS behind the water tower, so as to not give my opponent slay the warlord! -The last grav centurion moves up and shoots at the Crisis Suits, but fails to get anything through; hitting on 4's and no captain reroll, just couldn't get any wounds through. -I score a mighty 5 points on my last turn (including linebreaker), bringing my total to 14. Tau Turn 5. He shoots up the last Gravturion as well as the bolter scouts who are sitting on Objective 1, but it's too late...they already scored :-) He manages another 2 VP's this turn, though, 1 for Annhilating a unit in the shooting phase and 1 for killing a character, my bolter scout sgt, bringing his total to 9. End of Game: 14-9 for the Raven Guard! Edited July 10, 2017 by Rocmistro Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
9x19 Parabellum Posted July 10, 2017 Author Share Posted July 10, 2017 Award Ceremonies will be held as follows: -The Legion of Selfless Merit will be posthumously awarded to Sgt. Akron of the 3rd Biker Squadron, who, with no regard for his own safety and without any supporting fire, risked his life, plunging himself heedlessly at the enemy Broadside battery to disrupt their fire orders. Sgt Akron gave his life without complaint, and in doing so saved many of his brothers' lives. His actions reflect great credit upon himself and the Raven Guard chapter. May his name be uttered with reverance througout all history. -The Scroll of Timeless Marksmanship will be awarded to Brother Maxrit, targeting coordinator for Hunter ST-12, who rammed a Skyspear missile straight up the ass of a most degenerate and heretical Tau Commander. Hunter ST-12 shall henceforth be named "Slick Blue" in honor of the gravy train of Tau viscera that proceeded from the engagement. Race Bannon, Ammonius, librisrouge and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Race Bannon Posted July 10, 2017 Share Posted July 10, 2017 Lol - Maxrit is my hero! These are so awesome ^_^ 9x19 Parabellum 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
9x19 Parabellum Posted July 10, 2017 Author Share Posted July 10, 2017 Lol - Maxrit is my hero! These are so awesome Maxrit rolling a "6" on the wounds for the Tau Commander was pretty epic. I don't think it would have mattered too much, as my Captain would have carved him up with his relic blade in close combat, but it was still pretty fantastic! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bolvar Posted July 10, 2017 Share Posted July 10, 2017 Awesome batreps, but let me ask something He manages another 2 VP's this turn, though, 1 for Annhilating a unit in the shooting phase and 1 for killing a character, my bolter scout sgt, bringing his total to 9. Highlighted part I believe that now sergeants are not marked as characters (almost all of them at least), if I'm correct, your opponent shouldn't complete the kill a character tactical objective, is this right? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
9x19 Parabellum Posted July 10, 2017 Author Share Posted July 10, 2017 Bolvar I do believe you are correct! We were both falling back on 7th edition habits! Good to know. Well I beat down some Tau either way, and it feels good. I played against Tau probably a dozen times in 7th edition, and I never beat them. I never won. I never even came close to winning. In fact, I never even came close to engaging them in such a way that victory (for the Tau) was ever in doubt. This was a very sweet victory. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
9x19 Parabellum Posted July 21, 2017 Author Share Posted July 21, 2017 (edited) BATREP #4. Date: 7.20.17 Prologue: (fluff disclaimer; I've never read any actual 40k novels and I'm only superficially aware of the fluff, so I apologize if my interpretation of a proper bolter-porn battle is off). Tempestor Prime Lyano looked over what was left of his team. Only 5 Scions had returned; they were beat down, tired, but only superficially injured at least. Still, they had been pushed to the limits of mortal men, even for an elite Scion. His men were not disloyal, nor were they cowards, but there was a limit to what flesh and bone could achieve. He and his small telepath team had remained behind, coordinating the mission from their Taurox insertion vehicle, hidden in the Ruins of Kabbal far behind the FEBA*. The Guard battalion that had attacked from the far flank had been decimated; that was what they had been intended for-a distraction, and as such, Lyano felt little loss. They had died for the Emperor and secured a place of glory and rest in the afterlife, as every citizen can only hope for. But he had hoped they might still be kicking, at least a little, to provide some further cover so his team could get the hard-won intel out. That is, after all, what they had come for. Precious intel on the abominable forces of the Dark God Nurgle and his sinister elite deathguard. He was loathe to even think the name...let alone speak it aloud. But against all odds and the dark will of evil Gods, his team had secured it. Now they had to get the intel into friendly hands. Physically getting it off-world was unlikely....a plague fleet was in orbit. But the mission briefing had informed him of a backup plan; somewhere in the ruins of Kabbal, an ancient-tech comms link tower was reported to still be functioning. There was a chance his team could find it, get it working, and broadcast a signal before they were over-run by plague drones and zombies. Presently, he was unsure how that was going to happen. The Scions’ tactical withdraw had not gone unnoticed, and his telepaths informed him at least an entire infantry battalion was on their heels, possibly more. If that was true, and they knew his men’s mission objective and direction of withdrawal, they would not stop until they had secured the intel. There was no outgunning that many of their enemy’s numbers. Their only hope was to get out of their as fast as they could. The ruins of Kabbal at least would buy them some precious time to rest and recuperate. The heavy vegetation growth would fool enemy bio-scanners at a distance, but once they got close, it would offer no help. The weight of choices plagued him now as they had millions of military commanders in the eons before him; run fast and hard, abandon stealth? Or move slowly, hoping to slip further away from the enemy without their knowing? The indecision was plain to see on his face, and his small unit leader, Tempestor Greyan took a moment to ask. “What is your plan, sir? I think it would be imprudent to linger much longer”. Lyano was about to speak when one of the telepaths, an ugly, scrawny thing affectionately referred to as “gibbers”, looked up in alarm. “THERE IS SOMEONE NEAR!” he said in a loud monotone, his eyes still rolled into the back of his head, showing nothing more than an eerie, milky white orb where his pupils ought to have been. The Scions sprang into action, grabbing their hotshot las guns. The doors to the Taurox opened and they quickly moved out, scanning for threats amidst the rubble. They were silent, efficient, no words need be spoken; they had rehearsed and drilled scenarios like this a thousand times over. Greyan led the patrol, quick but methodical…there…he thought he saw some dust rising from a bombed out manufactorum 30 yards south of their position. They had revealed their location, the fools. He was about to split his team into 2 groups for a flanking maneuver, when a voice sounded low but clear from a rock directly in front of him. “Tempestor Greyan…lower arms, sir, please.” Out of the rubble, covered in camo gilly suit netting, a 7’ towering behemoth of a man arose, clad in black armor. He carried a 2 meter long M40 Astartes sniper rifle. Greyan and his team stood mouth agape, lowering arms as requested, more out of awe than actual compliance to an order. There was no question in their minds what they were bearing witness to. “…Astartes?...” he asked incredulously. The giant man did not answer him, instead pressed his vox receiver close to his mouth. “Yes sir, we’ve made contact with the Insertion team.” Then a pause. “Yes, sir, I’ll relay that order.” One of Greyan’s junior Scions verbally demonstrated his excitement and newly kindled hope. “Space Marines!? Praise the Emperor! We’re getting out of here after all!” It was, by the Ordo Tempestus standards anyway, quite a failure of discipline. But Tempestor Greyan chose to ignore it. His men…and he…had seen a lot recently, and he could not begrudge them a small measure or rejoicing at this unexpected turn of events. In fact, he found himself thinking and feeling the same. Space Marines…honest-to-Emperor Astartes! They would be going home after all! The Astartes Scout began to look around the ruins now, and was joined by the rest of his small team. They said nothing; just began methodically investigating the area. A moment later, the mission commander, Tempestor Prime Lyano now joined them from the Taurox vehicle. “Astartes, eh?” He was far more measured and disciplined in his response, and tried hard to contain his excitement in front of his men. He watched them as they surveyed the area. Suddenly, he found himself wondering what exactly it was they were searching for. “Brother…what, may I ask, are you looking for? We’re all that’s left…right here in front of you.” Again, the Astartes Scouts ignored his question. “Tempestor Prime Lyano...please have your men begin preparing a defensive position here, and a secondary fallback point 100 meters to the rear. Increase your cover per Militarum Hasty-Operations field-manual section 16….” He was cut off at the Scion’s commander abrupt interruption, his voice betraying anger. “Defensive Position? Hasty Operations? Marine - what in the Emperor’s name are you talking about? There is an enemy battalion closing in on us! We need to prepare for exfilitration, ASAP!” The Scout Sniper looked at the Tempestor Prime dispassionately...curiously. “Exfiltration?” he repeated. Then he turned to look back over his shoulder; from behind, a low humming sound could be heard pushing through the rubble of the Kabbal ruins. It grew louder as it grew closer; it could not yet be seen, but whatever it was…it was big. And now Tempestor Prime Lyano could see through the dust, that whatever rumbling engine was there was preceded by one…no…two dozen equally huge men, clad in the quintessential black power armor of full Adeptus Astartes; their icons delcaring them to be Angels of the Raven Guard chapter. The site was awesome to behold, but it also held a terrifying implication that he was just now realizing, confirmed by the Marine before him: “I’m afraid you’re mistaken, sir, this is not an exfiltration. Prepare your team for a counter-offensive.” *FEBA: Forward Edge of the Battle Area. Edited July 21, 2017 by 9x19 Parabellum Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
9x19 Parabellum Posted July 21, 2017 Author Share Posted July 21, 2017 (edited) The Game (continued from above post, which you should read if you haven't) Style: Narrative Play. Mission: Crucible of War: BLITZ! The Armies: 75 Power Raven Guard vs. Nurgle Death Guard Rocco (9x19). FOR THE EMPEROR AND THE 19th LEGION!!! Mixed Raven Guard/Tempestus Battalion (6 command points) HQs: (Warlord) Raven Guard 3rd Company Captain: relic blade, plasma pistol, legendary fighter warlord trait Tempestor Prime Lyano: Command Rod, Power Sword. Troops: 10 Scouts: 8 bolters, 1 heavy bolter, 1 combi-melta, thunder hammer 5 Scouts: camo, 5 sniper rifles 5 Tempestus Scions: 4x hotshot las guns, 1 power sword, 1 plasma pistol Elites: 5 Vanguard Vets: 8x lightning claws, 1 thunder hammer, 1 stormshield 5 Sternguard Vets: 5 special boltguns and 1 power sword 3 Wyrdvane Pskers: smite and psychic barrier Fast Attack: 5 Assault Marines: 2 flamers, 1 combi flamer, 3 chainswords, 2 bolt pistols Heavy Support: 5 Devastators: 4 Lascannons, signum, armorium cherub, combi-plasma and powerfist 1 Land Raider Crusader Ajax: 2x Hurricane Bolters, 1 Twin Assault cannon, 1 multi-melta, 1 stormbolter Dedicated Transport: 1 Taurox: 2 autocannons, 1 heavy stubber ________________________________________________________________________ "Deathguard" Erik the Red. FATHER NURGLE LOVES ALL HIS LITTLE CHILDREN Nurgle Deathguard Battalion (6 command points) HQ's Typhus 1 Guy from Dark Imperium who's shooting flame out of his hand Troops and Elites (can't remember which is which here) 1 Dude from Dark Imperium with the bell on top of his head. 20 Poxwalkers 20 Poxwalkers 20 Poxwalkers 7 Deathguard, bolters and 1 plasma gun 7 Deathguard, bolters and 1 plasma gun Fast Attack 1 Foetid Bloat Drone, flamers 1 Foetid Bloat Drone, flamers Edited July 21, 2017 by 9x19 Parabellum Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alcyon Posted July 30, 2017 Share Posted July 30, 2017 Stoked for this batrep! Amazing reports, 9x19. How do you feel about Librarians in general now that you have a few games under your belt? I'm considering one to go with my Lightning Claw Terminators but I suspect a Chaplain may just be better... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
9x19 Parabellum Posted August 1, 2017 Author Share Posted August 1, 2017 Stoked for this batrep! Amazing reports, 9x19. How do you feel about Librarians in general now that you have a few games under your belt? I'm considering one to go with my Lightning Claw Terminators but I suspect a Chaplain may just be better... Thanks, yeah, sorry. I got bumrushed with work stuff the last few days. I'll try to get it up tomorrow. Re: Librarians. Eh. Basically what you are trading off is the potential for 2 army buffs, each of which is uncertain, for a single certain buff. I won't say they aren't worth it, but they're really not my playstyle. They also tend to be more expensive, and I like cheaper HQ Units so I have more points for my actual army. So for me, a better HQ choice is a captain to babysit my shooting core, and a Chaplain to buff my assault elements. Race Bannon 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alcyon Posted August 1, 2017 Share Posted August 1, 2017 That's about what I expected, which is unfortunate. The Blood Angels powers are so much better, haha. At least with RG we get the benefit of arguably the best powers for free (-1 to hit.) I hate the Terminator Chaplain models and love Librarians, it's such a shame that they're kind of bad now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
9x19 Parabellum Posted August 15, 2017 Author Share Posted August 15, 2017 ***THIS IMPERIAL FILE HAS BEEN REDACTED*** but we do know that this engagement ended with a strong victory for the Raven Guard Chapter vs. the Forces of Chaos. (ooc: it's been too long and I forgot the details) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
9x19 Parabellum Posted August 15, 2017 Author Share Posted August 15, 2017 (edited) Coming up for this afternoon...Fate of Konor week 3 game. Me vs. "Josh" (probably playing Imperial Fists) 35 Power. My list, Vanguard Deatachment, 4 CPs HQ: 1 Captain (Armor Indomitus, Power Sword, Plasma Pistol) storm of fire warlord trait ELITES: 2 Honor Guard (Boltguns and Power Axe) 2 Company Vets (Plasma Guns and Stormshield) 1 Company Champ (Shield Eternal, Master Crafted Power sword, bolt pistol) HEAVY SUPPORT: 5 devastators, 4x lascannons, cherub, signum, power fist, plasma gun DEDICATED TRANSPORT: 1 Razorback, Twin assault cannon, hunter killer missile, stormbolter FLYERS: 1 Stormtalon Gunship, twin assault cannon, twin heavy bolters. Edited August 15, 2017 by 9x19 Parabellum Ammonius 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alcyon Posted August 15, 2017 Share Posted August 15, 2017 Woohoo! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
9x19 Parabellum Posted August 15, 2017 Author Share Posted August 15, 2017 Opponent (Josh) 35 power Imperial Fists (Patrol Detachment, 3 CP) 1 Gravis Captain (6) 1 Lieutenant (4) 5 Intercessors (5) 5 Tacticals, plasma gun, plasma pistol, thunder hammer (5) 1 Contemptor Dreadnought (10) 1 Whirlwind (5) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
9x19 Parabellum Posted August 16, 2017 Author Share Posted August 16, 2017 (edited) Ok so I'm not going to do a whole pictogram set up like the others, but here's what we got. Since we were both Imperium, we rolled for attacker/defender roles. I won the roll-off and since my list was more suited for offense, I took that. The plan was to put Captain, Company Vets, Honor Guard and Company Champ in Razorback, and hi-tail it to other side and score 6 VP's (5 units, one of which was vehicle). The devastators would stay behind and provide fire support. If they died, so be it. The Stormtalon would fight as normal, and with it's huge movement, could scamper off through enemy lines if needed to score another 2 VPs I set up with my Devastators in a ruin right at the edge of my 18" deployment, left of center Razorback filled with the models mentioned above were set up on the far left flank, about 12" from Devs. The Stormtalon was at the very back of my line, out of range of his Whirlwind. He set up with Whirlwind deep in his deployment, but his Tacs, Intercessors, Capt, Lt and Dreadnought were pretty much right at the edge of his front deployment, putting them only 18" away from me! And of course that fat contemptor dreadnought stood between me and his board edge. There would be no getting around his 9" move + charge. And then it got worse.... ...he won the seize the initiative roll. IF Turn 1. He moved his intercessors, tacs, hqs and dread forward. Long story short, Devastators obliterated without breaking a sweat, and 3 wounds on my Razorback. yay. off to a great start :-/ RG Turn 1. With Devs gone, I had no good way to handle his dread. So I popped out my plasma vets, and captain. Stormtalon moved up alongside captain to reroll 1s. My plasma vets targeted Dreadnought, overcharged, since capt is near. 1 and 1. w/ Captain rerolls: 1 and 2. First offensive play of my game I incinerate one of my plasma vets and fail to get anything through with the second. Hunter killer missle: whiff. I was almost ready to concede right then and there. Razorback and Stormtalon pour assault cannons and pretty much everything into intercessors, killing all but 1. IF Turn 2. Dread, Tacs, intercessors and HQ's continue to close in on me. He attempts but fails a long-shot charge with his Dread. 1 more wound on my Razorback (down 4), 1 wound on my Stormtalon (down 1) and my other plasma vet at least tanked a bunch of stormshield saves. RG Turn 2. Stormtalon drops into hover mode to stay put and take advantage of captain reroll. Seeing as how now it's going to be a brawl, I popped out the 2 honor guard and the company vet. Shooting took care of the last intercessor, and I managed to put 3 wounds on the Dread. A little bit of shooting on the tacticals, I think I got 1 of them. Company champ charges the Lt (makes charge), but honor guard fail theirs, caught in open. His Captain "heroic interventions" into my company champ, and big brawl happens. I put 3 wounds on Lt, 2 wounds on my champ and 0 wounds on his gravis captain. No deaths, all 3 models stuck in combat. IF Turn 3. Dreadnought moves up further, 1 wound on an honour guard, but then charges my hovering stormtalon (didn't see that coming). Tacticals charge in and gang up on my poor company champ. Company champ dies. Stormtalon gets locked in combat with dread, but miraculously only takes 3 damage (down 4), but I also managed to do 1 damage to it in overwatch. RG Turn 3. Stormtalon drops out of combat and goes back to normal flying, moving about 40 inches downfield. Good news is that he's completely out of Dread's range, but bad news is that he's in the whirlwind's range and line of site. All my shooting goes into the Dreadnought, bringing him down to 3 wounds. Then my honor guard and captain charge him, finishing him off. IF Turn 4. Whirlwind whiffs against Stormtalon. Captain and Lt. move up for charges, along with tacticals. His shooting phase kills my other plasma vet and 1 honour guard. He fails a 6" charge against razorback with his thunderhammer tacs and an 8" charge with his captain against my razorback. RG Turn 4. Not wanting to risk a luck round of shooting from Whirlwind, I decided to fly off his board edge with Stormtalon. Razorback pours fire into tacticals, killing all but the sgt. Captain's plasma pistol finishes off Tac sgt, though. Then the captain and last honour guard charge the Lt. his captain heroic interventions into that. I kill the Lt, and he kills my honour guard. His Grav capt is down 2 wounds, my captain is untouched. IF Turn 5. His captain kills my captain after I whiff some rolls. RG Turn 5. His captain only has 2 of 7 wounds on him (warlord trait of +1 wound and 6+++ F'n'P). The odds were against me killing him with the razorback, espeically w/o my captain there to reroll 1's. In the event the game continues, I advance my razorback far away so I don't lose it and pop smoke. As it turns out, the random game length rule ended it there when we rolled a "1" Final Score: RG-6 1 pt (lieutenant) 1 pt (tacticals) 1 pt (intercessors) 1 pt (dreadnought) 2 pts (stormtalon off board) IF-6 1 pt (company veterans) 1 pt (honor guard) 1 pt (company champ) 1 pt (devastators) 1 pt (captain) 1 pt (slay the warlord) In looking back, we couldn't remember if any of my vehicles delivered the finishing blow to his units. I know it was NOT a vehicle that killed his Lt, Tacticals, Dreadnought. It MIGHT have been a vehicles that took out his intercessors, but since we couldn't remember, I decided not to claim it and we ended with a 6-6 tie. This was a frustrating game, brothers. Losing the initative and my devastators on turn 1, along with HKM whiff and plasma suicide got me in a real pissy mood right off the bat, I won't lie. Still not sure how I managed to turn this into a 6-6 tie. Edited August 16, 2017 by 9x19 Parabellum Alcyon, librisrouge, Shadow Captain Vyper and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shadow Captain Vyper Posted August 16, 2017 Share Posted August 16, 2017 Well done. You played the mission and thought tactically how to avoid defeat within the parameters of the mission. I know the feeling of getting seized on and having a poor beta strike, and I agree it can ruin a game. You should be happy with your outcome given the circumstances, and I feel if you had made just a few minor adjustments you perhaps could have even achieved a victory. I know with games like these, just a single game turn of a defeatist attitude (after getting hit with bad luck) can shape the rest of the game almost (or more than) the bad luck itself can. Many times when looking back at my personal games like this, I see I made poor (or at least sub-optimal) choices after feeling down on the game. Keep up the reports! Alcyon 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
9x19 Parabellum Posted October 9, 2017 Author Share Posted October 9, 2017 (edited) Played 4 games since Thursday night. Game 1. 7th edition RG vs. Orks (1100 pts) Big Guns Never Tire VICTORY We threw in some tactical objective cards for fun. The final score was 10-9 for the RG. My opponent had a fun list with 2 units of Flash Gitz, 3 Truks, 2 of which had 10 boys, the other had a unit of nobs (I think( a Warboss, a Shaman, 2 Killa Kans, and I think another unit of 5 nobs. My list was Chapter Master, 3x5 tacs, 1x5 devs, 1x5 assault marines, 4x5 scouts, 1 land speeder, and a rhino in a Pinion Battle company. This was a fun game, and, in my opinion, 40k at its best. Game 2. 8th edition. RG vs. Dark Angels. VICTORY Open War Deck; the prize, long axis deployment, atmospheric debris twist. My opponent was fairly new to 40k and 8th edition (only played 3 games so far). I didn't play hard, but I used my Tourney list (WIP) because I didn't feel like calculating another 1000 pts. I stomped him hard (tabled him), but he was a good sport about it. Game 3. 8 edition. Combined force of Blood Angels, Raven Guard and Imperial Guard (60 power each) vs. 2 Necron players (90 power each). VICTORY Open War Deck; kill points for power, arrow head deployment along long axis, acid rain twist. This was kind of a dumb game, as all large style games tend to be. One Necron player took 5 Scythes (3 doom, 2 night) and 3 ghost arks each with 10 warriors. The other player was all bugs; wraiths, spyders, scarabs, szeras, and a unit of immortals that he had cooly converted to spider legs. The imperium ended up winning; blood angel player almost got tabled (only Dante lived), I lost about 20 power, and the guard player lost not a single unit! (plenty of models, but not a single unit). Highlight was my Redemptor Dreadnought tanking 5 Scythes' shooting, most of which missed thanks to Heavy (-1), Acid Rain (-1), and RG Chapter Tactic (-1). At one point he was down to 2 wounds, but I managed to brig him back with Techmarine and Fate of Konor Campaign stratagem. Game 4. DEFEAT This was a 3 player game; 1500 points of RG and 1500 points of Blood Angels against 1 player controlling 1500 pts of Thousand Sons and 1500 points of Death Guard. Oh yeah, and he brought both Mortarion and Magnus. This was an absolutely retarded game...probably my worst 40k experience yet. On turn 1 magnus killed my LRC and my Redemptor Dread (500 points). I poured LITERALLY EVERYTHING in my army of shooting into him for 3 rounds and still didn't manage to kill him; all of this with Shrike and a lt. next to all my shooting to buff them. I got him down to 1 wound and he periled on turn 3 killing himself, but he had already killed almost 600 pts worth of stuff, and tanked all shooting for 3 rounds. My blood angel ally faired pretty bad too. After getting charge on Mortarion with 2 units of 10 death company, a unit of 10 assault marines on foot, and a unit of 10 tactical marine, along with all being buff by LeMartes and brother Corbulo, AND Unleash the Rage from Mephiston AND everyone having +1 attack for the Open War Twist (can't remember name), they still hand't brought down Mortarion even after 3 turns of close combat. All DC were kept cheap with chainswords but for those of you who are paying attention, that's.... 10 DC x 6 (2 base, rage, chainsword, unleash rage, twist card) = 60 attacks, rerolling hits, str. 5, with extra attacks on 6's from Corbulo 10 DC x 5 (as above, but no unleash rage) = 50 attacks, as above. 10 Assault Marines x 3 = 30 str 5 attacks, extra attacks on 6's 10 Tacticals x2 = 20 str 5 attacks, extra attacks on 6's And yes, they ALL Got to fight in the turn they charged, because I also charged Magnus with Shrike, hoping I could kill him (Magnus had 5 wounds left at this point of the game), or at least forcing him to pay the 2 CP's for interrupt, thereby saving Magnus but ensuring all units would get to strike Mortarion. He did in fact do that and Magus killed Shrike. So, after 160 attacks on Mortarion (hitting on 3's, wounding on 5's), Str. 5, with extra hits on 6's, we only got him down to about 7 wounds on the first turn of combat. Then he wiped out a unit of Death Company and Corbulo on his return strike. On the next round of combat (his turn 3), he wiped out 10 more death company. That left tacticals and assault marines to fight back I think we got him down to 3 wounds. On the next round of combat (our turn 3), we fell back with what we had left, and shot him with sniper rifles and Mephi Smote him and we were able to kill him. Then he exploded and killed almost all of what was left that fell back. (I remember all the tacticals were dead at this point), and I think we had about 6 assault marines left. So, Mortarion Killed: 200 pts DC 200 pts DC ~100 pts Brother Corbulo ~165 pts of Tactical Marines ~75 pts of Assault Marines 1 Rhino 74 pts and almost killed the second Rhino. so that's about 800 pts of killing, and it took the entirety of the blood angels force to finally take him down. Anyway, by the time we had killed Mortarion and Magnus, our forces were so depleted, and the REST of his army was right on top of us; we still had the Death Guard, Rubric Marines, Occult Scarab Terminators, Ahriman, 2 Chaos Lords, and :cussload of Poxwalkers to deal with. We didn't quite get tabled, but I had 4 Scout Snipers and an Apothecary left, and my ally had Mephiston, 2 Sternguard, a Rhino with 1 wound, and 3 Assault Marines. Worst game of 40k that I think I've ever played in my life. Absolutely :cussing retarded. Edited October 9, 2017 by 9x19 Parabellum duz_ 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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