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Warp Talons in 8th

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So a khorne-marked dreadclaw can transport khorne daemons, or a slaanesh-marked dreadclaw slaanesh daemons, etc.  Same with the kharybdis, but NOT the spartan, achilles, etc.

Very interesting! I would have thought they'd link it all to <Legion> like the regular Transports. That really opens options!



Agree, but the datasheet is very specific : "Heretic Astartas" OR "Mark of Chaos infantry"


Excellent for tactical variance in my opinion. But this edition in general is excellent in tactical variance.


If it will remain the case for ever is a whole other debate but Im quite happy the option is there to fit whatever you like in there. Makes it's otherwise quite steep cost a bit better to bear.

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I think Warptalons are really good this edition and I will probably feature a unit of five in my tourney list. The fact that they can't be shot at when deep striking makes them excellent for leading charges against large blobs with small arms, which will probably see a lot of play in this ed. They also force the opponent to protect shooty units to prevent them from being taken out. They are basically the new Termicide, though their preferred prey is other infantry. But the fact that they will probably die quickly is mittigated by their low cost. Drop them when needed, warptime, charge, hack and slay (they might even live if other of your units are ready to attack the target as well when they arrive). 

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I have heard they're a lot, lot better than they were (can't really pass judgement as I don't have any Indexes yet). I really hope they're viable at least at casual level now, as I adore the concept of predatory CSMs that literally cut their way through reality to chase down prey. I'm thinking of converting some up, albeit they'll look very different indeed from the stock WT kit (I'm thinking they'll be barely recognizable as CSMs).

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Today's FAQ fixed the RAW/RAI issue with the lightning claws in the Warp Talon entry: only +1 attack per pair, not +1 for each claw.  As expected, but nice to see it confirmed.

Certainly, still makes the most sence aswell. 


But man I'm loving 8th more with the second, I hope this comedy will continue, I love it. It's better as Beverly Hills cop putting a banana in the tailpipe.

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