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Chaos Contemptor - Imperial Armour Chaos Index

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Anyone think that we will see an update to the Chaos Contemptor from FW? It's really cool that we gained the Kheres finally, but I don't understand the decision to remove the havoc launcher, twin las cannon, or even twin "mortis" pattern options. 


Just seems odd that so much of the book is geared towards getting our Horus Heresy gear into the 40K fight, but they have decided to negate many of the most common Contemptor builds (dual Kheres, las cannon, carapace mounted missiles, etc)

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I would venture a guess that it comes down to FW's rules team being both understaffed (they were operating on a skeleton crew before alan bligh passed away, and no one has been hired to replace him yet afaik) and artificially rushed (GW insisted they have rules for literally every 40k legal unit they make ready on day one - the later alien and guard books seems like it was a late game delay not the original plan - but it seems like they didn't get actual final versions of the 8e rule set until around the time we did).


If there are weapon options missing that used to be legal for us, unit entries missing key words they should have, weapons with misprinted stats, or any other sort of mistake, please don't get angry about it.  Again, keep in mind, this is a tight knit group of a few coworker buddies working mainly out of love of the game and the lore saddled with a near impossible task which they then had to complete while mourning the loss of one of the handful of people who were supposed to be working on it.  Just collect a dispassionate list of things that seem incorrect or missing and send it via email or something.  If you can spare their inboxes by working with others to create a single list of issues that you all sign off on, do that instead.

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Why overcomplicate it? 


I think GW's vision for chaos might simply be, "a blend of shooting and melee." It's how this edition seems to be shaping up anyhow. 


Dedicated melee hordes, orks and 'nids for example, are better at "pure melee," than we can be, and pure shooting armies are better at that than we can be. 


I see these sorts of things from FW as reinforcing that, embodying it, if you will. One arm for melee, one for shooting, done. 


That's not to say I discount the understaffed option. I can certainly identify with it, and know precisely what sorts of issues it can give rise to.  Totally endorse the gathering and sending issues thought process too. Even if I'm right in my impressions, it could lead to a loosening whenever codices or faqs and erratas arrive.

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There are several unambiguous mistakes in the fw indeces, especially the guard one, including missing or wrong keywords, units that can't ride their own transports, weapon options that aren't (renegade marauders with the heretek keyword gain krak grenades even tho they already have them), incorrectly named references, and incorrect stat lines (such as the wrong range for autopistols).


It is not unreasonable to think that some of the disappeared options, like dual dakka contemptors or hades rapiers, or more questionable points or stat assignments are also errors rather than delibetate design choices. Eg ws/bs 5+ renegade militia and weapon teams at the full price of their guard equvalents which should either be skill 4+ or much cheaper, renegade marauder brutes which seem to have been given the points costs of the compleyely unrelated and much stronger renegade ogryn brutes, etc.


Things that merely seem wrong should probably go in a separate list from things that most definitely are, but still.


My main point is, the fw indeces, especially when it comes to r&h, are a mess, but please don't send hate their way. Again, they were understaffed before mr. Bligh's recent and untimely passing.

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Dedicated melee hordes, orks and 'nids for example, are better at "pure melee," than we can be, and pure shooting armies are better at that than we can be.

Well, not sure, (numbers had to be done) but I bet that 100 Zerkers+Khârn (just below 2k points) can outfight any horde army :tongue.:

Edited by Brother Aiwass
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Dedicated melee hordes, orks and 'nids for example, are better at "pure melee," than we can be, and pure shooting armies are better at that than we can be.

Well, not sure, (numbers had to be done) but I bet that 100 Zerkers+Khârn (just below 2k points) can outfight any horde army :tongue.:

*Clacks chainsword and bolt pistol together* HOO, HOO, HOO!

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Dedicated melee hordes, orks and 'nids for example, are better at "pure melee," than we can be, and pure shooting armies are better at that than we can be.

Well, not sure, (numbers had to be done) but I bet that 100 Zerkers+Khârn (just below 2k points) can outfight any horde army :tongue.:

*Clacks chainsword and bolt pistol together* HOO, HOO, HOO!


Well there's always plenty of room for me to be wrong. ;)


It would be kind of fun to see that many World Eaters and that many Orks on the same table. Crowded, I would think.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, tandem ranged weapons was added in the FAQ and so was the Havoc Launcher. Still no lascannons or built in melta guns for the melee weapons. 


We had them before, and they are some of the most common marine weapons in 40K, so why the heck can't we have them? Has anyone received an answer from FW? I'm just getting crickets. 

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I'm so glad we got "Mortis" back. Shame we still can't take lascannons though. 

I think I'll try double Butcher Cannons on my Night Lords contemptor. 

Just need to figure out how to get or make 2 butcher cannons.... anyone got tips? Apart from buying the FW decimator ones obviously. 

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To make a Butcher Cannon, just take the two-part Reaper Autocannon from the Defiler, cut the bottom lug off of one half and the barrel from the other half. Then add the severed barrel in place of the lug on the first half. Next, cut the ammo chain off, put an ammo box from a vehicle or fortification sprue on the bottom where the ammo chain was hanging off, and then either reattach the lug to the bottom with its small bayonet or just glue on some kind of huge sword blade, maybe from a Daemon Prince.


This should give you the proper shape and it's the right size for a Contemptor's arm. Slice the "gun arm" at the elbow and replace the lower arm with your new Butcher. Once I finish the one I'm doing for my Night Lords, I'll see if I can put up a picture.

Edited by GreaterChickenofTzeentch
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I have been looking at the contemptor rules and trying to see what is best for my lists. 


I am thinking a ecto plasma cannon or Kheres Assult cannon with a chain fist and soulburner. 


Both easy to convert out of the plastic model and my bits box. As well as being a bit of an all rounder on the table top. 


What are proven load outs?

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