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So I've planned a new army just for 8th Edition - a full company of Imperial Guard Infantry, Yellow Company, Black Battalion, Paradisan CCCXVII Infantry.

Paradiso, as the name suggests, is a paradise world. It's also a matriarchy, and its soldiers are traditionally all female. So the Guard tithe is all female too.

I'm going to use GW Cadian models with Statuesque Miniatures heads, which is fine - it works well, I checked with some bits I had - and the reason I'm making  this thread is because I don't know how to paint them.

So. Ideas please.

I want them to be relatively easy to paint, as I'm going to have 163 of them (plus 10 Ratlings, a Primaris Psyker and a Commissar) to do.

Pictures to fire my imagination please!

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I would say be careful on painting white, its a devil of a colour to do well if you pick the wrong base colours or go wrong with it, as was said above I would pick something like bone or a very light tan/sand myself over directly going white and then shade up if you fancy going into more detail on it.

Edited by Mitchverr

I wouldn't be highlighting up to white. I've painted enough white with my main Space Marine army. No more!

I'm erring towards a sort of camouflage approach personally though, perhaps riffing off USMC camo from the Pacific Campaign on the armour and then a flat colour on the battledress.

Perhaps a sand-tinted khaki, or maybe a French blue?


At risk of sounding slightly sexist, maybe some pinks if it's an all female company? Nothing too over the top, maybe a Pink and Black (predominantly Black) Camo scheme? I only say this because my finance declared my Red-coats "boring" and painted a Pink and Black trooper up, which actually looked really good (just a very rough job).


Now this won't go with the "Scariff Camo" scheme of course. Light blue and bone would look great.


Just don't get anything from Raging Heroes... I thought a female Commissar would be nice but the one I tried from that site looked more Commissar / stripper...

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