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Helbrecht in 8th - Crusade of Wrath


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Grimaldus is expensive though. 120 pts where a regular chaplain is ~85 pts (same statline), that's a hefty price for the special ability.


That's relatively cheap for a Chaplain with his stats and the capability to add +1 attack to every roll of 6 for UNITS around him...

It's the same stats as any other chaplain, actually. That's my point : an extra 40 points for a 1/6 chance to hit once more.

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33 points if you get his plasma pistol into account.


It's not a bad buff, but it's something that you either want and build a list with that in mind, or you're better off with a generic chaplain

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Curious to know if you guys have played a game with Grimaldus? I have played a fair few now and can tell you his buff is great. It's simply not true he's only worthwhile in black tide armies, I run him in a land raider with 2 crusader squads, Cenobytes, Emperors Champion and Apothecary - even with just 15 other models in melee the amount of extra attacks you can put out is fantastic. Don't forget you can get additional 6s on the Chaplain reroll to hit, and you then reroll the additional attacks. Can very easily turn 20 attacks into 30 all rerolling to hit.


Absolute steal for 33pts more than a regular chaplain IMO.

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So if you have 30 attacks(15 guys with chainswords) then you after re-rolls and Grim's buff, you are going to get an average of 32.88 hits. Compare that to 26.4 without the buff which is a 20% increase. I think it's a solid upgrade from a regular chaplain for 33 points.

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