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So, GW didn't like people saving on points with the Thunderer and so made it more expensive and pontless. The RL idea of the self propelled artillery was that it was easier and cheaper to make then a turreted vehicle.


All wanted was an Assault gun for my Sisters of Battle.

So, GW didn't like people saving on points with the Thunderer and so made it more expensive and pontless. The RL idea of the self propelled artillery was that it was easier and cheaper to make then a turreted vehicle.


All wanted was an Assault gun for my Sisters of Battle.

Yeah that sucks, but if they stick to their proposed plan, they could adjust the point cost; as opposed to the old way of being stuck with an inferior model for an entire edition. Let's hope they do.


I'm just starting out (with IG) and trying to figure out what to buy. So far I like:


Earthshaker battery (trying to find 3rd party bit for platform), if not then Basilisk.

The Armageddon Medusa looks great to me.

And the Colossus Bombard seems like a beast!

The Vulture is just amazing. Those 43 shots are at BS4+. -1 if you move as normal BUT +1 if you're firing at targets without the FLY special rule.


Stick it in Hover mode and stay stationary and you're gunning down Orks on a 3+... It's just revolting against just about anything with a lowish toughness. As an added Bonus the model is one of the best ever made. I was going to treat myself to a Crassus but may just go for this instead. Or a Malacdor Infernus. How do you choose between them!?


okay so it really is +1 BS if your standing still, and a rule to Null / Void the -1 penalty to hit as long as your shooting at ground. that is really good in my oppinion, and I have been looking for a way to get some dakka in my army outside of robots!


Again, is the avenger any good? and how does the Macharius stand for a super heavy?


also how are people saying that ther Vulcan Macharius gets double shots? I can't see that rule for the stormlord anywhere...

Edited by Tiger9gamer

Artemia Hellhound was a lovely surprise, bought it recently because it looked cool, and hey, it's actually got rules now!


Shame on the vendetta though. That -1 to hit is a killer. Vulture on the other hand looks crazy.


At Captain Krash, thinking that they're essentially 2 leman Russ tanks, but for less. So decent value, but not awe inspiring?

Note I am not an expert on the whole keyword thing but since both are keyword Imperium shouldn't you be able to include the Vulture as a flyer slot in your normal battalion or brigade force org without burning a CP?



AdMech has a weird rule that if they include any models in their detachment that aren't Admech, they lose Canticles of the Omnissiah, which is a huge part f the army. So he totally can, he's just heavily penalized for doing so. So heavily penalized, that losing a command point is by far better.

Gryphonne Chimeras may be our best variant.


Storm Chimeras are tougher vs Infantry weapons but have the least dakka and are the most expensive. With no lasgun arrays and only 2 heavy shots on main gun that will need 5+s to hit while moving, the math results are unimpressive.


9 heavy bolter shots + array + stormbolter is not bad for 101 points. On the other hand, you're basically paying 13 points for an extra heavy bolter.

The Vulture is just amazing. Those 43 shots are at BS4+. -1 if you move as normal BUT +1 if you're firing at targets without the FLY special rule.


Stick it in Hover mode and stay stationary and you're gunning down Orks on a 3+... It's just revolting against just about anything with a lowish toughness. As an added Bonus the model is one of the best ever made. I was going to treat myself to a Crassus but may just go for this instead. Or a Malacdor Infernus. How do you choose between them!?

I just played a game against the vulture, and it was absolutely nasty. Ripped through sisters and rhinos like butter. Hovered and used an Officer of the fleet to reroll ones... Dealt 20 wounds to a single squad.

Gryphonne Chimeras may be our best variant.


Storm Chimeras are tougher vs Infantry weapons but have the least dakka and are the most expensive. With no lasgun arrays and only 2 heavy shots on main gun that will need 5+s to hit while moving, the math results are unimpressive.


9 heavy bolter shots + array + stormbolter is not bad for 101 points. On the other hand, you're basically paying 13 points for an extra heavy bolter.

Just makes the Taurox Prime more appealing. 98pts gets you 30 S4 shots. I've never been convinced about non-elite Armoured Fists, particularly now so few transports have fire ports

Taurox Prime is definitely a fun vehicle, but I don't need a transport that can only carry scions (who can deep strike) or commissars.


Non-elite armoured fist squads are a decent way to get a lot of inexpensive bodies to a particular location to hold it.  The additional slots in the Chimera allow you to add commissars and other buffing models into the mix.



Company Commander



Ministorum Priest

2x Infantry Squads (sgt, grenade launcher)

4x Bullgryns

3x Gryphone Chimeras


By turn two, this grouping can be 19"+D6" up the field and firing.  So with FRFSRF and Sgt throwing grenades, those two infantry squads put out 64+4D6 S3 shots.  Then the 9 heavy bolters and 3 stormbolters from the Chimeras.  Plus all the various pistols.  That's a serious wall to be overcome by your opponent.

Okay now i'm getting ticked off with FW... The two things I would really want from the index are no longer available (sabre platform and conqueror) and I have no clue how to convert a leman russ conqueror without it looking like crap. 


Anyone know of any 3rd party bits?

Lucky I have just started a conversion of a leman russ to a destroyer tank hunter using a volcano cannon, but i can take the barrel out and use it as a thunderer if i want. Just need to get new superglue since mine died.........


I am also thinking of converting 1 or 2 russes into conquerors, not really sure how since it also includes a combi storm bolter.

Okay now i'm getting ticked off with FW... The two things I would really want from the index are no longer available (sabre platform and conqueror) and I have no clue how to convert a leman russ conqueror without it looking like crap. 


Anyone know of any 3rd party bits?

Try these guys for custom turret components.



Victoria minis been suggesting their new matilda tank (leman russ equiv) is coming with the option of buying the weapons seperate apparently, looking at it they do seem to have a conq gun alternative (ie its a gun with what looks like a "counts as storm bolter" in the model).


Just gotta wait and see on that though.


A few images of their new tank thats coming soon apparently including the gun options.




Might be able to rig it so it works with a russ turret, or they might sell the turret seperate too.

Edited by Mitchverr

So in the digital index. The Leman Russ Conquerer's point cost seems... to be extremely low. Anyone else notice this? Like fully decked fr the same cost as a base LR.

Conqueror without gun is 110pts. With its gun it's 135pts, which Means it's only 3pts more then a Leman Russ without any armament.


It's always been the cheapest Russ in the game (renegades used to get it for 105pts back in 7th) and with it being a shorter range BC that's more accurate it's 10x better than the standard LRMBT

Conqueror point cost is completely bogus. It should at least lose grinding advance, if not the sponson option as well.

My I ask why you feel this way? IMO there's nothing wrong with the Conqueror and feel it shouldn't get any nerds. If anything I feel the regular BC armed Russ should receive a buff to make it a more viable alternative.

True but you also have to look at the fluff of the tank. It has a lighter battle cannon that was more accurate on the move due to its torsion bar suspension (hence the lumbering behemoth rule and shorter range)


Can we really call 48" short? I was shocked at the point cost, its effectively a better LRBT.

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